Burning Man Festival Turns Into Mud Bath As 70.000 Begin Exodus
The Burning Man Festival has often caught the attention of many people who observe these events and point out any occult, or ritualistic factors that may be hidden in plain sight.
I am no different, and when the 2023 Burning Man Festival turned into another mass media energy harvesting extravaganza, ensuring the eyes of the world were watching, I just knew this was going to be another one of those weeks. Or should I say windows?
At face value, burning man is just a festival full of hippies, and new age expressionists with a do as thou wilt theme at the heartbeat of the event. Mud at festivals is nothing new and festival goers understand that it goes hand in hand with events like this, just not those set in the desert.
So why were we being bombarded with Biblical references such as Exodus, and people being trapped when in reality, they still had days left there before the Burning Man was set on fire, the whole point of the festival?
As stated, it is the media who are on hand to push propaganda, and rile up mass hysteria, and exaggerate to ensure the world generates fabricated emotions.
This happens around any event, or incident, whether it is staged, or a natural occurrence, the term never let a good crisis go to waste comes to mind.
So, when I saw the media doing all they could to place attention on this years Burning Man, more than ever, I knew that we would have to look deeper than face value, and go beneath the surface of what we were seeing play out in Nevada.
We all know that Idol Worship is a sin, so what can be more sinful than worshipping a giant for seven days (of creation) before burning it to the ground like a big celebration of Ba’al?
Exodus 20:4-6
The first thing I did was go and look at the location of Burning Man at Black Rock City, on Google Earth, and it did not take long to start seeing things that were very riddled in the occult. Remember occult means hidden.
Burning Man Pentagon Conceals A Pentagram
The perimeter of Black Rock city is a fence to keep rubbish inside the venue, but it is also in the shape of a Pentagon as can be seen below. I have left the outer fence visible so you can see the alignments that we will get to shortly.
The Pentagon shape is notable because you can fit a Pentagram within it perfectly.
Within a Pentagram, we often see a goat head, which is Satan. This was not a good start for Burning Man, why was I not surprised?
I made a video to show you how the goats head aligns with Black Rock City.
In the video, we can see how the inverted crucifix that forms the spine of the pentagram, runs right through certain points on the map, that begin to tell us the story of what is hidden in plain sight at the festival.
Before we get to the video, you may also notice how the goat headed Satan, also appears to have inverted horns. The two upper points being more like traditional Satan horns, but the second set give the effect of rams horns.
The image above is of Pan, who is the Greek God of Nature, and the cult of Pan followers partake in twisted perversions that include bestiality, and child abuse as well as sacrifice.
Pan has the legs and hooves of a goat, as well as horns which are often shown in the shape of rams horns.
The Roman equivalent of Pan, is Faunus, the Egyptian is Cernuous. The Egyptian god Ammon-Ra was depicted with ram horns.
This is a Baphomet Satanic goat head which also depicts Ram, another horned deity accredited to Satan.
Video: Burning Man Pentagram In Pentagon – Google Earth Pro
The next thing I looked at was the actual layout of the various Burning Man locations at Black Rock Desert, in Nevada, and of course, it got even more cryptic very fast.
Look at this monstrosity before our eyes. It is a black sun with a hole in it, complete with 13 rays, along with a pyramid.
The central 14th ray is in the location that would appear to be similar to the cut out point for protection within a magic circle which is used in witchcraft.
We also see a theme of, As Above, So Below, playing out. This layout also makes me think of doorways, or windows, veils. That theme again, I did mention windows at the start.
Below the pyramid, we see what can be viewed as an entrance, a pathway for energy, a portal maybe. This runs from what is the bottom end of the goat head, near its mouth/chin region of the pentagram.
The line then travels directly through the pyramid, and the black sun in the centre, before heading up towards the protection cut-out area on what would be a magic circle.
It then continues on its path towards what is marked As Above, and out into that area.
This then extends out into what is a similar layout to that which we see at The Vatican, a keyhole gateway, that word again.
I don’t need to remind you that a key is used to open doors, but I will for good measure as you take in this information.
The next image shows a better view of the path at Burning Man, which runs from the Black Rock City area, to the Burning Man statue.
You can see why I was saying it looks like the keyhole area at The Vatican.
Speaking of The Vatican a moment, and Keyholes with alignments to monuments or locations set within occult surroundings, let me show you the The Aventine Keyhole.
A website paying tribute to The Aventine Keyhole, speaks of doorways and views that align to St. Peters Basilica.
The keyhole is located on the Aventine Hill, which is one of the Seven Hills of Rome.
Seven is a very important number, and is arguably the most important number. It is the number of perfection, creation, associated to the seven days of creation. At Burning Man they spend 7 days showing off their creations, in a city that they create for seven days. Another seven days of creation right there. There is also the the seven lamps on the Temple Menorah. There is a Jubilee year every 49 years which is every 7×7 years. That fact is very important as we make our way through this article so keep it in your thoughts.
The Atlas Obscura Website states
A NONDESCRIPT GREEN DOOR AT the end of a cul-de-sac features a stunningly well-framed, if comically tiny, view consisting of two nation-states and one country, with the dome of St. Peter’s perfectly situated in the center.
The doorway in question leads to the Priory of the Knights of Malta, the legendary crusader knights and religious order.
Atlas Obscura Website
Time and Space – Saturnalia at Burning Man
It is within that section that we see what makes up the living area, of Black Rock City. The reason I was looking at this area is because the streets are named after times of the day. With Saturn, we have a strong link to time, as Saturn/Kronos is the god of time. This made me pay extra attention to this area, and the ongoing, and ever growing connections to Saturn, as well as other themes such as Egypt, and the Exodus.
I wanted to know more about these streets that hold a population of 70.000.
So on that note, I want to show you something that I just discovered now now whilst marking out the area of the Burning Man Pentagram with the goat head, in order to map out the streets to help highlight the rams horns that are inverted away from the Baphomet horns.
As you can see, I have added a blue circle and two blue lines that connect to the outer red circle. The lines that connect to the red outer circle then follow the red lines in an extended semi-circle shape, like the letter C facing downwards.
What we see next is extraordinary.
The right sided blue line is located at what would be the number 4 on a clock, the left hand blue line strikes what would be 40 on a clock.
I had two numbers which when added up come to 44, which is half of 88.
44 is a sacrifice number, and is also associated to a stab in the back, when on the Ides of March, in 44bc, Caesar was murdered.
But that was not what I went to look for, I wanted to find the connections to 440 and Saturn that I had spoken of in the past.
I then opted for the 4:40 route to research before I remembered that 440hz is the frequency that has been used in music since 1939, when the tuning was changed from 432hz, and then adopted by the Nazis in 1940.
This frequency was fully established in 1950, then confirmed in 1975 as the standard tuning for music worldwide.
432hz is the God frequency, and 440hz is one of distortion and disruption. I also think this 440hz topic popping up is ironic considering the Burning Man festival is meant to be all about arts and music.
The phrase, the devil’s music comes to mind.
432hz is inline with the Schuman Resonance which is known as the heartbeat of the Earth. In the Bible, 432.000 years passed between creation and The Great Flood.
Biblical references to the number 40 can’t get more obvious than The Great Deluge which lasted 40 days and 40 nights. That was a cleansing by water.
Fire is another form of Biblical cleansing that we see associated to Burning Man along with the rains that caused the mud.
This one is very notable, but when we compare it to the next discovery after this screenshot, that things get very interesting. Keep taking mental notes of all the keywords, numbers and patterns along the way. It will hep you later on, and moving forward with this type of research, especially if you would love to learn more.
Following the Ten Plagues, Moses guided the Israelites in their Exodus from Egypt, leading them through the parted Red Sea. They eventually settled at Mount Sinai, where Moses was shown the Ten Commandments.
They then embarked on a 40-year journey through the desert, during which Moses passed away on Mount Nebo, with a view of the Promised Land before him.
It is this 440 number that I am chasing at this point, so I took the search over to Strong’s Bible Study and used the tools on that site where I hit on the next lead.
I searched for 440 to see what it brought up and this is what I was met with – Anthrax.
But it does not end there. As well as being the name of a military grade nerve agent, and a disease for cattle, that can also harm humans, the word Anthrax also means Coal, Charcoal, or A Burning Coal.
We are now seeing the number 440 connecting to coal, fire and burning, when observing occult connections to Burning Man.
I added the KJV verse that we see in the screenshot.
It speaks of defeating evil with acts of kindness, overcoming evil with good.
Remember, these images have links to the original sources too.
The word Anthrax appears in the National Library of Medicine, where a study claims that Anthrax is possibly sixth, of the Ten Plagues of Egypt.
This is another huge Biblical reference to Egypt that is also taking us towards talking about the 70.000 at Burning Man, and a story in the Bible about God killing 70.000 men after a Census was performed against his wish. We will get to that shortly.
Anthrax as mentioned earlier, is also a bioweapon.
Here is the corrupt CDC talking about Anthrax.
The whole fake excuse for the War on Iraq was because the US, and UK governments lied beyond belief in 2004.
They did so by saying Saddam Hussain had the ability to generate anthrax attacks from mobile bioweapons labs within 45 mins. As if we could ever forget.
Burning Man, Israel, and Egypt
We keep seeing the number 70.000, although the actual number of attendees at Burning Man fluctuates between 70-73, and 80.000.
This 70.000 number needed looking into and it did not take long to find more Biblical connections
70.000 dead in the Bible?
King David sent Joab out to take a census, and after 9 months and 20 days, Joab came back with the results: there were 800,000 sword-yielding men in Israel and 500,000 in Judah.
9 Months and 2 days takes my attention because the pentagon perimeter of Burning Man is 9.2 miles.
God was not happy with David so he gave him 3 choices for a punishment.
Scripture states: So Gad (the prophet, not God) went to David and said to him, “Shall there come upon you three years of famine in your land? Or three months of fleeing from your enemies while they pursue you? Or three days of plague in your land? Now then, think it over and decide how I should answer the one who sent me.” – 2 Samuel 24
David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into the hands of men.”
God then sent a plague on Israel from that morning until the end of the time designated, and 70.000 people from Dan to Beersheba died.
The 70.000 number is all over Burning Man and it is an inversion of what happened in Egypt during the Biblical Exodus when the Israelites left Egypt guided by Moses.
The story mirrors what we saw at Burning Man with the 70.000 leaving a location that has Egypt set deep within its grounds.
We are Egypt, We are Rome, We are Greece – Nothing new under the sun
This brings us to the next location which is called the PlayAlchemist
. Now we have alchemy, as well as Egypt all over this hell hole.
This Burning Man attraction has all seeing-eyes all over the place. Horus is the Egyptian equivalent of Saturn. The Eye-Of Horus, is the north pole hexagon on Saturn. The Oxford Research Encyclopaedia tells us: Saturn has the head of a bull, corresponding to his traditional Egyptian name “Horus, bull of the sky.”
The Pyramid above has an all-seeing eye at the crowning capstone of the structure. All seeing means omnipresent, this is more Satanic replications of God, who is all-knowing.
The Pyramid is the symbol that we see on the American Dollar, as the nation unknowingly, and knowingly, idolises this symbol in the form of money.
There is nothing new under the sun as the saying goes, and this event puts many Pagan elements right in our faces.
Those attending Burning Man will deny this claim, as will the event organisers, along with Black Rock City LLC, but it is, of course, all by design.
Alchemy is the hidden knowledge and wisdom of the ancient Egyptians who were believed to give power over nature and humans (magic) and the ability to transform base metals into gold (alchemy).
Alchemy is represented by Isis, known as Goddess of Alchemy.
We can see the all-seeing eye more clearly on the image below.
Many Pagan gods, and goddesses, are associated to the moon as well as the sun. The topic of Diana the Moon Goddess is discussed many times, on this website, along with her equivalents from other belief systems.
The next image of the pyramid’s at Burning Man shows us an upside down Crescent Moon, this makes me think of horns, of a horned deity. And with the Egyptian backdrop here, it reminds me of Cernunos.
As I write now, it is September, 10, 2023, today marks the 13th anniversary of when CERN’s Large Hadron Collider was first started up, on today’s date in 2008.
CERN stands for European Council for Nuclear Research. The route word for CERN could be Cernuous, who is another manifestation of Pan.
We can also see that the logo for CERN holds a 666.
Ten Commandments of Burning Man
The Biblical mockery at Burning Man continues with it’s own version of the Ten Commandments.
Their website has a page titled: The 10 Principles of Burning Man, and it is here where the traditions of the festival are written out just like the instructions to humanity that God sent to Moses in order to introduce, and maintain discipline, morals, and structure in the world. Thus was the set of laws that God gave us to divert us from sin.
We can see the opening paragraph and two principles in the image below.
The next 8 principles are as follows:
In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We stand ready to protect our culture from such exploitation. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience.
Radical Self-reliance
Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on their inner resources.
Radical Self-expression
Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient.
Communal Effort
Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.
Civic Responsibility
We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavor to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
Leaving No Trace
Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.
Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart.
Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience.
Timelines and Synchronicities
- March 11, 2020 – Covid-19 Given it’s name and declared a Global Pandemic.
- September 21, 2020 – Gavi Covax deal signed and policies adopted by WHO
- June 15th, 2023 – WHO Secretary-General’s press conference on Climate took place 88 days before September 11.
- August 22, 2023 – Brics Nations seeking an alternate World Order align with the 10 Kings in both Revelation and the book of Daniel.
- September 11, 2023 – Exactly 42 months after March 11, when Covid-19 was given it’s name, mirroring timeframe in Beast of Revelation in 13:1-18. Also 22 years after 9/11 Twin Towers ritual.
- September 15, 2023 – Rosh Hosannah and The Feast of Trumpets – 5784.
- September 18, 2023 – Asteroid ‘Child‘ passes through the womb of Virgo during the Feast of Trumpets 7 days after September 11, 2023.
- September 22, 2023 – Exactly 1290 days after March 11, 2020, mirrors the timeframe of the abomination of desolation.
- October 7, 2023 – Hamas attacks Israel, this started the Holy nation’s war on Gaza.
- The 7-year Tribulation
- Agenda 2030 – United Nations and the New World Order – 7 Years after 2023.
Burning Man Started on August 27, 2023.
The Burning Man Effigy Burning started on the night of Sep 4, which is 27 Days after the 8/8 Maui Fires 88.
27 is 9×3 (93 Sun Worship) – 666/999 if 6 was 9.
The festival typically ends with the burning of a giant wooden effigy of a man. The end of the ritual was originally set for Sunday night (September, 3, 2023 – 93 – Thelema – Sun Worship), but it was rescheduled for Monday night at 9 p.m. PDT (0400 GMT on Tuesday).
This would have burned into the 5th of September, US time, and did not begin until 4am, on September 5th, in the United Kingdom.
The ritual was complete on September 5th which is 28 days after the beginning of the Maui Fires.
The number 28 is important because it is how many days were in a month before calendars were altered and 13 months were changed to 12.
28 day months were inline with the cycle of the moon, which is feminine.
Female menstrual cycle is 28 days.
Female deity moon worship comes in many forms, but they all depict Diana, The Goddess of the Hunt, The Moon, and The Underworld. She is celebrated at the Fordicia Festival on April 15th each year.
The number 13 appears 28 times in the Bible.
The Twin Towers stood for 28 years before the World Trade Centre was demolished on September 11, 2001.
28 is 4×7, which is what makes up the 28 Lunar Houses, otherwise known as the 28 Lunar Mansions.
They tell us that Osiris is said to have reigned over Egypt for 28 years.
September 4, 2023 Is 7 Days Before 9/11, 2023.
9/11, 2023, marks the end of a 42 month window, beginning on March 11, 2020, when Covid-19 was given it’s name and declared a Global Pandemic.
I have been tracking this timeline since 2020, and I also believe it will be a case of one window closing, and another opening. A gateway, or door of opportunity for the elites, which is to be unlocked by a key.
Revelation 13:1-18 ESV
And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marvelled as they followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.
The September 11th, 2023, date from, March 11, 2020, is exactly 42 months, but what does the bible tell us about the timeframe, and is there any more detail that may give us another date, or window of opportunity for these maniacs?
The simple answer is yes.
From March 11, 2020, to Friday, September 22, is 1290 days, but why does this matter?
September 11 is 88 Days After June 15th – June 15 is the 166th day of the year (167th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 199 days remain until the end of the year.
September 11 is the 254th day of the year (255th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 111 days remain until the end of the year.
11 Days after 9/11 marks the end of a “Global Treaty Event“, which runs September 19-22, 2023 At United Nations.
This is another time frame that must be noted as we draw closer to a period in our lives, where being dictated to by Satanic driven Elitists who are intent on making our lives worse than the days of Covid-19.
Many think we are now heading towards the phase of the Desolation of Abomination.
Just before that Globalist shit-fest begins, there is another Summit hosted by the United Nations. It is the SDG Summit of 2023.
SDG is the 17 Sustainable Goals which is basically stripping us of our rights, privileges, and even assets as the Demons at UN and WEF push us closer to being in a position where we will “own nothing and be happy”, to quote Klaus Schwab. One has to wonder when the world is going to turn into a real life version of Soylent Green meets the Handmaids Tale. First the Satanists will make us eat flies and be happy, but how long will it be until they decide that humans are a resource for food as well as keeping everyone set in the United Nations ways and living like even programmable miserable worker bees attached to the hive mind mentality?
We can see that the United Nations Headquarters in New York, placed a statue of the Beast of Revelation at their hell ridden base.
A picture of the sculpture was posted on the United Nations Photo Twitter page on Nov 9, 2021 and was instantly frowned upon by many observers.
The statue was branded “a guardian for international peace and security”. It is clear as day that these people worship Lucifer.
The Tweet read:
A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside #UN Headquarters. The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico – @MexOnu
It is created by artists Jacobo and Maria Angeles. UN Photo/Manuel Elías.
Burning Man and Pagan Festivals
The word ‘Festival’ is something you will find on 80% of the articles on this website.
The subject is prominent because major events often align with Roman Pagan, Greek, or Egyptian Festivals, that were carried on from the days of Ancient Babylon, which was ruled by Nimrod.
Nimrod was the first King of Babylon, and is known for being the reason why we see Phallic Symbols all around the world.
Roman’s built Phallic symbols on their territories, Egyptians did the same, so too the Greeks, but each Empire has it’s own almost identical version of the meaning behind the architecture.
In modern day we see the signs and symbols of ancient Babylon in almost everything.
We see it in Christmas trees that are put up in homes each year.
This means people are knowingly, or unknowingly conducting blasphemy when taking part in the Pagan Festival of Christmas, but how does that swing us back to to Burning Man and other forms of false deity worship?
Let me go into some more detail for you.
Nimrod Reloaded
The historical roots of Christmas intertwine with the Pagan figures of Nimrod, a descendant of Noah, and his mother and wife, Semiramis, who was also repackaged as Ishtar and Isis.
Nimrod, recognised as Osiris in Egypt, left a Blasphemous mark on alleged history as the founder of the first-ever global empire, which would later be known as Babylon (as described in Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9).
From ancient narratives like the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and the archaeological findings unearthed from the ruins of Mesopotamian and Egyptian cities, we can piece together the mosaic of subsequent events.
Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
Nimrod led a blasphemous project to construct a tower that reached for the heavens. This endeavour, as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible, is seen as an abomination because it sought to establish a one-world government without acknowledging the authority of the God of the Bible.
This was known as The Tower of Babel.
We see the Tower of Babel depicted in popular culture, for example, the Tower that Bell(tane) can be seen looking out of in Beauty and The Beast.
And again we see a similar building in Little Nicky starring Adam Sandler, this one is in Hell.
The story of the Tower of Babel serves as a cautionary tale from thousands of years ago when God intervened to prevent the world from uniting under a single rule. With a single language. The Bible tells us that this Divine intervention thwarted the project by causing such a profound language barrier among the workers that communication became impossible.
This marked the beginning of Nimrod’s kingdom, which later became known as Babylon.
However, the relevance of Babylon doesn’t end with its ancient history. In the Biblical words of Jesus, it is prophesied that Babylon will face judgment and fall at the end of the world.
This prediction is symbolic, representing the idea that forces in the world, those influenced by darker intentions, continue to worship the legacy of Nimrod and strive to establish a one-world government in defiance of God’s authority.
Nimrod and The Reason We See The Obelisk Around The World
This pagan reverence for Nimrod is evident in various practices around the world, where they pay tribute to him. One such symbol associated with Nimrod is the obelisk, which is reminiscent of a phallus, and this sexual symbolism is inline with their worship.
The story goes, after Nimrod’s death, his body was dismembered into several pieces and sent throughout the land as a warning to anyone who would attempt to follow his footsteps. His wife, Semiramis then began to locate the body parts from around the Kingdom.
Only his phallus was left missing.
Another Unholy Trinity – 3 Is The Magick Number
In an overlaying story of immaculate conception, dated few years after his death, Semiramis had a son, Horus or Gilgamesh. She claimed she had been visited by the spirit of Nimrod, who left her pregnant with the boy. Horus, she maintained, was Nimrod reincarnated. Born on Christmas Day, December 25th, this is symbolic of Sun worship, rebirth, and mirrors the story of Jesus Christ’s conception and is celebrated on the same day that they claim, was when Jesus was born.
With a father, mother, and son deified, a deceptive, inverted trinity was formed.
Pagans who control certain aspects of the world pay homage to Nimrod’s missing penis by erecting obelisks and other phallic symbols as a display of their dominance and to reaffirm their goals.
Nimrod The Sun God and Saturn – Ba’al Worship
You may be wondering what Nimrod has to do with Saturn? The image below tells us the significance of the 13 days of preparation for Beltane. The 13 days are between April 19th, and May 1st, each year. This is a dangerous time of year for children as Ba’al requires child sacrifice by fore.
You can see that Ba’al, the Canaanite god, often depicted as a bull, is also known as Molech, who is shown as an owl, is also the same deity as Saturn, which is Satan, who also holds the name Nimrod. Nimrod is Ba’al.
Bethel is the place in the Bible that is known as the Canaan land or Land of Canaan. Luz is a Canaanite word. The land of Canaan is the original regions of what is now known as Israel.
We see the word Beth is a girls name that means “Pledged to God” as shown below. It also shows how it is an abbreviated version of Elizabeth.
What Deity/God did Queen Elizabeth bow down to? I am sure if you go digging you will find some interesting answers.
I point this out because the whole article asks the question of what God are these people worshipping? It appears to be Ba’al and Moloch as we are seeing.
Video: The Queen’s occult ‘Luciferian Light Bearers’ Christmas Speech 2020
The EL in Beth’EL means Father of Heaven – Saturn / Satan
We now know that Beth means ‘Pledging to God’ so what does EL mean in the rest of the word Bethel? The simple answer is Satan, Saturn. Here is another hidden way that they have everyone worshipping the dark cube of Saturn/Satan in this evil pantomime. I could sit here listing examples for hours on end.
Pledging to God Satan is the break down of the word Bethel. Pledging to God Ba’al, or Moloch, the bull with horns.
The image below is from an account on Twitter ran by Nadia Cinque @NadiaCinque that highlights Ishtar. which is something I have covered on this website before now also.
The post highlights the same things repeating in different cultures and belief systems throughout history and they all point to the same deities and places that are repackaged versions of ancient mystery Babylon.
You will notice Bethel is one of the locations listed on the image. It also cites Ritualistic Cannibalism, Human Sacrifices, Advanced Knowledge of Masonry and Astronomy, Ritual Magic and drugs as well as Dragon’s when Enki is mentioned.
Canaanites astronomy awareness and Jacobs Ladder in Bethel
Now we arrive on the story of Jacobs Ladder which can be found in the Book of Genesis (chapter 28).
Jacob was fleeing from his brother Esau when he had a dream about a stairway to Heaven appearing from which God appeared and selected the chosen people of Israel. He then named the location Bethel and declared it the “Gate of Heaven”.
It can be argued that the angels and deities that Jacob saw coming from the sky could have been celestial planets. We now know quite well that these mass sacrifices were conducted by Canaanites worshipping Gods and planets such as Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars or (bodies such as) the Sun.
Jacobs Ladder info from Wikipedia:
Yet another interpretation is this: The place at which Jacob stopped for the night was in reality Mount Moriah, the future home of the Temple in Jerusalem. The ladder, therefore, signifies the “bridge” between Heaven and earth, as prayers and sacrifices offered in the Holy Temple soldered a connection between God and the Jewish people. Moreover, the ladder alludes to the giving of the Torah as another connection between heaven and earth.
The description of Jacob’s ladder appears in Genesis 28:10–19:
And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went toward Haran. And he lighted upon the place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the LORD stood beside him, and said: “I am the LORD, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac. The land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee whithersoever thou goest, and will bring thee back into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.” And Jacob awoke out of his sleep, and he said: “Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.” And he was afraid, and said: “How full of awe is this place! this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”Genesis 28:10–17 Jewish Publication Society (1917)
5784 – Doors
In 2020, I wrote, and made videos about the year 5780 in the Jewish Calendar. This was important because the years come with meanings. 5780 was 2020, 5781 was 2021, 5782 is 2022, 5783 was in 2023, and we are about to enter 5784, during Rosh Hosannah, beginning on September 15th, the Ides of the month.
It was in the article that I published back in 2020 (5780), that I laid out what is going to happen over the coming years. It was titled Pandemonium which was also the name of an accompanying video with the same name.
The word Pandemonium is the opposite of Paradise.
The year 5780 had many synchronicities to what we went through during Covid-19, and it was upon looking for information about 5780, that I discovered a vision that somebody had published. This is what I wrote back then.
As I was doing research for 5780 vision prophecies, I made a telling discovery, though the creepy levels credit must go to the person who had written what they said they had seen on a Facebook post in 2016.
The statement was made by Wayland Henderson on September, 4, 2016. You can click the image to view the main source in full.
It is a long read, but key notes in the vision line up to what we have seen in 2020 in regards to the new structure of society and the business world after the inhumane rules and regulations that have been placed in most abiding nations on the back of the Covid-19 fiasco.
Wayland writes:
Within this ten year portal of time, God desires to restore 20/20 normal prophetic vision back to the church to prepare us from what is to come. I was showed that Hebrew year 5780, which will also fall on the Gregorian calendar 2020, would be a significant year.
This portal of time is also a period where God is going to judge every system that keeps Him out. He is dealing with idols and systems that attempt to separate us from His love. Just as Moses was sent to set His people free by judging systems of unbelief produced through idol worship, God is sending ambassadors who carry the blueprints of the coming “new man” tabernacle.
2020 was the year when a lot of people became aware woke and wise to the reality of how governments have misled them into living under tyranny, the claims about eyes being healed and new realities being formed from the foundations new found vision, are quite eerie.
It does continue and it does lineup with current events.
That was in 2020, but we are now in 2023, and about to head into 5784 on the Jewish calendar, and the question is what is 5780 about?
I will explain shortly, but first, let me show you some of the dynamics of the year 5780, it will help you understand 5784 more, and how I came to these conclusions that we are living in what would seem to be the end times.
Rosh Hashanah or the Jewish New Year 5780, began on September 29/30th, 2019. It is the Hebrew year 5780. 5770-5779 was said to be the year of the “seeing eye” based on the Hebrew letter ayin being the numerical value of 70. I would definitely say that the last decade was in fact represented by an ALL SEEING EYE.
“Pey” is the Hebrew letter for the number 80, which is a picture symbol of a mouth. “The letter Pey has another unique characteristic in that within the “blank space” is recognizable the letter “Bet” (meaning house). The letter Bet is significant in Hebrew because it speaks of Creation.” Ironically, last year’s creation concert continues in a way this year. We now have the sacrificial offering by the Noahides in the form of an inverted sacrifice of Noah thanking GOD for sparing the 8 lives. GOD destroyed everything He created but those 8 and now these Noahides that are being supported by the Sahedrin are leading them into a dark abyss. Link
The video below explains some prophetic meanings we can take out of the year 5780.
The Prophetic Meaning of the year 5780 and 2020
So what does all this have to do with 5784?
The answer is doors, 5784 is all about doors, that word that we started on at the beginning of this article.
Remember, the Devil counterfeits God’s design, so if God makes a year about doors, and the opening of, then you can bet your bottom dollar that Satan will also replicate it, which is why we started on doors, windows of opportunity, and even portals.
We know that the United Nations are getting ready to move forward, and accelerate the push towards Agenda 2030. September 2023 is full of synchronicities, and key dates that open up the doorway for Satan to evoke the next stage of his plans.
2023, going into 2024, is supposed top be a prosperous time for humanity, and a chance for us to regain what was lost in Covid-19, apart from the loved ones who perished sadly.
We can not ignore the steps that this Satanic regime are taking to lead us into this new world order that they implement little by little, with new laws and regulations that only serve to restrict our freedoms.
Something big is about to happen and I have been waiting for this time since hitting on the timeline of the 42 months in the beast of Revelation, lining up with current times.
The thig we have to wait for now is to see who will win the spiritual battle that is taking place here on earth.
There is a fine line between knowing whether prophecy is playing out, or if Satan is acting it out like a script using his minions in positions of power around the world.
Super Bowl Ritual Decoded – The Illuminati Game Show 2024
Joe Biden must have had his feet up February 10th, relaxing, enjoying the calm before the storm. I say this because it appears as if Biden (or one of his gofers) spent time posting on X.
President Biden’s account hailed the arrival of the Lunar New Year, in a show of force for moon worship, and the Chinese New Year of course.
This signalled the start of the Chinese year of the Dragon.
That was the Saturday the 10th, but, what did Biden start his Super Bowl day off with? Creating a threat to national security maybe?
I do remember a certain video sharing app was banned by the US Government because they concluded that it had ties to the CCP. I mean, DJI drones are banned from federal services because they fear that they are a threat to national security so Biden’s breakfast move on Super Bowl ritual day was just classic Joe Biden.
Joe Biden joined TikTok on February 11 Super Bowl ritual day
What a week it was! On the 11th, we not only had Super Bowl, we also saw the first alleged active shooter incident at a Super Church, in Texas at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston. Oh, and Joe Biden joined TikTok.
Yes, Joe Biden went and joined TikTok on February 11 with time being a possible connection, certainly when we look at the Super Bowl halftime ritual and the black Sun, Saturn references.
We all know what the ‘God of Time’, Kronos, did to his kids?
Imagine trying to convince anyone that Biden knows how to work TikTok anyway! This begs the question, who are his handlers? Really? I often joke that this is not Joe Biden, I say this is Johnny Knoxville playing one of his old man comedy sketches from Bad Grandpa, or Jack Ass. When I see videos of Joe pulling his neck and many people say it is a mask, I just think of Knoxville.
Another thing on February 11th, again in relation to Biden’s X profiles, is the Biden-Harris HQ account posted to say something had gone just how he had helped draw up. As if something went to plan.
The account posted the strange quote along with an image of Biden with laser beam eyes depicting the president as Homelander, who is somehow less creepy than Creepy Joe.
This made people wonder if the post was talking about the result of Super Bowl LVIII, whilst others felt it was a sick joke regarding Israel’s bombardment of Rafah at the border of Gaza and Egypt, which is another event on a very active February 11, 2024.
Something else happened on the February 10, 2024, that did get my attention, it one of China’s biggest ever wildfires allegedly caused by people performing “tomb sweeping rituals”.
These fires began in China’s absolutely huge and very mountainous Guizhou Province which is also home to Dragon Palace Cave, an extensive underground system with waterways ranging over 60km (37 miles).
The address of the Allegiant Stadium is 3333 Al Davis Way, Las Vegas, NV 89118, USA, this is loaded with 33s, a 911, and a sneaky 88.
Construction began on November 13, 2017, and when opened, the street name was changed from 5617 Dean Martin Dr. to 3333 Al Davis Way.
I ask the question, who or what are these people allegiant too?
Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes ended the festival with a set of cryptic corkers in his stats with 333 throwing yards, twin touchdowns, and 66 running yards as he gained his 3rd MVP award, in his, and the Chiefs 3rd Super Bowl ritual win.
There was a blood moon on November 8, 2022, this took place 333 days before the Israel-Hamas war started. This blood moon date becomes prominent later on, but for now, take note of the 333.
Fire and 3 Blind M-ice: Kansas City Chiefs fans die after ‘Freezing’ outside on Janus Festival game night
Kansas City Chiefs Fans Death on Jan 9, 2024 to Super Bowl Kansas City Chiefs Win on February 11 = 33 Days
The death of 3 Kansas City Chiefs fans on January 9, was 33 days before the Chiefs Twin Super Bowl win on February 11, 2024.
The 3 fans are alleged to have frozen to death after gathering to watch a game at their friends house, this leads us into a theme of fire and ice that is embedded within many aspects of the Super Bowl and its Hellyweird style entertainment.
The talk is now of a 3rd consecutive Super Bowl win for Kansas City Chiefs in 2025.
3 seems to be the magic number when looking into this event.
January 9 made me think of Pagan reasons, so, obviously I pondered over Janus being a factor. Janus is another Roman Pagan God associated to time, Saturn/Kronos is another.
It didn’t take long for my first hunch to be confirmed so let’s see where this takes us.
January 9 – Feast of Janus – The Agonalia
I have a lot of writing about time, gateways, doors closing, and new ones opening. Transitions.
All of which, in context of my reports, have been things to look out for in relation to world events and key dates.
I spoke about this most recently, during the drama at Burning Man when I published an article decoding the festival and other points of interest around it.
The Burning Man dates alerted me to a pattern which I had been observing since March 11, 2020, when Covid-19 was given its name and officially declared a global pandemic.
The Book of Revelation, 13:4, stated that there would be 42 months in which the dragon gave power to the beast and the best would use it to persecute us with blasphemy and lies.
Exactly 42 months from March 11, 2020, was September 11, 2023.
I had been waiting for this time of year to arrive.
42 is a very interesting number in this and later on, I will show you how the number 4200 ended up in my research for this Super Bowl 58 decode. February 11 is the 42nd day of the year too.
My opinion is, September 11, 2023, and the surrounding dates were the end of one phase and the beginning of another that we had to be wary of whilst entering into whatever paths they were planning to lead us down.
It did not take long for things to get going as we went past Jewish New Year 5784 on September 15th. We then landed on October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked Israel and the following annihilation of Gaza took place.
Here is a timeline of events from that article.
Timelines and Synchronicities
- March 11, 2020 – Covid-19 Given it’s name and declared a Global Pandemic.
- September 21, 2020 – Gavi Covax deal signed and policies adopted by WHO
- June 15th, 2023 – WHO Secretary-General’s press conference on Climate took place 88 days before September 11.
- August 22, 2023 – Brics Nations seeking an alternate World Order align with the 10 Kings in both Revelation and the book of Daniel.
- September 11, 2023 – Exactly 42 months after March 11, when Covid-19 was given it’s name, mirroring timeframe in Beast of Revelation in 13:1-18. Also 22 years after 9/11 Twin Towers ritual. Opening of the new window/phase?
- September 15, 2023 – Rosh Hosannah and The Feast of Trumpets – 5784.
- September 18, 2023 – Asteroid ‘Child‘ passes through the womb of Virgo during the Feast of Trumpets 7 days after September 11, 2023.
- September 22, 2023 – Exactly 1290 days after March 11, 2020, mirrors the timeframe of the abomination of desolation. Opening of the new window/phase?
- October 7, 2023 – Hamas attacks Israel, this started the Holy nation’s war on Gaza.
- The 7-year Tribulation.
- Agenda 2030 – United Nations and the New World Order – 7 Years after 2023.
Get this.
There are 1290 days between the opening of the Alle-Giant Stadium, on July 31, 2020, during Covid-19 lockdowns, and the 58th Super Bowl ritual event on February 11, 2024.
This is just like the 1290 days from March 11, 2020, when covid was declared a global pandemic, to September 22nd, 2023, which was 7 days after 5784 began, on Jewish New Year, Rosh Hosannah, September 15th, and 11 days after September 11, 2023.
The duration between the abolishment of daily sacrifices, and the beginning of the abomination that causes desolation, is said to be 1290 days.
UPDATE it is now July 2024 as I post this video to my article I have left this video here but I am still writing about Janus below the video.
I was concentrating on Janus being associated to time, and doorways, and how the Kansas Chiefs fans died on the Feast of Janus, so let’s get back to that for a moment.
On January 9th ancient Romans held a festival called the Agonium in honour of Janus. This is specific to Janus as there is the same festival in honour of Mars and others. Janus is a Roman god whose name is the route word for January. Janus was known for having two faces and most notably, being the Roman god of time. His faces looked in opposite directions, one forward, and the other backwards.
Janus is also known as the god of doorways, (just like I kept speaking of in my Burning Man article) gates (again in burning man), transitions (yep, in the Burning Man decode), duality, passages, and all beginnings and endings. Each of these factors are the foundations of the Burning Man article, and others, but that is the most recent.
Other rituals in honour of Janus consisted of sacrifices. Britannica tell us: “These sacrifices originally took place upon the top of the Quirinal Hill, one of the fabled Seven Hills of Rome; in archaic times, the Quirinal Hill used to be called the Agonal Hill, the Hill of Sacrifices.”
Can you see why I am wondering if the death of the 3 Kansas City Chiefs was a scripted and staged energy harvesting fake occult sacrifice to Janus and a ritual to look forward to a new phase, a time of ushering? Further emphasised at Super Bowl 58? 5+8=13 remember.
These men allegedly died 33 days before Kansas City Chiefs won their back-to-back Super Bowl, back to back just like the faces of Janus.
All this red coding, fire and ice.
Faked Photograph?
Quick unintended sidenote but… This photograph looks a bit faked in my opinion! I am not sure if it is because the man in the middle has been blurred out but they all look strange close up.
They have a suspicious look of crisis acting storyline plants to me, maybe it is just another energy heist, maybe not, who knows.
Look at the repeated ear layer giving a halo effect to the man on the right, Ricky Johnson Jnr. It looks like the image has been layered and one layer is not quite in the right place. I’m not an expert so I am open to second opinions, or simply being proven wrong, or to an explanation on how a camera can also create this effect. We see the colour grade on their faces seems to be strange. They all have red faces that don’t match their arms. Maybe they have just stopped being in fits of laughter.
I can understand why the blurred out man would have a halo effect around him, but the one in the middle, is it just the person doing the blurring out, tidying up the image by adding another blurred outline to Clayton McGeeney’s right arm, on the sleeve of his red jumper, and his hand in the middle of the picture?
Look at the hand coming over his shoulder too? It has that red colouring but the wrist, from what we can see, does not?
The shadows in the image seem to be the only consistent element.
Ricky Johnson Jnr’s teeth are the same red tint as his face. He looks like a life-size cardboard cut-out of himself.
The number 15 on the jersey reduces down to 33 because 1+5=6, and 6 becomes 33. The twin 33s from the two jerseys would then be 33 33, just like the 3333 Al Davis Way, address of the Allegiant Stadium. That address had 911 and 88 in the Las Vegas, NV 89118, Zip code, as they say in America.
The 15 15 is also a 66.
The two fingers over the Corona bottle is notable, like Corona 2.
These men allegedly died 33 days before Super Bowl 58, but what date is it 33 days after Super Bowl?
Answer: The Ides of March, which is March 15, another date when things tend to happen like clockwork. This is how future dates get coded into these rituals, and decoded so warnings can be made. March 15, 2024 is definitely one to keep an eye on.
The Ides of March triggers another set of key Roman-Pagan festival dates that are subject to major incidents taking place almost every year. This year, the Ides of March falls on the 11th Friday of 2024, in the 11th week.
In the Roman festival calendar, March 15th is when the Reed Entered (Attis was born). Seven days after the Ides of March is the 22nd, a skull and bones date, 322. This is also the start of The Hilaria, another dark Roman festival, this time in honour of Cybele. On the 22nd, it is marked by a festival A Tree Entered (Attis dies), March 23rd is the Day of Mourning, and the 24th is the Day of Blood. The Day of Joy is next on March 25th in a ritual that celebrates the resurrection of Attis 3 days after his grim death. Ever heard of that plotline before? Attis was resurrected after Cybele pleased with Zeus for mercy and forgiveness. She was broken hearted. Which is why the day Attis returned is known as the Day of Joy. This whole festival is for Cybele, as mentioned, but who is Cybele? She is the Greek Mother of the Gods. Also recognised in Rome. She was worshipped by her loyal cult followers, the cult of Cybele. Cybele is thought to have cured Dionysus of madness.
Attis, born on March 15th, was the consort to Cybele, who fell in love with him. He was set to marry the daughter of a King, until in an act of jealousy, Cybele drove him mad. Attis then committed suicide by cutting off his own manhood, castrating himself and bleeding to death under a pine tree. Then the resurrection took place 3 days later as I just mentioned.
The cult of Cybele would castrate themselves in a suicide ritual near a tree.
All the dates I wrote above the last paragraph will begin to make sense now.
The 22nd of March is also 7 days before the 88th day of the year, March 29. I’m telling you this because on all of these dates highlighted in this article, bad stuff happens. Even mid-bending hoaxes, which are still bad. They still mess with people on extreme levels.
The Roman Pagan Festival map never lets you down if you research current and historical events up against the dates that these Roman festivals, and games fall on. Don’t forget that all these Gods, Goddesses, and deities have their equivalents in other repackaged versions that are worshipped by other civilisations, and empires. For example, Roman to Greek, or Greek to Celtic, Norse and so on. At the end of the day, these stories repeat across all belief systems. I just told you another 3 day resurrection story. I could tell you another 5 at least.
For example, March 22, as we have seen is 322, the Skull and Bones death cult code.
What happened on March 22, 2024?
A lot!
The picture above, taken on June 15th, 2024, shows Kate Middleton who appeared in public for the first time since December 25th 2023.
Christmas Day is one of the most blasphemous Pagan dates to have ever been repackaged into what people believe is another happy-go-lucky holiday.
Anyway, that was just a few anomalies that I noticed as I work through this blog, so lets get back to Janus and these events in Kansas, connecting to Super Bowl.
Back to the future with the Super Bowl Ritual
The Hills of Rome become very prominent over the next few days (and weeks) with Lupercalia being the next of the Roman Pagan festivals with rituals taking place with hills mentioned in the story.
We will get into Lupercalia in more detail later too.
These events always seem to be signalling the start of a new age, the age of the anti-Christ.
Look at the 2012 London Olympics closing ceremony for example.
As we get further into this decode, we will see how the Super Bowl ritual was all about ‘Ushering’ in a new phase, or plan, or era, with time being a heavy influence in the half time entertainment, delivered by the backing dancers of the Illuminati puppeteers.
All this talk of puppets pulling strings is making me think of the man behind the curtain! Speaking of which…
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Whilst the Super Bowl ritual was brewing like a witches caldron, Kansas was the theme again when the puppet masters broadcast the first airing of the Wicked movie trailer from Universal Pictures.
This advert aired during the Super Bowl mind programming slots that are allocated to companies who like to provide the public with the latest thoughts, feelings, and political think-tank values that their celebrity handlers help to install into people, and their psyche, and embed new pre-defined social morals to live by.
In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is swept away from Kansas by a tornado before being tempted by a witch with an apple. The apple is another cryptic Garden of Eden reference to when the serpent corrupted humanity. We see tech giant ‘Apple’ promoting and cross advertising Super Bowl 58, and the halftime performance by Usher.
The Emerald City is mockery of the Heavens with God said to sit on a throne in the emerald city.
We saw Usher begin his performance by entering on a throne of diamonds. Was this depicting Gods Throne?
He was dressed, and deified in angelic/heavenly white. He adorned a cape with jewels. When he took the cape off, it off revealed a jacket with phoenix on his chest.
His white outfit portrayed purity, some my say it is a Christ figure, or God-like, I’d suggest it is Lucifer, the light-bearer.
Especially when we see him dancing around with Alicia Keys who is dressed in devilish blood red. Do we think it is Jesus dancing with the devil? Or Lucifer?
A phoenix is known to rise form the flames, or the ashes. It also represents new beginnings, just like Janus. A diamond is forged by fire.
What does the bible tell us about the day Lucifer was created? And how would it link to the glitz and glam of Las Vegas?
“The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald” – Revelation 21:19
And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. – Revelation 4:3
As I hinted at earlier, Emerald City is a reference to Gods Throne in the bible.
If we have one of the walls that surrounds God’s Throne (and likely city), being made from Emerald, and an Emerald Rainbow encircling the throne too. would it be fair to say that the Heavens may be referred to as the Emerald City?
It is known as the Throne Of God. Or the Emerald Throne. See Boston University citing writings about this topic.
The Emerald is hexagonal in shape. This takes us straight back to the HEX, Saturn worship, the Baphomet and the 6 pointed star of Satan.
The book of Revelation revolves around 7’s, and all jewels do.
The diamond is cubic.
The emerald is hexagonal.
The ruby is trigonal.
And so on for 7 different types. 7 is God’s perfect number, and He created all jewels to fall into 7 categories, which reveals His love for order, which is part of the beauty of His creation. Beauty and order will characterise the eternal environment of the New Jerusalem.
We know now that God’s Throne is alleged to be Emerald, but did you know when God created Lucifer, He surrounded him in precious metals and jewellery as well as made him a garment of jewels? Lucifer’s settings were readied in gold. Let me show you. This is why he is often referred to as a prince. This is royal treatment of a biblical kind.
Satan is the first alleged being that is recorded as wearing clothes with precious stones. In Ezek. 28, he is described as the model of perfection in beauty. Then in 28:13 we read, “You were in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.“
And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;
Revelation 21:19
Fire & Ice: There’s no place like Kansas City
A story which only turned into national news on February 11, after taking place on February 9, is a disturbing report of a mother who somehow did not realise she put her one-month old baby in the oven instead of her crib. This led to the death of the child.
Now we have babies being put in the oven during one of the most ritualistic times of the year, just as we began the dark decent towards Lupercalia, currently known as Valentines day.
And just like the alleged death of 3 Chiefs fans, the incident took place in Kansas. We have two cases with reported deaths caused by polarities that align to what we saw at Super Bowl on Feb 11. Fire and ice.
Kansas City seems to be trending in the news for a lot of dark and moody things of late. Yep, and having a spoilt gang of propaganda driven satanists galivanting around for Super Ba’al, within a 3 day window of a baby being killed in a way that would make Ba’al very proud, just adds to the strangeness of it all.
Some say the name is Ba’al, Roman’s will tell you it’s Nimrod, or Saturn, Canaanites called it Moloch/Molech. Whatever way you look at it, child sacrifices by fire were made to this Pagan deity so it is not good to see this type of story on such a significant news day.
Cremation Diamonds Return as M&M’s Run Shocking Super Bowl Ad
More burnt offerings to Ba’al?
Another thing that relates to fire, and children, and evil people was brought back to light during the Super Bowl adverts when M&M’s (13 13 M is the 13th letter) ran an ad about cremation diamonds.
The advert shows ex NFL stars, who I gather have lost Super Bowl games in the past, get comfort rings made from cremation diamonds formed from the insides of M&M’s.
There are a few ways to look at this. One way is its just an advert using tongue in cheek sketches to continue a shocking range of adverts from M&M’s which include Christina Applegate, who in 2019, played an angry mum who screams at noisy M&M’s in the back of her car, telling them if they don’t be quiet she will eat them all alive. Obviously, the M&M’s depict kids. In these adverts, the M&M’s often seem to be portraying kids in a subliminal, but in your face way.
I see the cremation diamonds advert as having huge potential for being all out mockery of victims who could be disposed of by being turned into diamonds. These evil souvenirs would then be paraded around on celebrities at events such as Super Bowl.
If this was happening, it would be another thing that would line up to Ba’al worship.
People all around the world are well aware of why I would jump out of my seat upon seeing an advert for cremation diamonds after my reports on this subject went viral in 2019.
Big alternative news outlets around the were linking to my article about cremation diamonds, referencing it, and it still gets views to this day. The video that accompanied it also had a lot of attention across various platforms.
Video: Cremation Diamonds: Epstein’s Underground S.C.A.B – Systematic Child Abuse Base – Ghislaine Maxwell Submarines?
The question I was posing in 2019, was are victims being disposed of by being turned into diamonds?
My video shows disgraced rapper 6ix9ine showcasing a necklace of a unicorn made from diamonds and hair which he said was from a real human.
This was another reason why I was posing the question upon seeing his Instagram video, which was a behind the scenes clip on the set of his duet with Nicki Minaj, for the song called FeFe. The set for the music video was like a sadistic child snatchers paradise as morbid scenes were blended with child-like funhouse themes.
This monstrosity from 6ix9ine was also part of my Unicorn symbolism decode from 2018.
Reports during the Jeffrey Epstein arrest fallout also stated that diamonds had been found by police at one of his properties.
I was showing how cremation diamond companies exist, but the technology could also be used as a front for disposing of victims and profiting from them at the same time. Artificial diamonds are not as high in value as real diamonds. But to do this to someone and secretly promote the practice in ways that not everyone will notice, is beyond disturbing to both the victims and their families. If it is taking place.
I say it is advertised done in a way that may go unnoticed because when looking into the possibility a few years back, I found an article headlined: Look, dead people and pets are being forged into pretty blue diamonds – Here’s how it works.
Back to the cost of these cremation diamonds a moment. The article states, but note that this was 2019 prices: Algordanza’s prices start at $3,000 for a 0.3 carat diamond. Martoia said the average order is about 0.4 to 0.5 carat, though US customers usually request bigger, 0.8-carat diamonds.
The next thing I found was numerous people wearing blue diamond rings, people such as celebrities, future queens, and past princesses.
Leibish.com tells us:
“loyalty and trust
It is no surprise that more and more people these days are looking for blue diamond engagement rings, as not only does blue symbolizes loyalty and trust, but it is also one of the rarest color diamonds in existence. It is also a symbol of wealth and associated with royalty.”
Notice it says associated with royalty? This makes me think about Bluebloods, which also came to mind when watching the halftime Super Bowl ritual.
This comes at the end of a week when King Charles, has been diagnosed with cancer, meaning Prince William may be set to take the throne faster than it first appeared.
Usher’s fire and ice scenery was mixed with red and blue as he performed in as many visual dualities as he could in such a short time. One thing that caught my attention was his blue and white themed dance-off with his backing dancers in Israel-like blue and white, along with black.
It struck me as maybe portraying blue bloods because of the amount of blue. Or at least somehow related. But another, and the most obvious thought was Israel and we all know what Israel did at the Rafah crossing as the Super Bowl ritual was fully underway.
The dancer next to Usher seems to be wearing a mock bullet proof vest along with his Israel blue and white outfit?
As I was editing a video on this subject (and still am), I had the word ‘Bluebloods’ on the screen but changed it to ‘Israel’.
But anyway, back to the breakdown of the Super Bowl ritual.
Blue and red was prominently displayed for the masses to see with Usher, and Alicia Keys who arrived on the scene with a blood red heart shaped piano and outfit. The heart was a cross between a typical love heart, and the shape more like the organ.
The first time we see her piano is just after Usher hands over to her and the camera is over head when we see a blue bridge entering the platform where Alicia Keys is sat which is all red.
I wonder if Alicia Keys is signalling the keys to open the abyss, to release Satan from his bottomless pit?
“He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.” – Revelation 20.
The stage looks like a thermometer which would be more on the icy side of things as it is all blue, the piano that Keys is sat on, seems to be representing blood that is either entering, or leaving the thermometer shaped area.
It was also one of three circle shapes set out in the stage, we will be looking at that too.
Blue and red merge to create purple, which takes us into the realms of dualities.
The energy harvesting shills love to play games with peoples emotions by putting these things in the faces of the public, who do not realise what is happening. Then, to add insult to injury, by not stopping it, the masses invertedly offer the spiritual consent that the maniacs need to acquire, to justify their activities.
This is a time of year when rituals, and psyops always take place on the same dates like clockwork. Imbolc is at the start of February, on the 1st. But, don’t get comfortable, and put your feet up because there are many more excuses for these crazy people to evoke their demons with these ongoing devilish pantomimes.
The blue and red, fire and ice theme continued right throughout Ushers performance, and the ads that played throughout the whole Super Bowl ritual.
Next we see Beyonce in her advert that announced a new album. The first thing we see is her outside a red house, dressed in red. Again, this makes me think they are saying there will be a red house in the next elections. But it also holds this blood red characteristic that we keep seeing.
The red house has 3 windows on each side. Another sneaky 33. The windows are made up of smaller squares. Each side of the house has 96 squares in total. As above, So below.
Speaking of as above, so below, the image shows the house is mirrored underneath it, with the red showing up in the blackened floor.
There are 6 windows, and 6 backing dancers on each side. 666 is coded into the Beyonce Super Bowl ritual advert.
There is a lot of symmetry in this section of the advert with things mirrored on both sides. You can see more this in the black sun with the twin pilar silver posts on each side of Beyonce.
The devil likes to mirror and invert everything as he turns Gods world that He created in His image, into that of Satan. Satan counterfeits Gods design and mocks us by trapping humanity in sin using the false reality that is projected upon us by Saturn.
There is a black circle around the door to enter and leave the red house. Beyonce is stood in the doorway, but beyond that, she is stood in a black circle. This represents Saturn, the black sun.
You can see more references to Saturn in the image below. The black sun is more visible now too.
You can see people in the blood valentines red. Their outfits are gimp suits. The blood red and promotion of sadomasochism in combination with the cult of Saturn behaviours on display, means it is safe to say Beyonce is going all in with her allegiance to Satan once again. What a role model to kids around the world… Nope, she is a Jezebel spirited demon.
A couple of scenes along and we switch from red (fire) to blue. Beyonce breaks a block of ice with a baseball bat. We can see a blue house with Beyonce wearing a yellow top. Blue and yellow are colours associated to Freemasons by their own admission on their own websites. The blue house is switching us from the red house, leaving the blood red fire setting that she opened with, and onto this blue house with more of an ice theme. Red and Blue duality. The red and blue divide.
The red continued throughout the advertising for the Super Bowl ritual, and the next advert I want to highlight is this odd spectacle from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The first thing we see is a house on fire before Arie emerges from the flames having saved two puppies, which he is holding close to his chest. After his performance in Junior, I am not sure if this is depicting breasts. I would not be surprised with these Baphomet merchants.
The reference to Junior grows as towards the end of the advert when Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are reunited on screen. This follows their aptly dated, and named, 1988 movie Twins. As well as Junior, in which Schwarzenegger played a pregnant man. Junior was released on 9 December 1994. Twins was released on December 9, 1988. Both movies with a same day release date, 6 years apart. December 9 is the 343rd day of the year with 22 remaining. 22 again.
During the advert, Arnie wears a red t-shirt with a red oval logo which is 3 shapes forming a triangle. He hands the puppies to a delighted damsel in distress, she thanks him before he oddly replies with:
“Like A Good Neighbaaaa”.
Then the realisation that this was just more mockery of Jesus, the lamb of God. The occult blasphemy kicked in within seconds of the audience being introduced to a house on fire with Arnie emerging like a phoenix from the flames.
We are in the thick of the action a few scenes later as Schwarzenegger parachutes himself into a flock of sheep, whilst shouting “Like A Good Neighbaaaa”.
The sheep then scatter.
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. – John 1:29
But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. – John 10:12
Usher Took The World To The A
Video: 7-Year Solar Eclipse Triple X Prophetic Warning for America [2017 2023 2024] – Abraham – Overcome Babylon
The solar eclipse is 58 days after Super Bowl 58.
The number 58 keeps popping up so a quick look at that takes us back to the 5+8 = 13. The 13-yard line is where the crucial play started from after Patrick Mahomes pushed on to 13 yards from to win the restart in an attacking position. This ended with the winning touch down. Mahomes was awarded MVP with 333 yards thrown in the Super Bowl ritual.
We were looking into diamonds and jewellery earlier, and that theme is back again with the latest Great American Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024.
The moments before totality, when the sun is going fully behind the moon, we see it give off an effect that is known as the diamond ring.
This comes after we see the orange glow of the sun surrounding the moon. The difference between the ring of fire, and icy diamond ring, is another reason why fire and ice is at large all over this Super Bowl Ritual.
Eclipses are seen as portals, and possibly holding the keys to open the bottomless pit.
April 8, now also becomes another date to look out for, and I don’t mean looking up at the eclipse, I mean more craziness. Witchcraft and rituals are more energised during eclipses and full moons.
No Shit Sherlock – The Super Bowl Ritual continues with Kansas City parade shooting
And as I am writing, there are breaking reports of a shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs victory parade in Kansas.
I was writing 11th of February is a date that has 22 embedded within. This is via the 11, and the 2, which is from February being the second month of the year.
The number 22 is often coded into the events that take place and hit every news outlet as if handpicked, to be pushed by all the major string-pullers, whilst actual stories that hit home in society each day simply go ignored.
Although, I must say, real life issues being ignored is just one side of the story, as we know a lot of the troubles of the world are fully procured and abetted by such agencies with their role in pushing agendas until people subconsciously submit to them.
Take gun control for example, and right on queue, we have this parade shooting at Union Station in Kansas City.
The initial reports were 1 dead and 10 injured. They have now settled on one dead and 21 injured, making it 22 victims of the alleged shootings.
The 22 again.
The Guardian reports: “Among the injured, 11 children are being treated at Children’s Mercy Kansas City, according to local news outlets The Kansas City Star and KMBC, nine of them for gunshot wounds.“
This is despite earlier claims form police that no children where hurt.
Another thing to note is, that snippet of info managed to cram another 9/11 in there with how they laid the numbers out with 11 children injured and 9 of them from gunshots.
So far, police in Kansas say they have arrested 3 people (that magic number again) but they do not know if 2 of them where just helping to restrain, and detain the alleged suspect.
Today is 6 years since the Parkland school shootings hoax that was inundated with crisis actors and gun-control agenda pushing shills. It also proves my point about major events shootings on Valentines day.
A List of major events on Valentines Day or during Lupercalia – Feb 13 – 15
February 2005 – Philippines Bombings
February 14, 2008 – Illinois University Shooting
February 14, 2013 – Oscar Pistorius Murders Reeva Steenkamp
February 14, 2015 – Copenhagen Shooting
February 14, 2018 – Parkland School Shooting
February 14, 2019 – Terror Attack on Indian Security Forces
February 13, 2023 – Michigan State University Mass Shooting
February 14, 2024 – Kansas City Chiefs Parade Shooting
Easter is the same, there are a list of terror attacks, or mass shootings, Facebook live shootings, and more all on Easter Sunday, another Pagan holiday repackaged into modern beliefs by the Vatican.
February 14, 2024 was nuts, the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade was the most telegraphed thing since I have been covering these situations, but something else happened on Valentines day as the news outlets kept pushing things through the black scrying mirrors that we call tv and mobile phone screens. Not forgetting laptops, tablets and projectors.
This is just more media driven excuses to distract the masses and keep people in a mundane state of fear and panic. They play this never ending game of ‘insert talking point here’. And the more they dumb down society, the more society follows the trends that are established out of these see through, pre-fabricated public affairs. Somebody with the brain the size of a pea can end half of these talking points just as easily as walking out of a high security jail in Idiocracy. But in a world where life now imitates art, we do live in a warped reality that makes South Park look like a documentary. They have not given us a break since Covid. Daily doom and gloom. The clouds of war constantly hanging over us. We went from lockdown to wondering if our politicians, and news outlets, are going to stir the pot with enough propaganda to wield us into an actual world war. But lets face it, this is what this is all about, the ushering of a new age by Luciferians. Another industrial revolution triggered by pandemic, and/or a global controlled demolition. This is the work of the devil. No real person wants any nation to go to war. No normal member of the public thinks like any of these unstable, and out of touch politicians. Nobody trusts those who stand on their podiums saying things that are that stupid, yet terrifying, as they can only be following a script, that leads us to hell on earth. No rational thinking mind can follow these agendas without hearing themselves speak and knowing it is nothing but nonsense. But it is evil, and that is why it is scary. Who is in charge if every nation and every news agency, within their own little narrative clicks, are ran by the exact same globalist agendas? I thought people liked to be unique? Not anymore, people are in a media driven trance, it’s follow the leader, even if the leader can’t string a sentence together.
The House Intelligence Committee of Republicans posted this as the annual Lupercalia frenzy continued…
That was the 14th too. The rest of the week was no less stupid and dramatic.