Prince Andrew BBC Interview has Royal Monarchy on its last legs but is it all by design?
The Royal family are the most loved family in Britain, no matter how much evidence piles up to show just how vicious and evil they really are, the people still line the streets waving flags as soon as any of them are in town.
The Queen of England her husband Prince Phillip Mountbatten and how their friendship with Jimmy Savile needs comparing to Andrew’s relations with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his madame Ghislaine Maxwell.
Let us take a very good analytical look at Prince Andrew’s recent interview with BBC Newsnight reporter Emily Maitlis where we will dissect his strange answers and highlight how many times he seems to his behind Ghislaine Maxwell to make matters much worse.

It can not go unmentioned how Ghislaine’s face is incredibly similar to one of the suspects released by Scotland Yard on an E-Fit of people they would like to speak to regarding the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann.

The image above shows an e-fit released by Scotland Yard of people they suspected may have played a part in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
The John Podesta connection to the e-fit is well documented but another face on the police release been a huge point of interest in various Enchanted LifePath reports via videos and live streams via YouTube as well as articles here on this website.
Jeffrey Epstein’s reported ex-girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, has been subject to public allegations of being a sex trafficker of underage girls.
Ghislaine Maxwell began to catch the eye because of her uncanny resemblance to a woman who was pictured on the Madeleine McCann e-fit that features the John and Tony Podesta look-alikes.
This is worrying as we do see Ghislaine Maxwell is closely connected to Jeffrey Epstein and was said to be his pimp.
Maxwell stands just accused as Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew can not stop saying how he is friends with Ghislaine more so than Jeffrey.
We have Prince Andrew stating he is friends with Ghislaine maxwell who it appears is an identical match for a woman the set of e-fits released by Scotland Yard
The image below shows this more clearly.

Here we can see news reports from the Mail stating police were closing in on a female suspect who is “key to solving the entire case”.
The article is dated April 30, 2017, April 30th is a key date in the Madeleine McCann story with disgraced PR company Bell Pottinger arriving in Praia De Luz on that date and the CEOP reporting she had been missing since April 30, 2007.

This article was on the tenth anniversary of the true date she is alleged to have been taken that was covered up, or even put in place by authorities.
See more about Madeleine here:
I find it funny how Ghislaine is pictured at sea in 2007 in a photograph that was found on her TerraMar Project website (before it went bye-bye) and is her profile picture on Wikipedia.
2007 was the year Madeleine McCann went missing as if anyone forgot.
Ghislaine Maxwell is an identical match to the image of a suspect released by Scotland Yard in an E-Fit (Reference 4a).
Here is information showing how the Queen of England owned a yacht that was near Praia De Luz at the time Madeleine McCann went missing, it is not known if Ghislaine has been questioned about her whereabouts at the time or if she was on one of her sea fairing adventures, she can navigate boats as well as pilot submarines and planes after all.
I will call Operation Grange live on YouTube to ask why they have not given an update on this e-fit and if they have considered questioning Ghislaine Maxwell regarding the alleged disappearance of Madeleine McCann or does she have a free pass to do what she wants, where she wants, when she wants?

The more I look at the case of Madeleine things continue to alarm me.
I began researching the story in the latter half of 2018 and it did not take me long to begin reporting on things that had been largely unmentioned.
I noticed this as I went through hundreds of hours of information regarding the subject.

I had been looking back over the PJ Files and discovered how a yacht named, Discoverer of Hornet, arrived in Vilamoura prior to the McCann’s landing in Portugal and remained in the dock until May 4, 2007.
The yacht was owned by the Queen of England.
It was docked just an hour away from Ocean Club, resort, Praia De Luz, Portugal, when Madeleine allegedly went missing.

The PJ Files contains records of the yacht being in the area at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance yet media outlets have not mentioned it.
Below is a document that shows the owner details to belong to Her Majesty, Queen of England and the owner’s address as Buckingham Palace, London.
The information is further backed up by a mention of the boat at the top of the page containing the logs on the PJ Files where it is described as of interest to Royalists.
Again, for the yacht to remain largely unreported is a mystery.
The yacht left the Algarve on May, 4, 2007.
Discoverer has since been purchased by the Ministry of Defence and has taken part in Royal Navy training exhibitions.
The Artmetis arrived in Vilamoura on April 14, 2007.
Another ship of interest was Gladeye is mentioned with Discoverer in the report which states both will be of interest to Royalists.
Gladeye is shown to have four men on board aged, 22, 25, 35, and 41.
It is now known why this ship is of interest to Royalists but it was owned by
A Lt.Col. in Household cavalry.
Gladeye left Lagos on May, 4, 2007
Another boat of interest in the PJ Files was called Artemis and had a member of the crew by the name of McCann.
This was documented in the logs and highlighted as another strange occurrence of the name popping up in the case.
The report jokes the name is as common as the surname Smith in the investigation.
The documentation from this vessel shows Mr. Christopher McCann was on board the Artemis.
The boat left Vilamoura on May 3, 2007.

Andrew’s persistence that he met Jeffrey Epstein through Ghislaine Maxwell (who he remains friends with at least twenty years later) does not hide the fact that she is accused of trafficking victims for Epstein.

This means Andrew has admitted to maintaining a friendship with Maxwell, even hosting a shooting weekend at Sandringham to celebrate her birthday.
He told viewers how he had not held a birthday party for Ghislaine but instead, they had a shooting weekend that he further emphasised was just a “normal shooting weekend”, if that exists with these maniacs.

Prince Andrew Invited Ghislaine Maxwell Queen’s Sandringham Estate For Joint Christmas & Birthday Shooting Weekend?
The Queen of England is widely known to spend her festive season at Sandringham as it is said to be her favourite place to be with her family.
Days before the Queen of England delivered her speech, she had pair of child-sex-slave procurers at her Sandringham residence with her family.
The Queen has delivered her Queen’s speech from Sandringham since before I was born.
Here is the first televised broadcast in 1957, this was 25 years after her grandfather made the first radio Royal speech at Christmas.
Did Andrew really invite Ghislaine to his mother’s most precious Christmas abode for a shooting weekend and can any logs confirm his claims that the Queen’s son allowed a known paedophile and his madame who procured children for an international sex-slave ring to enter the grounds of Sandringham at such a high-profile time of year for the Royal family?
The answer is yes, he did invite them.
Christmas at Sandringham is hardly a normal time of year is it?
Andrew slipped up again here as it amplifies Ghislaine’s importance to the Royal family.
Here is Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell on a so-called, pheasant shoot, at the Queen’s Sandringham home in December 2000.

Here is a news article from January 2019 showing the Queen of England with guests at Sandringham having one of her “normal shooting weekends”.

Here is footage from 1994 of the Royal family at Sandringham, you can see Princess Diana in this rare clip.
Sandringham has a dark past during the holiday season after the body of a teenage girl was found on the Royal estate on New Year’s Day, 2012.

The unsolved death of a 17-year-old Latvian girl, Alisa Dmitrijeva, whose body was found on Sandringham Estate on New Years Day in 2012 still looks highly suspicious for the Royal family and a cover-up can’t be ruled out.

Many people have been calling for Ghislaine’s arrest since news of Epstein being in custody broke earlier in the year, including female producer and actress Ellen Barkin.
Ghislaine Maxwell came under fire from Ellen Barkin after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest as Barkin stated: “Maxwell can not just walk free”.
Barkin claims Maxwell admitted to her she is a sex-trafficker who uses her piloting abilities to take victims to and from Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St James Island.

Ellen Barkin used her disgust in Maxwell to raise awareness of the fact that she herself is a victim of abuse by telling her fans on Twitter.

I have just hit home on the Ghislaine Maxwell connections so when you analyse the Prince Andrew interview, each time he mentions Ghislaine being the key figure in his relationship with Epstein, you will remember just what she is accused of and the strange circumstances around the Madeleine McCann connections that have never been connected, explained or played down by law enforcement authorities.
Jeffrey Epstein had multiple fake passports in a safe if we are to believe the FBI so is his name even Jeffrey Epstein seeing as he can’t even spell his own name himself on the chalkboard behind him?
Epstine or Epstein?

Not to mention the MK Ultra butterfly symbol and the 88×80=6400 8×8=64 88 HH Saturn worship and the 64 squares on a Freemasonic layout.
On top of this, we have the Royal family using a fake news conquest starring the fake body of Jeffrey Epstein that was not Jeffrey Epstein it was more like a waxwork dummy of someone else who looks exactly the same as Hillary Clinton’s allegedly dead brother Tony Rodham.

That is what got wheeled out of the Manhattan correctional centre where Epstein is alleged to have killed himself.
Here is a medical expert witness testimony that the care being given to the alleged Jeffrey Epstein body was laughable on many fronts as issues are highlighted such as the fact Epstein did not have the correct Endotracheal Intubation with a vital part of the breathing apparatus not even inserted in his throat.
It is said that it would be embarrassing for any paramedic to walk into and A & E department whilst making a clear occupational error.
The conclusion from the observation is that the people in the picture can only be fake paramedics with no medical experience and they must have used the scenario to switch the real Jeffrey Epstein out of the prison.
Now we have Andrew coming out and being interviewed by the BBC based on Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged death piling pressure on the Pinnochio Prince.
The same BBC, who I may add, that one of the Queens only roles in life is to appoint the head of the BBC who between them shared significant friendships and working relations with Jimmy Savile who they also protected.

Jimmy Savile was a child sex slave provider to the Royal’s and members of the Elite for decades and BBC hid it all from the public.
Watch Video: Jimmy Savile Took Young Girl To Prince Philip In Buckingham Palace
This brings the BBC into further disrepute in 2019 as it is that establishment that has taken a member of the Royal family who has diplomatic immunity and can’t be tried in a court of law unless waved.
The interview waved that diplomatic immunity in effect, opening doors for FBI investigators to now expect Andrew to co-operate with them fully and provide any information he may have on, not only Epstein but any person known to be causing harm to any child either sexual or violent.
You can see here that diplomatic immunity seems to be gone, confirming what I had stated straight away.
But all with a catch.
How can Prince Andrew be tried in the UK for the sex he is alleged to have had with Ms. Roberts at Ghislaine Maxwell’s London home when he has been put on public trial by the all protecting BBC?
This means any potential jury has now been contaminated with perception formed by news polls and reports as the mainstream media outlets push their part in the greatest scam the planet has ever seen.

The Script?
I have been watching the reporters actions as she interviewed Andrew paying attention to when she is taking notes etc I was looking at all the shots of her when you see her pad to see if she has a script that she is using to lead Andrew into questions that he will have revised answers for.
In this shot you can see two shades of writing, one seems red and the other dark.
Is this Andrew’s script on the reporter’s lap?

There is photographic evidence that Prince Andrew has met Virginia Roberts and the picture of him with her was taken when she was aged just 15.
He denies having any knowledge of the photograph being snapped by Jeffrey Epstein and he passes the book over onto “his staff” who he says have found “no evidence” that he is in the photograph and suggests it is faked.

Virginia Roberts alleges she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew on three occasions when she was 17-years-old, he denied these claims in his BBC interview and said he does not remember ever meeting her.
Security logs have been discovered that show Prince Andrew had hours of black holes in his whereabouts during the times Virginia states she was being forced to have sex with the Prince.
The Telegraph reports:
He also alleges Virginia Robert’s claims that he was sweating a lot are false and prove he has not met her because he has a condition that stops him sweating because he was shot at whilst on military service with the navy.
This was emphatically played down on British morning television by the nation’s favourite, Dr. Hillary Jones who was part of a panel on Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan rightly slamming the prince at every opportunity.
Andrew tells us he met Epstein through Maxwell in 1999 but people close to the stricken Prince are stating they actually met in the early 1990s.
Addressing reports at the time about the prince’s relationship with Epstein, Watson said the two men were introduced in the early 1990s and that “insinuations and innuendos” about Andrew were without foundation.
The Guardian reports:

There is also the conversation between Epstein and Andrew that was photographed in Central Park, New York and how that also leaves the exiled Prince looking like a liar.
He told BBC Newsnight and millions of people around the world how he had traveled to New York to talk to Epstein as it was the best thing to do, with grace, rather than drop a friend who he also strangely says was not a real friend.
Prince Andrew stayed at Epstein’s New York home for four days during which he was photographed opening the door to see a young female out like he was being treated as Epstein’s personal butler.
Andrew can be seen checking nobody is looking as he waves goodbye to the girl in 2010.
This, as mentioned before was the same time that Andrew was pictured with Jeffrey Epstein talking in New York’s Central Park.
In Andrew’s interview when he bangs on about being honourable which is why he traveled 3500 miles to New York to break up his friendship with Epstein and stay in his house for 4 days.
This is either one of the most secretly gay things anyone has ever said, or it is someone overexplaining themselves out of a bad situation.
After his 96-hour visit to tell Epstein that he can’t be his bum-chum anymore, in a covert conversation, in a park without phones, or emails, like on the Soprano’s, so nobody can trace the conversation, Andrew was being honourable to the convicted padophile?

Andrew said what he needed to tell Epstein could not be said in a call, so he had to end the friendship in person.
The big thing here is that if they did speak on the phone who knows which nations intelligence agencies could be listening in to what is being said.
This is why Andrew travelled so far to pretend he was no longer Jeffrey’s friend.
This raises another question, what triggered this, or who?
Andrew’s version f how the visit came about can’t be believed but it is out there as a possibility but something else may have happened also.
Was Prince Andrew summoned to New York by Jeffrey Epstein to talk to him on his terms and not the other way round?
If we are to believe that Epstein was the world’s biggest blackmail agent of rich and powerful elitists then it would make sense that Andrew was being told what to do rather than acting off his own accord.
If Epstein instigated the meeting, meaning Andrew would again be lying about how the meeting came about, it would also suggest that Epstein was setting the Prince up as early as 2010 when the park stroll was photographed.
If Epstein or another interested party knew that Jeffrey and Andrew were going to be going for a walk in the park to remain away from any listening devices that may be installed at Epstein’s home, they could have been ready to take the photograph that has put the fallen Prince in the spotlight.
Reporters may have already been aware of the meeting between the dodgy pair through covert means as we ave seen used since the revelations of the phone-hacking scandal that was brought to light after Royal staff phones were tapped into sparking a huge investigation and the closure of the News Of The World.
The story goes back to 2006-07 when Clive Goodman, the then News of the World royal editor, and Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator were convicted of intercepting voicemail messages left for royal aides and subsequently jailed.
This raises the next question.
Was honourable a keyword in the script of all this fall out from the fake Epstein suicide that was not Epstein in a million years?
This would mean when Andrew possibly fake suicides himself and goes into witness protection, will it have been because he was too honourable to give evidence against his family, most notably his older brother and next in line to the throne, the one, and only Prince Charles?
Will it be an honourable suicide that sweeps the whole thing under carpet leaving Andrew looking like he was then only Royal in the wrong or was his untraceable conversation with Epstein in New York Central Park that day so covert because he was sent out to cover up for someone with more royal importance such as Charles?
Andrew will always take publicity blows for Charles because Charles can be King, Andrew can’t, and guess what?
All this is because they tell us Epstein is dead based on a body that 100% was not Jeffrey Epstein.
Jeffrey Epstein seems to have faked his own death and gone into witness protection.
Faking his own death has meant eyes soon turned to Prince Andrew as he was left with him and Ghislaine Maxwell as the main sources of interest for what has happened between this group of friends.
The world has argued over Jeffrey Epstein’s death being suicide or murder when as much evidence points to him still being alive after the game show we have seen around his alleged death.
Being dead to the world gives Epstein and all the information he held in his honey pot from hell great firepower.
This is why it is being used to take out the biggest family in the world who are playing ball with each demand that is being made, either covertly or clear as day as it is to me.
The Queen and her family are playing ball so much that I do begin to wonder if they are totally in on this plot and it is a way to dismantle the monarchy and move forward with the way the world is changing fast each day.
Our own country is proof with Brexit chaos on the horizon, France has been involved in protests as well as Hong Kong.
We see a change in the paradigm of how the world is thinking, acting, and reacting to situations, most of which are designed by governments to control the emotions of society.
This gives them the power to shape public perception to then embed new laws as the people consent in the masses after being brainwashed by an agenda.
I can see an agenda all over the Prince Andrew saga and I hope you can too.
Meanwhile, in his interview, Andrew continued to make out that being friends with Ghislaine Maxwell is okay in all of this.
close to the end of his BBC Newsnight interview, Prince Andrew mentioned his affiliations to various organisations and charities.
One of the charities was Outward Bound Trust where Prince Andrew was Patron after being handed the role by his father, Prince Philip, as he stepped down from the position in March 2019.
Andrew has now resigned from his Patronage of Outward Bound Trust, a charity that works with vulnerable children with learning difficulties.

The organisation takes children on educational trips in the wild.
All bridges are being burnt fast with the close connections to Epstein proving a huge problem for any institutions that are linked to the Prince.
Prince Andrew did not expect so many people to be so sharp-eyed after his disastrous interview and his links to Outward Bound Trust take a twist for the worst as far as he is concerned and this next one brings current prime minister, Boris Johnson into the saga.

Dame Alun Roberts has made some startling reports on Twitter regarding Prince Andrew and his connections to various schemes ran by paedophiles or people connected to them.
This is where Boris Johnson’s ex-girlfriend Jennifer Arcuri, 34 comes in to things.
On the 3rd of October, a media bidding war was underway for the exclusive rights to a tell-all interview with the US businesswoman at the center of a conflict of interest row involving Boris Johnson.
Two days earlier, a laptop belonging to Arcuri had been reported stolen with the information that she had an affair with the PM.
The laptop, stolen in Britain is said to contain pictures and emails from when she was close to the then-mayor of London.
Jennifer Arcuri, 34, is said to be terrified that personal information about her time with Boris Johnson on it will be leaked – hence the controlling of the media before that information surfaces with proof of emails, contact details, images and other damning evidence.
But it is her connections to Prince Andrew that may come as quite a surprise to most.
Dame Alun Roberts reports: BoJo’s girlfriend Arcuri does seem to gravitate towards criminals!
Not only was she in business with LIBOR rigger Hayes, her associate at Hacker House, another of her companies, was Lauri Love, a computer hacker who stole large amounts of data from US government agencies.

It is worth noting how Arcuri’s Hacker House had the endorsement of Epstein’s sleazy buddy Randy Andy: Hacker House advises organisations on cyber-security, teaches youngsters online skills and has the backing of the Duke of York for its scheme awarding cyber badges to children (at Outward Bound Trust).
While BoJo’s pole dancer was offering Randy Andy endorsed cyber-security, her cousin Lawrence Lessing was a trustee of the Internet Society, a position held, albeit at different times, by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister Christine.

Christine Maxwell was CEO and President of Chilead Inc., the company providing the FBI with its counterterrorism database. She was also steering committee organiser for ‘Remembering for the future’ whose list of patrons resembles a carbon copy of Epstein’s list.
Watch Video: Why Ethical Hacking is so important in a 21st century economy | Jennifer Arcuri | TEDx Liverpool
Hang on, isn’t that guest speaker at Arcuri’s InnoTech Summit with BoJo our dear friend Alexander ‘Lord’ Carlile? The man who rushed to the defence of the paedophile Greville Janner and shared an office with Cyril Smith?
You can read Alun’s full thread by going to his Tweet below.
BoJo’s girlfriend Arcuri does seem to gravitate towards criminals!
— Dame Alun Roberts (@ciabaudo) September 23, 2019
Not only was she in business with LIBOR rigger Hayes, her associate at Hacker House, another of her companies, was Lauri Love, a computer hacker whole stole large amounts of data from US government agencies …
We now sit two years after Prince Harry told Newsweek that no member of the Royal family wants to be King or Queen and now have planted stories in the media saying people are calling for the abolishment of the Monarchy after the Queen dies!
That line alone tells you a story when you read between the lines. It has political motive so it is most likely fabricated by think-tanks planting seeds and using emotional control tactics to shape public opinion with a typical formula.
Problem (Andrew and Epstein), Reaction (being hyped up by news outlets using polls, interviews, and publications) Solution (abolishment of the British Monarchy).
This looks to me as if they have found a way out and it explains a lot of the drills we have seen around Buckingham palace.
Last week they evacuated the surrounding areas and said a suspicious car had been abandoned by a suspicious man only to announce an hour later that the car was okay.
I posted about this on my Facebook page at the time where I stated it was a blatant drill just like a couple of months before that event when a 66-year-old man is said to have been killed after being run over by a Purple Bentley near to the Queen’s home.
All parties and their leaders are put in place by the CIA and British secret services who are fronts for the Vatican which is really the Crown and not the stupid thing that the Queen wears on her head but she does even wear it now and it’s not because it is too heavy it is because she is not the Queen she is merely playing a role she is a part of a global fraud along with Brexit and even world religions to set merge into a superstate one-world government.
This whole Prince Andrew affair is the biggest game show I have ever seen.