The Many Faces of Summer Wells are analysed as certain images of the alleged missing girl appear to be other boys dressed as Summer. But why?
Summer Moon Utah Wells is a missing 6 year old girl from Rogersville, Tennessee.
Summer is alleged to have vanished from her home at 110 Ben Hill Road in the Beech Creek area of Hawkins County, on June 15th, 2021.
Her parents Don Wells, and Candus Bly, claim she was taken after returning home from a day out with her mum, grandmother, and a family friend.
There are many strange factors in the case, although non are more alarming than the appearance of Summer Wells who was often shown with a shaved head in an unclean, and under-nourished way in many photographs, and videos posted online by her parents.
The many faces of Summer Wells
Will the real Summer Wells please stand up?
Close inspection of the available footage and photographs of Summer Wells reveal some irregularities in her appearance that often go overlooked by many observers of the case.
The pictures below show Summer with her brothers, mum Candus, and grandmother also called Candus.
The pictures were allegedly taken on a trip to Gatlinburg theme park in Tennessee, on June 11, 2021. A few days before Summer Wells went missing.
The images all show a very thin and uncomfortable looking blonde haired child who is wearing the same clothes that Summer Wells was wearing in a video of her swimming at the Warriors Path horse pond on the day she went missing around a week later.
Is this the same shoes that she had on when swimming at the horse pond, and as seen on local news in Tennessee?
Summer can be seen below in screenshots from footage of her swimming on June 15th in the same pink top, and an image of Summer asleep in her grandmother’s truck as they allegedly made their way home from errands on June 15th. The last image on the right is from the Gatlinburg trip prior to June 15th.
Summer Wells in Gatlinburg
The Gatlinburg images are what raise the most questions under analysis as they appear to show two different people.
The images that were taken of Summer with her brothers show the very skinny child who has a different shape head from the one shown inside a well known jewellery, and stone market called Smoky Mountain Relic Room.
The next image is a comparison.
This in my opinion seems to look more like two different boys who have been dressed to look like Summer Wells.
These images were taken a week apart.
Do you think they all look like the same person?
Let’s compare the face of the person in the stone shop compared to other images of Summer.
Look at the eye shape, the head, ears, mouth, chin, hairline, expressions.
Who is the child in the shop photograph and why is the person being presented as Summer Wells?
Is it Summer Wells in all of the images or is it more than one person being portrayed as Summer?
A look at the ears also raises questions such as do they all line up to the person in the shop photograph?
In my opinion, the person in the shop is a boy dressed in a Summer Wells outfit.
The questions are, who is it and why is he dressed like Summer Wells in a picture that is alleged to be on the same day that summer Wells visited Gatlinburg?
Thousands of people have observed images of Summer Wells on a daily basis for over 12 months, yet still, it is frowned upon when the inconsistencies in her pictures are highlighted.
I will ask again, do you think the child who looks like a boy in the shop who is dressed in the same clothing is Summer Wells? Do you think that person looks like the same person in the images from the Gatlinburg trip who is alleged to be Summer Wells with her brothers, mum, and grandmother?
Do you see the many faces of Summer Wells?
Some new images of Summer Wells was posted by online and I have now got them picture to compare to others also.
Look at the chin and compare it to that of the person in the relic room photograph.
The chin on the girl in the image above looks nothing like the facial structure of the boy in the gem store. The elongated chin compared to his rounded one do not match and in my opinion age is not a factor in this it just seems to be a different face. This is my opinion.
We have an image that was posted on Lisa Kay Reutz YouTube channel’s community page when she tried to debunk Enchanted LifePath by stating something that I have not even said. In two aspects.
Lisa claims that I have been saying that the boy in the Gem store picture is “Summer Wells brother in Drag”, this is a false claim from Lisa as nowhere do I say it is her brother as I always ask who is the boy? I want to know who he is as I do not believe he is one of the Wells kids. I want to know why they made an imposter Summer Wells boy dress up in Summer Wells fancy dress and stand in a store that they allege Summer visited and did they do this to create some kind of prof of life as I do not see how the person in the gem store is Summer Wells!
I also do not say the words “in drag” as can be seen below on Lisa’s post.
Here is the image again.
Next we see how Lisa also posted another image that is alleged to be taken shortly before Summer Wells is reported to have went missing.
You can see how she responded to me analysing this photograph and the shadows it casts and wondering if the lighting looked natural in it or if it looks super imposed?
Lisa Kay Reutz posted this on her community page. I do not know who was mentioning ponytails on Summer Wells. This looks nothing like a ponytail and we see Summer with shaved head early in 2021.