Madeleine McCann: What If Kate And Gerry McCann Are Secret Heroes? Why Kate and Gerry may not be so bad afterall. Did Team McCann fool everyone?
Video: Madeleine McCann’s Gone Baby Gone Shocker: Been Around The World – A List Of Madeleine’s
This video points out a variation of what press calls Madeleine McCann’s from different countries around the world. We start off with a movie directed by Ben Affleck called Gone Baby Gone which foreshadows the Madeleine McCann story in true Hollyweird fashion.

Madeline O’Brien is the actress who plays a missing toddler in the film. The media seems to call any missing child Madeleine in a way that resembles product placement.
You will be amazed by some of the similarities between Madeleine McCann and missing kids from Ireland, America, Portugal, Israel, Malaysia and others. Another question is was Maddie Maddie a decoy child used to snare paedophiles? Were Kate and Gerry working for MI5 at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance?.
I do wonder sometimes if Kate and Gerry were MI5 operatives they could easily have planted the blood, DNA, and dead body odours themselves to then go trigger a worldwide search for other kids with Madeleine safely out the backdoor?
What if Gerry looks up the wall on the famous bus tour because he is on a job, not a happy holiday. What if has just had to smuggle something that has been given to him by MI5 to plant in apartment 5a in Praia De Luz Ocean Club to cover the dogs story. This may have even came from a morgue given the medical connections. Remember, I am just talking about the alleged odour here. I do state in my videos and articles that I do not trust the information in the PJ Files and that includes the dogs reports in any capacity.
When we consider the advances in technologies over the past 25 years I want to take note of now common use application features in standard smartphone devices such as My Voice Is My Password that is now used for banking apps etc.
This is technology that would have been used by intel agencies for at least two or three decades and we know insurance companies also use this technology and can tell if a person is lying whilst making an insurance claim. We also see facial recognition is readily available in the same devices. People have recently been using an app that makes them look much older.
Who is to say that the face of Madeleine has not been designed by such technology. However advanced people may think we, average Joe Bloggs are, then you can guarantee that the governments have things we can only dream of at the minute. This is why the investigation to find Madeleine is shrouded in stupidity in my opinion. It is presented like a television soap investigation featuring the emotions of an interactive live audience (the public).
I have said before that the McCann’s may be doing a good thing. I do not know about how they potentially became involved in MI5 operations or if it had anything to do with them being easily used by intel agencies as they may have committed a crime in the past that would cause public outcry. That is up for debate. But everywhere they go there is paedophiles, arrests or child abuse so it seems. Take a look at this video below. Keep an open mind as the McCanns may be playing a key role in the background. They may have connections to dozens of paedophiles for a reason. The information in the video below about Gerry McCann’s early days can not be ignored I must add. The points are huge.
I am looking at what Kate and Gerry have done since the Madeleine story as well as the government and anyone on my website knows I am far from team McCann or team government. If Gerry is connected to MI5 due to his time at Celtic boys football club which coincided with claims of abuse from victims such as well known TalkSport presenter, Allan Brazil. This may explain why we have seen the McCann’s pictured at Goodison Park, home of Everton Football club as mentioned in the article above. Have Kate and Gerry been going around putting red hats on people for years? Political and financial blackmail based on child abuse is a hot topic in the press at the moment with what is going on with the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein.

We have had the football paedophile rings being outed since Madeleine went missing also. Is Bill Kenwright assisting the McCann’s for some reason other than product placement?
This has got no stone left unturned written all over it! This could run into football match fixing etc with that hand blackmail held over high-profile figures who will include key figures at Europe’s top football clubs.
Remember the quotes from the England international players who said they were raped by coaches. They also made it clear that the sexual abuse at professional football clubs is known throughout every level. The players waving their lifelong anonymity led to the imprisonment of former football coach Barry Bennell who was branded “sheer evil” and the “devil incarnate” after being sentenced to 30 years in February, 2018.
After 12 years of everyone thinking the world’s finest (alleged) intelligence agencies have got nowhere this is just a spare thought. £12 million or 12p, none of the official story makes a bit of sense and it is time people all over stopped taking everything at face value and look deeper into the Madeleine McCann case from day one, and before then for that matter!
The whole point of my Madeleine McCann research has been based on what Netflix won’t tell you but there was one thing the program did tell us, although it was severely hard to watch, insulting to intelligence and a mumbled up version of what YouTubers have been reporting for years, they left one little nugget in at the end.
They told us they had found 900 missing children since Madeleine went missing. I have said for months that it seems strange given all the resources that we had no news of paedophile arrests or children saved on the back of the McCann’s search for Madeleine. We must now decide if this is true or not but really it is not for us to decide. The reason no children or paedophiles will have been named is simple.
It boils down to that one law that protects victims of rape and child abuse both male and female. Lifelong anonymity. Think about it. If a paedophile has harmed his own child then that adult will not be named as it can then lead to the identification of the child who may then be targeted by a ring to tidy up any loose ends. Anonymity is also in place to help victims cope with their trauma without public knowledge of what happened to them. This is why we do not hear about hundreds of kids saved each day. This is why the McCann’s may have been quietly draining the swamp all along.
I have reached a point with the case that I have said many times I do not trust the PJ files. I think the whole story has been scripted to be so legally watertight that it must have taken a team of solicitors and government level interaction to have got it all so perfect. Even how they left enough holes to drag it all out. The McCann’s are doctors and should know better than leaving their kids alone. If anyone from a lesser social standing done the same they would be thrown to the dogs. The McCann’s left the hire car boot open so they are guilty? What if they left it open on purpose to fuel the fire? What if Gerry laughs at the dogs yelping at the smell of death because he knows something half the reporters who he speaks to do not?
I remember I was in a room in with 30 other people, we was having a talk from the chief editor at the Liverpool Echo. He asked us what national reading age do we think the local and national news outlets write to. After a flurry of wrong attempts the speaker informed us the correct answer was twelve years old. Do you see what we are faced with?
They know people only have the intellect of a teenager because that is the age group that mainstream media, performing arts and entertainment all cater for with most of the public falling into that mentality without even knowing the design behind it. They have you right where they want you when it comes to shaping public perception. Through social engineering they have created new laws for as long as people have been governed.
Emotional control is a key tool of the establishments that can carry out such an elaborate shadow story. For once I think I may have spotted one that is actually in place for a good reason. Although I am still watching how it all unfolds in future with an open mind, as of now my mind is made up and the McCann story is fabricated for the purposes of leaving no stone left unturned. Madeleine could be a person suffering pain unbeknown to who she is. Her parents agony may be genuine, if this is an MI5 plant family then who knows what they feel?
Madeleine McCann may be real she may not, that is another talking point but one thing is certain that Netflix did not tell you 99% of this information, or cast any of this opinion into the open for people to think about. But here is even more, and is this a load more red hats on heads from the McCanns? I do reference the wire when I say this. That reminds me, (as if I forgot) the McCann’s did visit Co. Donegal, Northern Ireland just weeks before operation Madeleine began. Ireland’s longest missing child, Mary Boyle vanished in Donegal in 1977. The area has many political connections. This video will get you thinking about how deals in parliament are argued over and what else is behind ordeals such as Brexit? Missing kids are big blackmail tools at this level, information about the whereabouts of a missing kid may be used against another government or country or head of state.

The image above shows an e-fit released by Scotland Yard of people they suspected may have played a part in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
The image on the far left of 6 faces next to Madeleine has always caused quite a stir with people suggesting the two men on the top right resemble brothers John and Tony Podesta.
Tony Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager during her election battle with Donald Trump. Tony was in my Gone Baby Gone video wearing the red shoes with his associates.

The John Podesta connection to the e-fit is well documented but another face on the police release has now become a point of interest to Enchanted LifePath.
Jeffrey Epstein’s reported girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell has been subject to public allegations of being a sex-trafficker of underage girls.
Maxwell was under suspicion in British media going back to at least 2015 when Daily Mail published an article which rings very true to recent allegations facing both Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Ghislaine Maxwell then began to catch the eye because of her uncanny resemblance to a woman who was pictured on the Madeleine McCann e-fit that features the John and Tony Podesta look-alikes.
The image below shows this more clearly.
This is worrying as we do see Ghislaine Maxwell is closely connected to Jeffrey Epstein and is said to be in a relationship with him although he is already a convicted child predator.

The set of images released by police that outline descriptions of people they would like to talk to in connection with Madeleine’s disappearance is quite startling when analysed properly.
We have a person who looks like an egg, two people who look like the Podesta brothers, one person who looks like Kate McCann with a moustache. Another looks like German suspect Martin Ney and another looks like Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend. Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin’s disgraced ex husband Anthony Weiner also features as a spotty faced cartoon version of himself. You simply can not make this up.
The line up is almost complete and it points directly to positions of power that are used to manipulate and blackmail a highly corrupt political spectrum. Maxwell is thought to be a major player in the child sex-trafficking scandal that has been reported by independent researchers such as myself for years now and it has all been played down by mainstream reporters who act like they are paid to not publish information like this. How they constantly miss things like this is either inept or ignoring a global issue head on. It is no coincidence that global news bosses are amongst the people who concern many of us.

In 2016, documents revealed possible national security breaches from the presidential candidate whilst emails between Clinton and Abedin were probed during an FBI investigation into Abedin’s ex husband, New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, 46, after his sexting scandal amidst allegations of him sending explicit pictures to a 15 year old girl.
Mr Weiner married Huma Abedin, in July 2010, with Bill Clinton officiating the wedding.
This poses the question are these images being intentionally leaked as the resemblances are now more apparent given the likeness between Ghislaine Maxwell and the Madeleine McCann suspect can not be ignored given recent events surrounding Epstein. I never made all these pictures up myself you can go find them all easily. They are from Scotland yard and other enforcement agencies. All of the information on this page is available in the public domain. I do point out the differences between opinion and public knowledge. But with issues discussed in this article I point out the differences between public knowledge and fact.
Look at these images and tell me this is not a game show.