Bulger shocker: Mirror report may be a devious response to Denise Fergus in Michael Jackson debate. Was the article a dig at Denise?

But seriously though Michael Jackson allegedly wanted to visit Venables and Thompson in prison and hold them (and spoon them) and look them in the eye and say I love you as reported in a Mirror article about Denise Fergus defending Michael Jackson’s name against accusations of child abuse.

I can not believe my eye balls still. What planet are we living on? We are told he argued with his wife Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis about the killers jail sentence and then sent Denise a basket of flowers along with a rare poem about James called Child Of Innocence? I’m going to be sick all over myself.

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

Is this article a coded attack on Denise Fergus? I think so, let me explain why.

Just read how the report is structured and all becomes clear. The first third focuses on Denise Fergus defending Michael Jackson after taking to Twitter to express her views the on the Leaving Neverland documentary that made more child abuse claims against Jackson. The article picked up on how Denise branded the claims of potential child sex victims “crap” and stated how the mother of James Bulger thought they were liars.

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

The article then switches to the story of how one of the biggest superstars in the history of the music industry sent Denise a poem that as far as rare unpublished MJ creativity goes must be worth a fortune. This also subliminally highlights how Denise Fergus and Ralph Bulger have accepted gifts from Michael that one of which may be of significant value.

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

Denise is then quoted talking about the poem she received from the under fire Michael Jackson.

she told Liverpool Echo in 2009 after Jackson’s death: “There was a brown envelope and inside was a letter on A4 paper from Michael. He wrote a poem for James and he named it Child Of Innocence. It touched my heart.”

The article then ends in the final third with what seems to be an irony alert to Denise as it then states how Michael told Rabbi Shmuley Boteach that he wanted to visit the prison of the city (Liverpool) if not country’s most despised child killers to look them in the eye before giving them a hug and declaring his love for the pair.

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

It is almost as if to say well Denise would you be saying this in defence of Michael if he visited Venables (the soon to be known paedophile) to give him a hug and tell him he loves him with all the press attention that stunt would have generated?

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

This is all cleverly done and the points raised here are exactly what the reporter, Emmeline Saunders is doing. (click image)

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

We must now ask why are mainstream media outlets playing games with Denise Fergus? First we had the channel 5 documentary which normalised the killers and generated public outcry just days before Denise appeared on ITV with Trevor MacDonald. These two shows were both timed to be aired in the same week.

That week brought the first wave of attention to the short movie detainment which also normalised the emotions of Venables and Thompson creating calls for the production to be pulled. Denise then appeared to not have an easy time when she was interviewed by hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on This Morning as she told how she feels film makers should obtain permission from living family members of people who have been killed in hurtful way.

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We now have one of the biggest news organisations in Britain telling us how Jackson also had sympathetic views towards the two boys dubbed Little Monsters by Denise in a phrase that was also turned into the title of an award winning American movie based on the story of James that reflected how the killers lived their lives after leaving prison.

Bulger, Michael Jackson, Denise Fergus, Leaving Neverland, documentary

The promotional images surrounding the movie are totally shocking and uncalled for. Was permission given for this movie and front cover to be published as well as awarded around seven years ago? No. This horrible movie remains in the public domain and has done since 2012. What on earth is going on?


By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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