5000-Year-Old Medicinal Super Herb Available At Supermarkets & Online

Do Consumers Know Turmeric Has Hidden Secrets?


This spice has many health benefits and has been scientifically tested over 6000 times to prove it’s medicinal qualities since creating quite a frenzy in the alternative medicine industry.

For two years now I have been aware of the super spice with advanced healing properties commonly found in meals in Asia and the Middle East.

Recently, I was in a local supermarket and seen it in the spice section for just 49p, but what is this wonder drug and what can it do to help us?.

Turmeric is over 5000 years old and is a key player in Siddha medicine.


Turmeric is a member of the ginger plant family and has been sought out for praise due to its active compound called curcumin.

known for being an Anti-oxidant anti-inflammatory, Turmeric certainly has a lot more in it’s locker than meets the eye.

Curcumin is an antimicrobial cell and due too it’s size it can easily embed itself into cell membranes, if these membranes are damaged then curcumin/turmeric begins restoring them by amplification of the damaged cell, so where does that lead us?

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This old spice is not only therapeutic but also a potential prevention/cure for for lung disease, heart disease, liver disease and can also be useful to people with low immune systems.

Curcumin can be 100.000 times more effective when treating diabetes than leading pharmaceutical medicines.

#Turmeric is also a known blood purifier and helps to soothe respiratory ailments, improve liver function, support the circulatory system, regulate menstrual cycles, prevent cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and heal gastrointestinal disorders.

Turmeric significantly decreases inflammation that is attributed to arthritis and other auto-immune disorders such as lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Turmeric is a natural wonder in the healing world and has been used as a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-depressant since ancient times.

The main component in turmeric, curcumin, has phenomenal anti-cancer properties and has been known to help to inhibit prostate, skin, colon, mouth, esophageal, lung, stomach, pancreatic, liver, and breast cancer.

It’s biggest medical breakthrough may come as a surprise, During tests on cancer patients Turmeric was proved have anti-cancer properties and to block inflammatory pathways caused by stress.

It is simple to digest into  your diet and can be a life changing ingredient to many meals with hundreds of useful recipes now emerging online as awareness of alternative medicine builds.

Turmeric Golden Milk Recipe
What is Golden Milk?
Turmeric Tea or Golden Milk is a great way to get the benefits of Turmeric daily. I love drinking this before bed because it aids relaxation and helps boost the immune system while sleeping.
The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that it is safe to cook with Turmeric while pregnant and nursing but that turmeric supplements should not be taken without a doctor’s advice. Since this tea contains Turmeric, consult with a doctor or midwife before consuming this if you are pregnant, nursing or have a medical condition.
Turmeric Tea Golden Milk Recipe

Prep time 2 mins – Cook time 3 mins = Total time 5 mins

Serves: 4

2 cups of milk of choice (almond, pecan, coconut and dairy all work in this recipe)
1 teaspoon Turmeric
½ teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup or to taste (optional)
Pinch of black pepper (increases absorption)
Tiny piece of fresh, peeled ginger root or ¼ tsp ginger powder
Pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)
First, blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth.
Then, Pour into a small sauce pan and heat for 3-5 minutes over medium heat until hot but not boiling.
Drink immediately and tell me your results one day.
More Info:

58 Amazing Health Benefits, Uses & Beauty Tips of Turmeric

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By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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