Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the 2016 US elections has been left in question after the FBI reopened an investigation into her emails and obtained a warrant to search the laptop of democratic aid Huma Abedin.
Documents revealed possible national security breaches from the presidential candidate whilst emails between Clinton and Abedin were probed during an FBI investigation into Abedins ex husband, New York Congressman, Anthony Wiener, 46, after his sexting scandal amidst allegations of him sending explicit pictures to a 15 year old girl.
Mr Weiner married Huma Abedin, in July 2010, with Bill Clinton officiating the wedding.
FBI Director, James Comey, has shocked the democratic party by releasing information of the new investigation, just a week before the 2016 elections take place.
Comey has been up against widespread criticism for going public with the new FBI investigation 11 days before this years presidential election, against the advice and guidelines of attorney general Loretta Lynch and other senior figures at the Department of Justice.
Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta slammed the decision in a statement: “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.
“The Director owes it to the American people to immediately provide the full details of what he is now examining.
“We are confident this will not produce any conclusions different from the one the FBI reached in July.”
Director James Comey may now find himself under investigation for a Hatch Act violation, a law designed to prevent federal officeholders from abusing their power to influence an election.
Comey though has gained support from republican nominee Donald Trump after the revelations,.
Trump said: “He’s gotta hang tough because a lot of people think he did the wrong thing, but he did the right thing.
“I was not his fan but what he did he brought back his reputation.”
“It took guts for director Comey to do what he did,” he added, to chants of “lock her up” from the crowd.
On Sunday the FBI obtained a search warrant to begin reviewing over 650.000 emails found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
Hillary Clinton’s friendship with Abedin seems to be turning into a political minefield ahead of the November elections, with previous incidents being picked up by sharp eyed investigators.
Earlier in 2016, Huma Abedin, top aide to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, caused controversy around Clinton’s health after she asked a speechwriter to shorten a draft of a statement to reporters because the Democratic nominee would not deliver it at a podium, according to a Wikileaks release of messages from John Podesta’s email accounts.