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#NATO masses troops on Russian border to distract from DNC and kick off WW3

Published on Jan 10, 2017

German politicians up in arms over NATO’s buildup at … –…
17 hours ago – German politicians have raised concern about thousands of NATO troops and equipment, along with hundreds of tanks, that have been sent to Poland and countries bordering Russia in what has been touted by Washington as “defense against Russian aggression.”. … NATO’s buildup in …
U.S. Tanks Return To Germany To Help NATO Monitor Russian … – NPR…/u-s-tanks-return-to-germany-to-help-nato-monitor-russian-aggressio…
22 hours ago – The tanks are part of NATO’s efforts to support Poland and the Baltic States as they face a resurgent Russia — following Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and its …
Could NATO Try to Divide Russia Up? | Zero Hedge
17 hours ago – NATO seeks to break up Russia into small client states … Scores of people have staged a protest in a northern German port city against the deployment and …
Brexit: France eyes No 2 Nato position occupied by military chief … › News › World
5 hours ago – FRANCE is said to be eyeing the No.2 military position in Nato – traditionally occupied by a Briton – after allegedly considering it up for grabs due to Brexit.
Germany fumes at huge build-up of Nato tanks at Russian borders … › News › World
11 hours ago – NATO’s high profile presence of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of tanks has been described by the USA as “defence against Russian aggression”.
NATO releases YouTube video detailing how to halt advancing tanks…/5438883b215e151fe9d720ac863d8da7
10 hours ago – NATO has joined the YouTube ‘do-it-yourself’ brigade — detailing how to trap advancing tanks just days after a US armoured brigade arrived to reinforce …
NATO and the Defense Industry – Defense News
19 hours ago – Denis Mercier, NATO’s supreme allied commander transformation, discusses how the alliance plans to build relations with private industry as it pursues better …

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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