King Charles III has been a bit busy after the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II and seeing him do his ritualistic rounds has brought back memories of times gone by on Enchanted LifePath. Many reports surrounding the Royal family serve as a reminder to the public who continue to act like they have nothing better to do than to follow the latest bandwagon in over-the-top mourning for a person they did not know who was 96 years old and did not care for any of them unless a PR team endorsed it.
The main thing that surrounds the royal Family is scandal.
The monarchy is involved in constant scandals and most of them get brushed under the carpet as if they never happened as the media pushes the next story into the limelight to help banish any memories of the wrongdoing by the so-called British Elite.
Many questions remain unanswered but this gives us a chance to look at a few factors that result in Royal Scandal and how mainstream media news outlets seem to always miss the big points.
Jennifer Arcuri Boris Johnson affair ignites Andrew, Epstein, Maxwell, and FBI links.
British Government and Monarchy in potential honeypot?
Harry and Meghan Debacle.
Grumpy King Charles III and Jimmy Savile communications.
Princess Diana.
Harry “None of us want to be King or Queen”.
Jennifer Arcuri admitted to an affair with Boris Johnson but what grim connections does this bring back to the surface?
Jennifer Arcuri spoke of her alleged affair with Boris Johnson and also suggested, that the ex-Prime Minister, sought sexual photographs to alleviate him from the stresses of his work.
Jennifer Arcuri spoke mentioned her time with Boris Johnson in an interview that you can see in brief below.
Who is Jennifer Arcuri?
Jennifer Arcuri’s 2021 interviews served as a reminder of an article from Enchanted LifePath in 2019 that highlighted various connections between Elite members of the British establishment, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell, former US President Donald Trump, US law enforcement and counterintelligence services, and more.
The article also highlighted research from Alun Roberts who had posted a series of Tweets in September 2019 regarding Jennifer Arcuri’s very deep connections that also highlighted her huge potential for a honeypot trap surrounding Boris Johnson.
I have copied the info about this from my 2019 article which contains research and reports about Boris Johnson’s reported ex-lover, Jennifer Arcuri.
Jennifer Arcuri on 2019 Enchanted LifePath Report About Prince Andrew & Jeffrey Epstein – Were The British Monarchy Plotting Their Own Downfall With Psy-Ops?
Close to the end of his BBC Newsnight interview, Prince Andrew mentioned his affiliations to various organisations and charities.
One of the charities was Outward Bound Trust where Prince Andrew was Patron after being handed the role by his father, Prince Philip, as he stepped down from the position in March 2019.
Andrew has now resigned from his Patronage of Outward Bound Trust, a charity that works with vulnerable children with learning difficulties.
The organisation takes children on educational trips in the wild.
All bridges are being burnt fast with the close connections to Epstein proving a huge problem for any institutions that are linked to the Prince.
Boris Johnson scandal Jennifer Arcuri
Prince Andrew did not expect so many people to be so sharp-eyed after his disastrous interview and his links to Outward Bound Trust take a twist for the worst as far as he is concerned and this next one brings outgoing prime minister, Boris Johnson into the saga.
in 2019, Dame Alun Roberts made some startling reports on Twitter regarding Prince Andrew and his connections to various schemes run by paedophiles or people connected to them.
This is where Boris Johnson’s ex-girlfriend Jennifer Arcuri, 36, comes into things.
On the 3rd of October, 2019, a media bidding war was underway for the exclusive rights to a tell-all interview with the US businesswoman at the center of a conflict of interest row involving Boris Johnson.
Boris Johnson affair with Jennifer Arcuri
Two days earlier, a laptop belonging to Arcuri had been reported stolen with the information that she had an affair with the fallen PM.
The laptop, stolen in Britain is said to contain pictures and emails from when she was close to Boris who was the then-mayor of London.
Jennifer Arcuri was said to be terrified that personal information about her time with Boris Johnson on it would be leaked – hence the controlling of the media before that information surfaces with proof of emails, contact details, images and other damning evidence.
Jennifer Arcuri connections to Prince Andrew, FBI, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Outward Bound Trust
It is Jennifer Arcuri’s connections to Prince Andrew that may come as quite a surprise to most.
Dame Alun Roberts reports: BoJo’s girlfriend Arcuri does seem to gravitate towards criminals!
Not only was she in business with LIBOR rigger Hayes, her associate at Hacker House, another person at one of her companies, was Lauri Love, a computer hacker who stole large amounts of data from US government agencies.
It is worth noting how Arcuri’s Hacker House had the endorsement of Epstein’s sleazy buddy Randy Andy: Hacker House advises organisations on cyber-security, teaches youngsters online skills, and has the backing of the Duke of York for its scheme awarding cyber badges to children (at Outward Bound Trust).
While BoJo’s pole dancer was offering Randy Andy endorsed cyber-security, her cousin Lawrence Lessing was a trustee of the Internet Society, a position held, albeit at different times, by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister Christine.
Christine Maxwell was CEO and President of Chilead Inc., the company providing the FBI with its counterterrorism database. She was also steering committee organiser for ‘Remembering for the future’ whose list of patrons resembles a carbon copy of Epstein’s list.
Watch Video: Why Ethical Hacking is so important in a 21st-century economy | Jennifer Arcuri | TEDx Liverpool
Hang on, isn’t that guest speaker at Arcuri’s InnoTech Summit with BoJo our dear friend Alexander ‘Lord’ Carlile? The man who rushed to the defence of the paedophile Greville Janner and shared an office with Cyril Smith?
End of Alun’s report. You can read more from Alun by going to his Tweet below or the full thread is available via thread reader.
BoJo’s girlfriend Arcuri does seem to gravitate towards criminals!
— Dame Alun Roberts (@ciabaudo) September 23, 2019
Not only was she in business with LIBOR rigger Hayes, her associate at Hacker House, another of her companies, was Lauri Love, a computer hacker whole stole large amounts of data from US government agencies …
Harry & Co To Lead Royal Game Show on The World Stage?
Harry speaks of how no Royal wants to be King or Queen, he speaks of a system that controls the monarchy and dehumanises them,
In 2019, it was two years after Prince Harry told Newsweek that no member of the Royal family wants to be King or Queen. We then had planted stories in the media saying people are calling for the abolishment of the Monarchy after the Queen dies!
That line alone tells you a story when you read between the lines. It had a political motive so it is most likely fabricated by think tanks planting seeds and using emotional control tactics to shape public opinion with a typical formula.
Problem (Andrew and Epstein), Reaction (being hyped up by news outlets using polls, interviews, and publications) Solution (abolishment of the British Monarchy).
This looked to me as if they had found a way out and it explains a lot of the drills we saw around Buckingham palace in the build-up to recent events including Covid-19.
You can read the full 2019 article with even more information, opinions, and research below.
2019 was a very eventful year and if it were not for 2020, and 2021 we would still be talking about what happened three years ago today in 2022.
The Baby Fell – Meghan Markle in Fake Bump Rumours Before Archie’s Birth
The ridiculousness of these people goes beyond outrageous when we look closely at rumors of Meghan Markle appearing in public with what many observers claim was a prosthetic baby bump mimicking her pregnancy.
These suggestions were made after a series of public outings from the now-exiled couple when Meghan’s belly seemed to be all over the place.
One of those days was spent on a trip wooing crowds in Birkenhead, which is in an area on Merseyside called the Wirral that is located on the opposite side of the River Mersey from Liverpool.
You see how Meghan’s belly is bursting out of her dress during the start of the ceremonies, but as the day goes on the bump seems to become less apparent and is even disputed to have fallen down to below her knees at one point. All of this was caught on camera of course.
There are lots of images online pointing out oddities in Meghan’s day out in Birkenhead.
This was on January 14, 2019, meaning Meghan was five months pregnant at the time. Many people have also questioned the size and location of the bump, stating it seemed to be too big, and too high.
Below we can see how the International Business Times reported on how Meghan’s pregnancy was questionable.
This was also published on the 14th of January, the same day as the visit to Birkenhead.
Don’t forget Harry’s role in all of this, the ginger whinger has most likely helped her put this fake belly on, get it in place, probably agreed with her that it looked fine, and so on.
Let’s add further human nature to the scenario, if possible with these deviants. If Harry wants to play the “I Didn’t Know” card, then he would have to be claiming Meghan duped him into a false belief of this possibly fabricated and acted-out pregnancy being true.
Harry would have had to have not noticed this contraption whilst his wife was in bed with him. He must not have grabbed her for a cuddle and thought, or said: “What the hell on earth is this? Are you a nutcase Meghan?”.
Did Meghan manage to evade Harry for nine months or is the alleged Royal reject part of these deceptive, ‘Cabin In The Woods’ style games that are being played on the public?
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry visit Birkenhead, Merseyside
The video above from Ch5 shows footage of the day. The producers unwittingly included how Meghan managed to pull off several squats without reduced ability or speed despite allegedly being over 5 months pregnant.
How she performed such stunts without flinching or feeling any shooting pains has often baffled female observers of these clips whenever I have pointed them out.
I am not female so I have no knowledge of the discomforts of pregnancy so I ask friends who are mothers who then advise me on subjects that men do not have common, or general knowledge of.
She squats to her knees to greet young members of the crowd. This is done in one swift movement with her knees touching together and holding the stance for around a minute before getting back up all without any assistance.
Meghan’s actions are deemed unbelievable for someone with such a large bump. The image below is just one of many occasions she did this that day.
There are other times when it has happened too. Once, a strange noise was heard that is said to have been the fake belly after rubber ripples were de-kinking themselves when she stood up after this meeting as seen below.
We then have the alleged Tweet that was supposedly sent out by the Kensington Palace Twitter account on the day that Archie’s birth was announced.
The Tweet stated that the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan, had used the services of a surrogate mother for Archie.
When looking around to find any sources that can discredit this, it has been difficult. I would ideally like to find two or three sources to be extra sure, but as of now, this one remains an unsolved mystery that happened in the world before the role of the all-knowing fact-checkers.
The Royal Baby’s Role in The Black Lives Matter Psy-Op
We have seen many race-related events surrounding Archie since he was born. As soon as the birth was announced to news outlets we had Danny Baker’s alleged racist Tweet when he posted a picture of a chimpanzee walking out of the hospital with two adults, one holding its hand in a black and white image that was captioned “Royal Baby Leaves Hospital”.
I Covered the Danny Baker incident and connected him to Shriner Freemasons by his Fez hats that he constantly wears.
Was this the start of the pre-meditated attempts to create civil divides between races?
This article was published on May 10, 2019, just 4 days after the alleged birth of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.
Fast forward to the start of April 2021, when we watched Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tell the world that the Royal Family was institutionally racist and had made Meghan’s life hell.
The platform and the person who interviewed them was none other than Oprah Winfrey, this guaranteed the race card would be successful for those who were small-minded enough to believe anything any of these people say.
Bear in mind how I have been saying for years how the Royals are looking for ways to self-destruct and the Prince Andrew affair followed by Covid-19 and then the Meghan Markle saga all pointed towards a very shaky time for the British Monarchy.
But again, I ask is this all by design?
Let’s break this down into simple terminology.
Have we got a situation where the Royal Family has allowed Meghan, a known actress into Harry’s life to playing the role of a narcissistic wife who is intent on bringing down the institute that so many people in this country so blindly love and adore?
Add to the situation, the possibility of a mixed-race fake surrogate Royal-baby starring in the pantomime and being the center of another attempt to pit races against each other.
This was done by focusing the main points of the Oprah interview on the allegations of racist remarks within the Royal Family about Archie.
Is this part of the Great Reset that is being pushed on all aspects of our lives?
When Harry spoke in 2017 he stated no Royal wants to be King or Queen but they will carry out their duties in the best interests of the public when the time is right.
Was this another pointer towards what we are living through with Covid, the war in Ukraine, the death of the Queen, and every other global bandwagon, even though millions of people worldwide can see through the constant lies and bull-shittery?
Sadly, we still have many people who follow the leader and believe all they are told.
It is these sections of the public who are the audience in this game show, it is them whose emotions are played with on a daily basis. It is they who will believe these clowns are doing these things for the best interest of the people who they are served to represent.
This could not be further from the truth.
All this at a time when George Floyd was still in the minds of all newscasters, producers, sports channels, advertisers, football players, influencers, and the list goes on.
Plant the seeds and watch them grow comes to mind.
So let us look into why the Royal Family may be involved in a honeypot sting operation that is part of why we are being bent over a mega barrel as the country is told what to do by tyrants on a daily basis.
The UK turned into a national Okie-Kokie dance-off since the Covid-19 pandemic of stupidity kicked off in 2020. It first started with footage of zombie-like deaths taking place on the streets of Wuhan as early as Nov-December 2019.
So, what is going on? What has Meghan got to do with any of this and why could she be involved in a honeypot?
Two words – Jeffrey Epstein… Meghan is connected to him up to her eyeballs… Let’s look into why.
Meghan Markle’s Epstein Connections Add Further Substance To Royal Honeypot Psy-Op Theory
Okay, okay, how is Meghan connected to Jeffrey Epstein? I hear your brain ticking over awaiting the answers so I won’t mess you about and show you right away.
It is rumoured that Meghan Markle Debacle was once a ‘yacht girl’ with connections to Jeffrey Epstein.
It is a fact that Meghan Markle has a best friend called Markus Anderson, he is constantly pictured with her and they seem a lot closer than she is with Harry.
Markus Anderson works for Soho House, a gentlemen’s only, elite club which is owned by Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Ron Burkle who is also listed in Epstein’s black book of addresses and contacts. Burkle was also reported to have been on board Lolita Express flights.
Markus Anderson is said to have played cupid between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in 2016.
You can see below how Markus works for Soho House which is owned by Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton associate Ron Burkle. Ron is known to have flown on Epstein’s Private Jet with Clinton who denies claims he took part in the sordid flights.
Below we can see a Vanity Fair report stating how Epstein, Burkle, and Clinton often spent time together and how Ron had his own private jet dubbed Air F*** One.
Burkle, a billionaire, was a key financier of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, and another of their friends recently committed suicide in 2020 by jumping to his death. This friend was Steve Bing. He is also mentioned in the Vanity Fair article below.
Vanity Fair reports:
The massive elephant in the room here is we have an exiled prince who is shacked up with an actress who was put onto him by a man who works for a very well-connected Jeffrey Epstein associate. Enough said.
Honeypot or Crunchy-Nut Cornflakes? You decide, I have presented the info and my opinion is we are being played like fools. The government and monarchy are either plotting their own downfalls or they are being blackmailed.
All this while we put up with the then Prince Charles and William acting like cheerleaders for the not-so-Great Reset.
Harry the Fancy Dress Nazi is parading around the States in alleged exile, telling us all via Oprah that his wife was racially abused is just more Royal irony.
Royal Deaths – Prince Phillip after Diana.
Before Philip, It had been a while since we had a royal death announcement by natural causes with the Queen Mother being the last I can think of and we all know Diana did not allegedly die of natural causes.
Diana was known to have written letters to her butler Paul Burrell stating that she felt she would be killed by the then Prince Charles who would instigate a car crash causing her fatal head injuries.
We all know what is alleged to have happened to Diana on August 31, 1997.
The death of Prince Philip was announced on the 99th day of the year, April 9, 2021.
So, seeing as royal deaths are like rocking horse sh*t, now that one came along was it going to be like the busses?
Was the royal family, the press, and the flag wavers nationwide united on ‘single lovebird syndrome watch’ with the Queen? Was the media about to put a timer counter on the queen’s every last living second?
I expected to be swamped with (non-fabricated) stats that can show how the still married very elderly often pass on shortly after their dearly beloved leaves them alone without the glowing energy they had when they first met.
The queen was 94 years old at the time of Philip’s death, she had been batting for the Mountbatten family for an extremely long time.
But, she was tough as old boots and she lived to oversee the Covid-19 bs without performing her duties and protecting us from a tyrannical government packed with Liars, the subjects of her monarchy, while her elected Prime Minister and the government ran amock with our lives.
We have already seen how dodgy Boris Johnson’s affairs are, but the video below shows Matt Hancock’s inner working relationships with Nicole Junkermann who is named on the Epstein Flight Logs more than once.
The video takes us back to when Matt Hancock was outed from his role in what seemed to be a staged back-door exit given what he had been up to within the dealings of Covid-19 contracts with his friends which in my opinion, is seemingly morally worse than kissing a work colleague. But we do live in Bandwagon Britain so what do I know because I can’t bear bandwagons…
I can hardly say I am surprised with how Elizabeth behaved during the Pandemic, she was the Queen of Druids after all, or she was until she was stripped of that title recently.
Watch Queen Elizabeth II have her Druid initiation just days before her Coronation to be crowned Queen of England in 1953.
This surely goes against Elizabeth II and the Crown’s Church of England traditions which meant her uncle, King Edward VIII, could not marry his lover Wallis Simpson, and The Queen herself had to refuse a wedding for her own sister, Princess Margeret who wanted to marry Royal aide, Captain Peter Townsend, but was refused because he was divorced.
Margaret had waited two years from the age of 23 to 25 to be able to marry Peter when she thought she would not fall under the Royal Marriages Act of 1772.
Both the Queen and Margaret appear to have been ill-advised by the crown and members of parliament who often worked behind the scenes to oppose the monarchy with a devious friendly smile that hid their true intentions.
The Monarch was also overruled and advised by members of the Church. The Royal Website shows the relationship between the Church of England and the Monarchy.
Prince Philip’s death reunites him with his friend Jimmy Savile…
Another thing I almost forgot about is that time when Jimmy Savile took a young girl to Prince Philip in Buckingham Palace as he admitted in this horrid interview from when he had the whole of the entertainment industry up his backside, including Alex Belfield who sounded smitten as he conducted Savile’s last ever interview.
Jimmy Savile also joked in a smutty Jimmy Savile sick in the head sort of way about how the Queen was hard to penetrate.
Video: Jimmy Savile Took Young Girl To Prince Philip.
Jimmy Savile Took Young Girl To Prince Philip In Buckingham Palace – EPSTEIN
Here is Alex Belfield’s interview with Jimmy Savile. It is one of the oddest and most creepy, and very cryptic things I have ever heard in my life. Alex Belfield is very happy to be talking to Jimmy Savile in the notorious sex beasts’ Yorkshire home. Alex Belfield conducted the interview for BBC Radio 2.
It was the BBC who was blamed for covering up Jimmy Savile’s vile actions.
Jimmy Savile Last / Final Exclusive 40 Min BBC Interview “I Got Away With It” – BBC Radio 2
King Charles III and his late Royal advisor – Jimmy Savile
A recent Netflix documentary called: Jimmy Savile – A British Horror Story, highlighted how King Charles III was seeking counsel from Jimmy Savile on matters of interest.
The new King would heap praise on Savile for writing speeches for him 52:48.
Savile was advising Prince Charles and other members of the Monarchy on how to respond to disasters, he spoke to them about events such as the Lockerbie bombing, and how to improve the image of the Royal family.
Jimmy Savile was the go-to man for advice for Charles at times of friendly need.
This makes me wonder if Charles asked for advice on how to deal with Diana, and more to the point, did Savile come up with the plan to kill Diana? Was it Savile’s idea that Diana spoke of when she wrote about her fears that Charles will have her killed in a crash?
This of course is just a question, based on added knowledge of the level of communications between Savile and Charles.
It is widely known that Diana claimed Savile awkwardly acted like a marriage counselor for the detached Royal couple on behalf of Charles.
Allison Bellamy is the Biographer and friend of Savile who revealed the letters between Charles and Savile to the public.
Allison can be seen looking very uncomfortable on the British morning TV show This Morning.
Support for Savile was and always has been rife within the power circles of Britain.
Incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss refuses to delete a Tweet from 2011 when she paid respects to Jimmy Savile after his death.
The Tweet is still there today, you can check by clicking the image which contains the link to its original source.
Jimmy Savile died at his home in Roundhay, Leeds, on 29 October 2011, aged 84.
Below an image shows Jimmy Savile with Ken Dodd, I once compared the funerals of Dodd and Savile in an article you can read here.
What happened when Savile died and how did the media portray him?
They praised Jimmy Savile and we all know how much of a complete and utter menace to society Savile really was.
What must the people think now looking back at themselves as they lined the streets shouting “Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy” as his procession made its way through his hometown on route to the Cathedral in Leeds?
What were the victims of Savile thinking as they watched this monster being treated like a member of the royal family?
The praise heaped on him was from people who knew what he was doing, they knew the dark secrets which were only revealed to the public after his death.
These are extracts from press reports during the fallout of the 2011 death of Britain’s Worst known paedophile would also like to have sex with dead bodies and mentally impaired children as he deceived the nation with his gobble-de-gook riddles which contained embedded confessions.
Paying tribute, DJ Tony Prince said: “He was my mentor. He was the mentor for DJs in Europe.”
He added: “He lived his life with his tongue in his cheek.
“If there’s a heaven, he’ll be laughing now if he’s got time. Because if there is a heaven, he’ll be introducing Elvis on the clouds.”
The article continued: On Tuesday, fans traveled from across the country to see Sir Jimmy’s coffin, which was covered with white roses.
Maj Blair Illingworth, officer commanding the Leeds detachment of the Royal Marine Reserve which provided the pallbearers, said he would be treated as “one of our own”.
The BBC article then went on to say: “The coffin will tour Scarborough, where he had a home, to give people there the chance to pay their respects before Sir Jimmy is laid to rest in the most elevated plot in the cemetery”.
Leeds City Council leader Keith Wakefield said many people in the city had wanted to pay their respects. “What has taken me by surprise has been the fact that nearly everybody I speak to knew him, experienced some time with him, or actually saw him running.
“That’s an incredible skill and achievement.”