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You can watch the latest Enchanted LifePath videos in the website header on the screen above. Playlists of categories will be added below the information of how I now monetise my own website videos and am more independent from YouTube monetisation and censorship.
I have found a way to generate increased website advert earnings by up to 250% more than with Google Adsense advertising. It gets better, the new advert placement company I am using also gives me the capability to upload my videos to their database and place them here on my website, the videos then play adverts, again with much higher earnings thresholds than content creators get from YouTube.
Imagine being able to upload videos to your Adsense account then place them on your site and they run ads just like on YouTube but you are self-hosting your video content away from censorship. That is what I am offering you the ability to do. Free.
I have built this formula because I have battled censorship beyond belief for five years. This new video advertising layout in place on my website and active right now could change the lives of millions of people as I present how to do everything I have done in 5 years, but it is not going to take you, or your favourite content creators that long, so please tell them about it too, tell everyone.
Ezoic is the company I am now using and I am also an affiliate to them meaning I can use my partnership with them to then provide links and adverts on my website and platforms that people can join Ezoic from. The discovery of Ezoic was a major turn of events in my pursuit of creating the perfect recipe for content creators who have been censored or had earnings totally cut-off or reduced by YouTube and Adsense’s very restrictive policies.