Summer Wells Reward Fund Questions Loom Large As Funds Are Finally Handed To Children’s Advocacy Centre.

Summer Wells Reward Fund donors unknowingly contributed to a strange civil court case to decide where the money should go to after questions were raised about how a large portion of the contributions were criminally obtained.

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The never ending Summer Wells Reward Fund saga took another twist this week as it was revealed by Church Hill Rescue Squad, Captain. Tim Coup, that funds which where handed to a local Child Advocacy Centre were reduced because a civil court case was paid for out of the original final total.

A sum of $591.38 was subtracted from the total of $40,365.73 after Hawkins County Chancery Court had ruled that the entirety of the fund should be donated to Child Advocacy Center of the Third Judicial District, in Tennessee.

Church Hill Rescue Squad’s Tim Coup handed a cheque to the Advocacy Center, Director, Deana Hicks, for total of $39,774.35.

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Video by Jeff Bobo – Hawkins County News

Captain Tim Coup was the spokesperson for the Summer Wells Reward Fund after he set it up in June 2021, following a $25.000 cheque being sent to Kingsport Times News from a Mr. David Garrahan who stated that he only wanted his money to be paid out if Summer Wells was found.

Another $10.000 Cheque was sent in to the reward fund by Mr TR Ward, who is a business owner in the funeral service, but his donation was also to be held back and only to be paid back if Summer was found.

This meant that the first two donations sent in were just I.O.U’s and questions have been raised wondering if they were just a ploy to generate funds into the region via the reward fund.

A $2000 donation was sent by a young man known as Trevor Lee.

This was the last of the initial donations that triggered the reward fund although it was in the final total and not returned.

A further 19 donations were made up until October 4th 2021 when Don Wells bemoaned the structure of the Summer Wells Reward Fund after it was set to end just 6 months from the date Summer Wells vanished.

The initial terms set stated that it would be paid out to a local Child Advocacy Centre in December 2021.

At the time of Don Wells complaint which was aired on WJHL News, the fund had just $3,792.56 excluding the I.O.U’s.

The fund was extended to June 15th 2022 the next day on October 6th.

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The diagram below shows how Church Hill Rescue Squad posted a total of donations received as of January 18, 2022.

We can see that there was less than $4000 in total when deducting the I.O.U’s that totalled $35000.

summer wells reward fund reaches $74k

WJHL reported: Captain of the Church Hill Rescue Squad Tim Coup says that the bank handling the reward account for Summer Wells provided the following list of donations made to the fund, along with the date they were made.

summer wells reward fund reaches $74k as captain tim coups provides update

On October 6, 2021, an unlawful fundraiser started on YouTube and was hosted by a group of people who networked to divert vast amounts of money from emotionally manipulated subscribers, away from the official fund and into Qiana Carlock’s various payment portals such as PayPal, CashApp, YouTube SuperChats and more.

The scheme which they dubbed the ‘Summer Wells Reward Fund Marathon’ was unlawful because none of the people raising money, or promoting the ‘marathon’ had 501(c)(3) registration, or permission from Church Hill Rescue Squad.

laws on charitable solicitations regarding summer wells reward fund

The illegal fundraising continued until October 18, 2021, and ended inline with a vigil held by more scheming YouTuber’s including Brad Wishon who was involved in conning thousands of dollars from victims of a billboard, and TV adverts scam.

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It was on October 13, 2021, that Summer Wells Dad, Don Wells thanked “the billboard people”, who we know was fronted by Brad Wishon.

On October 20, 2021, Qiana Carlock posted a video to her YouTube channel in which she claimed to have made contact with Church Hill Rescue Squad to notify them that she is sending a total of $32,193.34 to the official Summer Wells Reward Fund.

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This proved that she had not gained prior consent to begin fundraising on behalf of a 501(c)(3).

The law (below) states that Carlock needed to be a professional solicitor (of donations), which she was not because she did not have a 501(c)(3) registration.

Carlock also needed prior consent from Church Hill Rescue Squad, which should have been registered with the Secretary of State.

She never did that either.

The laws states that Carlock needed to be a professional solicitor, which she was not because she did not have any 501(c)(3) registration, and she needed prior consent from Church Hill Rescue Squad, which should have been registered with the Secretary of State. summer wells reward fund

Enchanted LifePath sent evidence to the Charitable Solicitations Division of the Secretary of State Office of Tennessee were investigators confirmed “criminal activity” had been “exposed”.

That was on October 22, 2021.

email from  the Charitable Solicitations Division of the Secretary of State Office of Tennessee were investigators confirmed "criminal activity" had been "exposed" in summer wells reward fund scamathon

It was never proven or made clear by Carlock if $32,193.34 was all that was raised during her unlawful marathon and concerns remain to this day that she may have raised much more.

On November 30, 2021, Carlock added what may appear to be more tacit admission of guilt when she created a non-profit 501(c)(3) company called QCares which can be seen on the Open Corporates website.

This registration shows that Carlock was not 501(c)(3) certified, or eligible to conduct fundraisers on behalf CHRS prior to November 30 when she began hosting the Summer Wells reward fund marathon with her co-conspirators who all continue to deny any wrongdoing despite federal and state laws that clearly say otherwise.

An example of just one of the laws broken during the scamathon.

It was then in June 2022 that the reward fund was brought up again and was at the center of a civil dispute after a case was filed in the Hawkins County Chancery Court to determine where the funds should go.

This came after another YouTuber known as Tiffany Marie lied by saying she had sent $1500 into the official summer wells reward fund, a claim that was swiftly debunked by Enchanted LifePath who had worked out all the donations and proven hers did not fit.

Enchanted LifePath posted a letter to Church Hill Rescue Squad on June 10, 2022.

It detailed concerns around how the $32,193.34 was raised by Carlock, and the conduct of Church Hill Rescue Squad themselves.

church hill rescue squad tells donors to send cheques to their address during summer wells reward fund

This was based on vague stipulations on how to donate to the fund which could have left an open door to confusion for potential donors who may have wrongly sent money by post and named/paid to CHRS instead of the Summer Wells reward fund at Civis Bank.

Church Hill Rescue Squad responded by sanctioning civil court case CH-148-2022, in which they sought anonymity from any future proceedings regarding the Summer Wells Reward Fund, and to determine where the money should end up.

CHRS Captain Tim Coup made a public announcement to declare the opening of the court case in which he claimed “questions have been raised regarding the distribution of the Summer Wells reward fund money”.

This was wrong and misleading because where the money should go was never disputed, it was how the money sent to the official fund from Carlock was obtained which was the main issue raised.

Distribution of the final funds was not questioned in the letter.

Hush hush Summer Wells Reward Fund court case done behind closed doors without victims knowing

A court case was was then held in February 2023 when it was ruled that the full total of $40,365.73 was to be donated to Child Advocacy Center of the Third Judicial District.

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Church Hill Rescue Squad were also granted a ruling which denied anyone taking action against them in an odd move for the judge considering the organisation had previous bad press after former treasurer Carla Dykes admitted to stealing over $40.000 from CHRS accounts.

Church Hill Rescue Squad carries a high advisory alert after a report was published by the Comptroller of Tennessee in October 2021.

Church Hill Rescue Squad carries a high advisory alert after a report was published by the Comptroller of Tennessee.

This does not mean that every member of the rescue squad is guilty of stealing but the idea of the organisation itself not being able to face scrutiny after the Carla Dykes case is mind-boggling.

We can see how Dykes managed to steel close to $50.000 and spend it on her mortgage, TV and internet subscriptions, food, cigarettes, personal holiday property, and iTunes gift cards.

This is one reason that eyebrows were raised when it was Church Hill Rescue Squad who were conducting the official Summer Wells Reward Fund.

Church Hill Rescue Squad posted grants and donations received in total of just $2,756 in 2019.

In 2020, during the start of the Pandemic, and Carla Dykes investigation, CHRS funding rose to $54,355.

And in 2021, at the height of the pandemic, the Summer Wells case, and reward fund, Church Hill Rescue Squad posted contributions gained of $90,206 despite being refused government grant funding in a plea to the Hawkins County Commission as seen on YouTube.

This is in comparison to Hawkins County Rescue Squad who in 2018 posted contributions gained in total of $104,629, in 2019 it was $82,715, 2020 saw figures of $121,712, in 2021 they raised $153,069.

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Fund handed to Deana Hicks by Tim Coup.

It was not until May 21, 2023, that the reward funds were finally handed over to the Children’s Advocacy Centre as stipulated in the origin of the fund, as well as ordered by the judge during the case in February.

$40,365.73 was the ordered final total although the actual total paid was lower due to court fees being paid from the fund.

This means Church Chill Rescue Squad, in-effect, paid just $591.38 to cloak themselves in anonymity from any future proceedings regarding the reward fund.

I am not sure what world we live in but I am sure it is not one were we are able to enable people to break the law and pay just under $600 to get away with it under a judges ruling from a court that is located within a very problematic county at board level with cronies rubbing shoulders from one corridor to the next.

Imagine that.

I mean, it is a small price to pay to totally mess up the entire point raised in the letter that was sent which triggered the knee-jerk “it wasn’t me” reaction from Church Hill Rescue Squad and its directors.

Meanwhile. Tim Coup presented a cheque for $39,774.35, to Deana Hicks who gleefully accepted with wide open arms and a smile that had a larger span than the Holsten River.

It was during the handover, that was filmed by local reporter Jeff Bobo, that Tim Coup said a few strange things about the amount of donations received before being corrected by Bobo.

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He claimed there were “hundreds of thousands” donated and then changed it to “hundreds and thousands“.

Coup also referenced Carlock’s Scamathon when he stated that it is to his understanding that a group on Facebook and YouTube had sent in money that was “comprised closed to hundreds of thousands“.

This is as he was handing over a cheque totalling just $39,774.35 which contained $32,193.34 sent in by Carlock which is a difference of $7,581.01 from the $39.7k total, and $8,172.39 difference from Carlock’s donation to the final $40.3k total.

This further shows (confirming ELP reports) the public donations were relatively low aside from Carlock’s unlawful marathon, and theoretical I.O.U’s, not much was raised.

Where was there close to $100k+ Tim?

Where was the hundreds of donations?

Around 30 donations were made excluding the fictional I.O.U’s so why did Tim think hundreds of donations were made when all he can say is less than 30 and within that was Carlock’s $32k which he can only class as 3 further donations.

The only person who can claim to have received hundreds of donations during the Summer Wells reward fund is Qiana Carlock.

She then converted $32k of that into three donations sent by wire transfer to the reward fund bank account.

This can all be seen on the diagram below.

Tim then goes on to say that people in the hundreds put money into an account and they (the bank and CHRS lawyers) had no way of tracking them because they just said “hey, I want to donate, they paid money, got a receipt and left“.

This is a false and misleading claim from Tim Coup as donors of the fund who had interest in the case have stated they did not receive any receipt of their donation, nor did they get any contact from the courts to notify them about the case at which Coup said “nobody showed up to the court“.

He said the court case was an opportunity for anyone who donated to reclaim their money but nobody turned up to do so.

Degé Coutee recently spoke out against the claim to say: “The rescue squad never sent me a receipt nor an acknowledgment for the donation I made by check to their organization for the reward fund, as is required by law.

“Did anyone else get a receipt? The back of my check was never even endorsed as to what account deposited it.

“That’s why I inserted myself as an “interested party” in the reward fund lawsuit.

“Coup’s lawyers never responded to my questions but assure me my donation was received.

“What a sh*t show!!”

Degé had made herself known to be an interested party when the case was announced in June 2022 in a video as can be seen below.

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Tim Coup admitted himself that funds were obtained internationally so his claims that nobody showed up to the case was also questionable as we already know that no public notice was made making anyone aware that the trial was due to go ahead.

Everyone was left in the dark apart from the court, Church Hill Rescue Squad, and the Children’s Advocacy Centre.

How could international donors be expected to arrive for a court case that they had no idea was even taking place?

If this whole case was not misleading then I do not know what is.

Kiwanis connections lead to inappropriate advertising by library overlooked in Bobo article

Jeff Bobo was present at the handover of the Summer Wells Reward Fund which was given to Deana Hicks as we have seen.

Deana Hicks once spoke to an old boys club known as the Kiwanis as she appeared at the Bulls Gap division to address child abuse during the pandemic.

Deana Hicks once spoke to an old boys club known as the Kiwanis as she appeared at the Bulls Gap division to address child abuse during the pandemic.

The article that is referenced in the screenshot above is from January 22, 2021.

Sheriff Ronnie Lawson, whose sheriffs office is located in Bulls Gap, has also been known to talk at Kiwanis Events when he spoke at the Kingsport branch in February 2021.

A video showing this can be seen on YouTube via the Kingsport Kiwanis channel.

It was uploaded on February 26, 2021, just a month after Deana Hicks was at the Bulls Gap event.

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A recent Rogersville Review article from Jeff Bobo contained a disturbing advert with inappropriate wording that was aimed at children and requested them to donate their underwear by dropping them into a plastic bin at the Bulls Gap Kiwanis Library.

The campaign dubbed ‘Drop Your Drawers’, contains various innuendos that may account to child safeguarding red flags and highlight grooming techniques used to target vulnerable children.

Bobo published a quirky, happy-go-lucky article in the Rogersville Review on May 12, 2023 and it totally overlooked any possible eyebrows the campaign may raise with its arguably pro-grooming subliminal wording.

The article starts off with: Make your Next Visit to the Library a “Brief” one for a Good Cause, as part of our “Drop Your Drawers” Campaign.

The Kiwanis Club of Bulls Gap, in cooperation with the Hawkins County Public Libraries and the Hawkins County Family Resource Centre announce its third annual “Drop Your Drawers” Campaign, which will run from June 1 through July 31.

Jeff Bobo Rogersville Review
The Kiwanis Club of Bulls Gap, in cooperation with the Hawkins County Public Libraries and the Hawkins County Family Resource Center announce its third annual “Drop Your Drawers” Campaign, which will run from June 1 through July 31.- Jeff Bobo Rogersville Review.

The kids underwear collecting campaign is fronted by images of Captain Underpants by author and illustrator Dav Pilkey, who it is claimed has given permission to Kiwanis Clubs to use the character to for their promotion.

The article ends with Bobo writing: And remember to “drop your drawers” for Hawkins County students while visiting your local Hawkins County Library branch.

Deana Hicks was stood with Bobo just a couple of weeks after he published this article and the child advocate does not appear to have raised any safeguarding issues with the Drop Your Drawers Campaign and the reporter during the Summer Wells Reward Fund handover.

The handover was low-key but very similar to another handover in recent times when a reward for another missing girl named Carlie Trent, was whacked out to local charities after she was allegedly kidnapped then found in 2016.

The Story Of Carlie Trent, Ronnie Lawson, Donnie Lawson, Larry Lawson, Clyda Trent, Don Wells, Hawkins County and Money

A reward fund was created after Doctor Chris Calendine donated $10.000 in hope it triggered a lead with information that helped find Carlie Trent, then aged 9.

It was in the first week of May 2016 when the strange case of Carlie began and the first donation from Chris Calendine was made on May 7, 2016.

carlie trent reward fund donor chris calendine

It was later revealed that Calendine had been found guilty of abusing boys and a charge of sexual battery was handed out to the disgraced doctor.

Various reports are still available online showing how he had been accused of abusing boys aged 12, and 14.

He also abused his position of power whilst being paraded around Hawkins County as a local hero after his donation.

A Daily Mail report shows how the news reached as far as the United Kingdom.

Carlie Trent had allegedly been kidnapped by her uncle Gary Simpson, who had picked her up from school and said her father had been involved in an accident.

He was then filmed at a local groceries store buying food and other items with Carlie also seen in the footage.

It was four local men who allegedly found Carlie after they had prayed for Devine intervention and the Lord told one of them to check a certain area where Trent was then miraculously located.

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The men were all seen at a post-discovery party that was held for Carlie Trent and they could not keep their hands off the young girl who had allegedly just been rescued from a kidnapper.

One of those men was called Donnie Lawson who is thought to be related to Sheriff Ronnie Lawson who is overseeing the Summer Wells investigation via Hawkins County Sherriff’s Office in Bulls Gap, Tennessee.

The story carries many similarities to the Summer Wells case from purple hearts and decorations to dubious reward funds, but also many total contrasting elements, if not outright contradictions.

Firstly, the video below shows how a company named the Planned Giving of Hawkins County was established on July 7, 2016.

The Planned Giving of Hawkins County was used to manage the funds from Carlie Trent’s reward fund.

The company was set up by Sheldon Livesay of One Accord Ministry which is located close to the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Sheldon Livesay handed out cheques to 26 local charities in August 2016 after the reward fund was refused by the four men who allegedly stumbled on Carlie, and they suggested it should be distributed county wide to organisations in need.

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The four men refused to accept the $40.000 in reward fund money as the story became more of a heartstring puller.

I do wonder if the whole thing was staged to bring funds into the county via a reward fund that was set up and pre-planned to do so?

I pose the question if the same thing took place with the Summer Wells case?

A load of photographs from the Carlie Trent after-party can be found at this link which is posted in Sheldon Livesay’s YouTube video description.

The local response which was generated for Carlie Trent was almost a direct opposite of what was done for Summer Wells.

We have seen how enthusiastic Livesay was in the hunt for Carlie Trent, we can also see how the whole county banded together to look for her and how they all put huge efforts into raising local awareness.

There was lots of planning, people were making maps and leaflets, the whole county is said to have been out searching in cars, knocking at neighbours and so on.

The usual talk of non-stop praying was prominent too as the religious themes were in place with that story also.

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Carlie was allegedly found then checked at the hospital who said she had came to no harm.

This is documented in an Enchanted LifePath video from February 2021.

What is odd about that original medical analysis is that her uncle and alleged kidnapper, Gary Simpson, was charged and pleaded guilty to sexual assault and kidnapping.

Gary Simpson, was charged and pleaded guilty to sexual assault and kidnapping.

All of the initial reports stated that Carlie had been taken to hospital to be examined as a precaution but there was no indication she had been harmed.

She was then at the local party in the park with bouncy castles, stages with live bands playing, people everywhere, men rubbing Carlie’s shoulders and arms as she had a smile and opened presents and played with party poppers.

All of this despite just allegedly being kidnapped for a week and abused by her uncle who I wonder if he was either used as a patsy in a county and media sponsored hoax, or if he was just in on it if there was something fishy going on aside from the story we were presented with?

I just want to work out is it a case of a child goes missing in Hawkins County and the local organisations see it as a chance to help find the person, or a chance for self-promotion as well as a way to lure donations into the region in the name of the said missing child and then knowing no matter what the outcome, they may cash in?

What if that outcome, and story is fabricated with funds in mind?

We have heard the term ‘Tragedy Pimps’ in the YouTube True Slime community, but I also beg the question, is it not places like Church Hill Rescue Squad and the Children’s Advocacy who are the biggest tragedy pimps of all in this, and similar ordeals?

Deana Hicks Kiwani CA Talk

Jeff Bobo Rogersville Review Deana Hicks Reward Fund Cheque Handover Article on FB

Jeff Bobo Rogersville Review Article Deana Hicks Hand Over Tim Coup

Jeff Bobo Kiwani Underwear Article

Ronnie Lawson Kingsport Kiwani Club Appearance

Abused Kids Have An Advocate In 3rd Judicial District – Deana Hicks




United Way of Greene County (Funds Child Advocacy, mentioned by Deana Hicks in article)

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

Enchanted LifePath