nha nightingale london 788-790 finchley road connection

The new NHS Nightingale Hospital, in London, is connected to companies with links to 788-790 Finchley Road.

The pop-up, military hospital was opened in record time after it was brought in to the government’s insane war on COVID-19. The 4000-bed complex is over 1km long. It features its own morgue and incinerator inline with the new Coronavirus bill, cremation regulations.

The hospital was opened by Prince Charles via video links with the current covert leader of the United Kingdom, Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, present onsite.

The hospital had a planning permission application accepted by Newsham Council after it was made by DP9 LTD on behalf of the London International Exhibition Centre PLC, who own the ExCel center that Nightingale was built in. The owners and directors are a 70-person list of Sultans, Politicians, Lords, and big-wigs. The majority of the names that stand out the most are from the United Arab Emirates. This shows a lot people are set to benefit from this deal, but it does not end there.

The planning application can be seen below and it does link through to the original source before the file was later found to be unavailable on the Newham council website after initial Enchanted LifePath reports on the connection.

ExCell London, NHS Nightingale London, DP9 LTD planning permission application, 788-790 Finchley rd

The next screenshot shows DP9 listed as the agents who handled the application in regards to the NHS Nightingale Hospital. Their application was made on March 26, 2020.

Dp9 LTD NHS Nightingale London and 788-790 Finchley rd connections

Next, you can see DP9 LTD on Companies House, they are, of course, an active company.

DP9 LTD made NHS Nightingale London planning permission application. 788-790 Finchley rd

DP9 were another company that was started up by directors from 788-790 Finchley Road. We see 21 officers with 7 resignations. Two of the named entities on the DP9 LTD records are Temple Secretaries and Company Directors Limited. Both are registered at 788-790.

DP9 LTD made NHS Nightingale London planning permission application. Dp9 connected to 788-790 Finchley rd

We can see many sources of information regarding the 788-790 Finchley Road scandal in the public domain. The elites of the world, from Royalty to Former Prime Ministers are named in allegations surrounding the abandoned premises that holds the key to a £Billion, organised crime network. The fact that such a global fraud has taken place by people within the walls of Westminster, this may have left the door open for our government to be blackmailed into making certain decisions such as these we are seeing with the alleged COVID-19 outbreak.

Derelict Finchley Rd connected to NHS Nightingale London
788-790 Finchley Rd Mafia connections, dictators, fraud

This was not the first time I connected events around COVID-19 to Finchley Road.


If you have been following my reports on YouTube regarding the Abel family and their Coronavirus ordeal that we are seeing beamed to the world via allegedly infected gnostic actor David Abel and his wife Sally. David Abel was revealed to be an actor and a Freemason which may well plunge his trustworthiness levels to a very low capacity when analysing his time spent in quarantine.


David Abel has a son, Stephen Abel, who threatened me in person during a live stream on his father’s channel. This was after David denied being a crisis actor, again on his channel as he was live on YouTube also. I cover David Abel more extensively at the bottom of this article but for now, let me show you how Stephen Abel has led me to be able to connect him to the 2Faced Theatre Company owned by Simon Schofield who we now know has spent time in Wuhan by his own photograph that I covered earlier.

Stephen Abel has 2 different director IDs. One is this one for Fancy Bike Thing. Remember you can click the images to be directed to the original source in a new tab so this page will stay open for you.

Another ID he uses has a different birth date (July 1975 instead of July 1974) ( this is to try and hide links to other companies) But his company Think Courier LTD was registered at the same address in Woodstock as Roberta Watts other company Virtuous Erp LTD. It was not hard to link these accounts.

And as you can see he has other directors at Think Courier LTD, Form10 are formation agents. Form 10 are also directors of his other company Abe1 LTD.

Form 10 are linked to 788-790 Finchley Rd and mentioned in the Panama Papers. Form 10 is also named as directors on 2Faced Theatre Company books.

2 Faced theatre company indeed. Of which Schofield is a patron and his mate Simon Schofield is director. And where he met his alleged lover Mathew McGreevy when he was 10!

You can how see FORM 10 SECRETARIES and DIRECTORS are named in a dossier of evidence that was handed to the BBC by, Gordon Bowden, a former RAF veteran who had investigated serious, £billion, government level, frauds, abuse, and money laundering that led him back to 788-790 Finchley Road.

There is more information in the video below.

Finchley rd popped up again with a Liverpool based taxi firm’s self-employed drivers using protective screens between the driver and passenger, The screens caused me to lose breath and feel suffocated, I complained and was banned from the company cabs ever again, for my own safety they said.

When I looked into who was supplying the screens it was a garage in the Wirral Called Handy Cab n Car Hire. The screens were fitted with approval from Liverpool City Council who’s Mayor Joe Anderson was arrested late in 2020 for accusations of witness intimidation and fraud regarding building contracts.

The thing is, the taxi I was in was not licensed by Liverpool City Council, who were the only taxi firm to issue certification for the screens at the time. Sefton Council had not approved them for insurance purposes etc.

When I looked into the companies house profile of Handy Cab n Car Hire, they too had links to 788-790 Finchley road. You can’t make this up.


Other Interesting Topics

An even bigger scandal uncovered in my article about a Liverpool based FluJab factory and Bill Gates?

As you read this article, you will notice how this was the start of a journey that ends with you seeing Liverpool as a Powerhouse in BioManufacturing and BioTechnology. Merseyside has been subject to £Billions of funding that has been funneled into the medical-industrial complex that has been built within the United Kingdom over the past few years. Every major player is mentioned in this article from Bill Gates to GlaxoSmithKline, World Health Organisation, CSL, Bayer Corporation, The Department of Health (UK) (NIHR), NHS Trust Merseyside, Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool Tropical School of Medicine, PATH, Imperial College London, Multiple Universities, including Liverpool University, and more. This has been welcomed by many key figures on Merseyside including Mayor Joe Anderson who praised the investments that have been pumped into Seqirus Vaccines in Speke, a large vaccination manufacturing plant that has formerly been known as, Evans Vaccines, Novartis Vaccines, Chiron Vaccines, and Elnery No. 1979 LTD. For the most part, these companies have been linked to mass production of vaccines that have often led to severe scandals. Bill Gates has his fingerprints all over these operations and organisations. You will be shocked to see how the same end-of-life procedures, using the same cocktail of death drugs, and a ventilator, that was used on Alfie Evans, is being used on alleged COVID-19 Patients.

VIDEO: US Surgeon General Subliminal Naloxone Clue, Alfie Evans, Fentanyl, Bill Gates, Alder Hey & COVID-19US Surgeon General Subliminal Naloxone Clue – Alfie Evans Death Drug Fentanyl


The first thing I did in my research was to look for information on COVID-19 Test Kits in Liverpool after I visited the Stanley Park Test Center in the shadows of Liverpool Football Club at Anfield in L6.

I was led to a website from a company called MOLOGIC, I instantly noticed how the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine had endorsed their COVID-19 test kit.

It could not be ignored how MOLOGIC’s symbol was in the same 666 like shape that we see in the Google logo or the one we see at CERN in Switzerland.



This made me think of a Liverpool based vaccination company that I highlighted in 2018 during the Alfie Evan’s ordeal at Alder Hey Hospital, the company, Seqirus, was strangely enough, formerly known as Evans Vaccines.

Seqirus vaccines

Seqirus have benefited greatly from their connections that have resulted in them being the leader in the Flu-Jab vaccination production in the United Kingdom, including recently delivering 11.5 million shots to GP’s and chemist’s backed by NHS trusts in September 2019. This batch will have been administered to millions of elderly people last winter, just before the alleged COVID-19 outbreak.


Seqirus FluAd Flu Jab Dispatched

The article above reads: Delivering Seqirus’ vaccines to customers at the agreed times, despite the manufacturing challenges faced by the delay in the World Health Organisation (WHO) H3N2 strain announcement, means that GP practices and pharmacies will be well prepared to vaccinate the most vulnerable populations ahead of this year’s influenza season.

further screenshots from the article show the scale of the operation and how the company has the full support of the NHS.

Seqirus send 11.5 million flu jabs to GP's Spetember 2019

I found a BMJ article stating Seasonal Flu Jabs must not be overlooked as a cause for the alleged Covid-19 outbreak. I pose the question, if this is the case then would this batch that was produced in Liverpool and distributed throughout the country, be the batch that created the cover of a respiratory outbreak that has been used to defraud millions out of their livelihoods? Was Liverpool in the making of the events we are living with today?

FluAd 2020

I would like to point out how the BMJ discussion on Flu-Jabs contributing to the alleged pandemic was updated with a disclaimer stating it had been used in a misleading way by websites and social media, I do wonder if they are talking about Enchanted LifePath as I have not seen many people bring this subject up.

BMJ Flu Jabs contribute to pandemic

The next screenshot is from The national flu immunisation programme for 2019/20 by Public Health England and the NHS.

It shows how the FluAd vaccine was given solely to the elderly at the end of 2019

Flu Jab 2019 PHE PDF
Seqirus FluAd given to over 65 age group Sep 2019 onwards

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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