James Patrick Bulger Police Enquiries After Man Claims To Be James Bulger On Twitter

James Patrick Bulger Twitter and YouTube accounts found as Denise Fergus is confronted by man claiming to be James who then requested Jeremy Kyle involvement over his story.

James Bulger accounts continue making wild claims that James is not dead, Denise is not his mother and she is called Lisa.

Stalker states video of James is him at Sarah’s.

James Patrick Bulger

Police are believed to be monitoring the social media accounts of a man who is claiming to be murdered two-year-old James Bulger.

A Twitter account in the name of James Patrick Bulger contacted Denise Fergus in March claiming he is ready to meet Ralph Bulger and Denise on morning television shows in the United Kingdom to talk about what happened to James Bulger who he speaks of in first-person.

Denise Fergus responded to the creepy Tweet by telling the account owner to “go away you deluded fool”.

Members of the public reacted in anger as they responded to the Tweet by saying they would be willing to meet the person behind the profile.

The James Patrick Bulger Twitter account was reported by people in support of Denise Fergus but the account remains active.

Tweets that were reported include one sent to Good Morning Britain saying “I’m alive can we meet”, another sent to Jeremy Kyle reads: “Is it ok to meet Ralph on a morning show to talk about what happened to me”.

The account also asks someone called Valerie to send a baby photograph to brother.

James Patrick Bulger Twitter profile is reported by members of the public who are concerned by the claims made by the owner of the account,.

Merseyside Police were alerted to the Tweet and they swiftly addressed peoples concerns by saying they are aware of the incident and enquiries were being made.

The husband of Denise Fergus, Stuart, could also be seen asking Merseyside Police to follow him and keep the family updated.

James Patrick Bulger Twitter

Since Tweeting Denise Fergus in March, the person behind the profile has since made a series of Tweets as late as May and June where he is believed to be talking to Ralph Bulger who he calls dad and says he is waiting to talk to him.

The profile which has its location set to Edinburgh says “I’m here I’m alive”.

James Patrick Bulger profile Tweets about Ralph Bulger

The person behind the account also appears to run a channel on YouTube that is also used to reference murdered toddler James Bulger.

The YouTube channel has the same name and profile as the Twitter account, both called James Patrick Bulger and it has no subscribers.

James Patrick Bulger YouTube account

Videos on the channel include a theme of paedophillia with all three on the channel showing the owner of the account to have views about James Bulger, child killers and paedophiles.

The video below is called James Patrick Bulger Hated it and it is about a case of a 12 year-old boy who is alleged to have killed his younger sister.

The further two videos also carry a disturbing theme that highlights the dangers around children.

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The James Patrick Bulger account on YouTube is not the only one that has been targeting Denise Fergus in the past twelve months with another one also making startling claims regarding the James Bulger story.

A video which contains an interview with Denise was targeted by a man who also claims to be James called Steven Allen who states Denise Fergus is not his Mother and her name is Lisa.

You will notice this is from two accounts, one is steven allan the other is SteVen Allan

The video with the comments can be seen below.

22 Years later… Interview with Mother of James Bulger, Denise Fergus | Bay TV Liverpool

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Steven Allan can be seen calling Denise, Lisa in the comments is a Daily mail video from March 2018 titled: James Bulger family reject apology from son’s killer Jon Venables – Daily Mail

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The person behind the Allan accounts then tells Denise that he finds the video to be a bit much and that he is James and he is not dead.

Steven Allen’s YouTube channel About Page contains a reference to when Denise says that a ghost of James tugged on her nightgown when she was alone upstairs.

You can see Denise Fergus say this in the 22 years later video.

The channel called steven allan does not have any content uploaded to it but the one named SteVen Allan does and it did contain some of the comments that will be a concern to Denise and Stuart Fergus.

It is not known if all these accounts are ran by the same person.

The channel has four videos and one of them alleges to be Steven known as James at Sarah’s house in footage that is owned and was released by AP news.

He has changed the title from, UK: HOME VIDEO OF JAMES BULGER RELEASED, to Me at Sarah’s house.

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The next video on the channel is a 5 second clip strangely called: Robert Thompson Robert Ford I Mean Set Me Up And John Stephens And Lesley Venables Isn’t Denise And Nor Is Lisa

The video has no comments.

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The next video titled Video Playback 2 shows the person behind the account naming more names and saying he was set up. It is not known who he is talking about here as the video is about Robert Thompson.

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This next screenshot is from the video description and one comment left on it by Steven Allan.

He again seems to say he is not related to Denise.

All videos from the Steven Allan channel can be seen in this playlist.

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The incidents are similar to a story Enchanted Lifepath covered in 2018 when a Wirral based actor set up facebook accounts claiming to be missing toddler Katrice Lee and began to troll her father and sister online.

Heidi Robinson, then 39, was caught in the eye of a storm involving missing person Katrice Lee who was taken from a supermarket at a German army barracks in 1981, aged two.

The Lee family were left shaken and upset after a Facebook account in the name of Katrice which also used photographs sent a friend request to Natasha Lee, the sister of Katrice.

Natasha took a screenshot before showing members of the group Search For Katrice Lee who responded in disbelief.

Royal Military Police asked Heidi Robinson, 39, for DNA sample after a Facebook account in her name was changed to the identity of the toddler who has not been seen for 37 years.

The father of Katrice Lee was left angry and frustrated by Heidi Robinson’s refusal to engage in dialogue with authorities, give a DNA sample, attempt to clear her name, or apologise to the family if it was her who impersonated his missing daughter.

Enchanted LifePath Alternative News & Media spoke with Richard Lee, the father of Katrice during reports on the wanna be miss universe contestant.

Heidi Robinson was eventually arrested and has appeared in court in 2019 with the trial ongoing due to adjournments at Liverpool Crown Court.

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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