Source: UK and Ireland paedophile database

Alice Day – A Paedophile Celebration – 25th April

All around the world many annual traditions are celebrated by many cultures, we know of Christmas, Easter, Halloween even our birthdays, but there are also some bad dates which people are not so aware of and Alice Day is one of them.

April the 25th is Alice Day, originally known as “Paedophile Pride Day” the day was devised by paedophile activists during the 1990′s to celebrate their desire to molest children.

Paedophiles use this day to secretly boast in public about the sick world they live in, the mind set and the abuse of children.

Using their own secret codes and logos they are able to remain fairly undetected by the general public as many of us go about our daily lives without realising the dangers around our children.

Here is some quotes from these monsters taken from the UK Paedohile database, the database which shows us where they live, work, and most importantly for this report, how they communicate.


I will be wearing my GLogo t-shirt with my GLogo pendent for all to see!!!. I guess I will be doing what I do everyday, just hangout with friends and maybe if it’s nice out, skateboard a bit etc. I don’t have a LGF so I won’t be spending anytime with little girls or boys but I will go to the park and LG watch. I also try to do a bit of CL activism on Alice Day or any day for that matter, in the sense that every time I see an opportunity I drop off a few pamphlets, flyers and cards that I always carry around in my backpack.


I will be spending the day at a local market filled with beautiful LG’s. Kinda boring, but I will at least be wearing a pink t-shirt. I doubt anyone will catch on, but you never know 😉

Sancho Panza

Weather for Saturday seems promising, we will to go to our local zoo and eat ice cream 🙂


I think the t-shirt thing is just to wear any kind of a pink shirt on Alice Day. That way if any asks if you’re a paedo, you can claim you have no idea what they’re talking about…and how dare they insinuate such a thing! lol.


I don’t ever wear pink so it will def be a stretch but I’m sure I can pull it off!


Do you recognise any of them? Here is a good example, remember the FBI released these logos not me.

These logos were not created by them but are already in place as innocent designs for unrelated issues. They use ‘Pink’ for girls and ‘Blue’ for boys. Here’s what they mean:

  • A heart within a heart, or “GLogo” “GirlLover” is used by pedophiles attracted to girls. The heart in a heart, to them, represents a adult/ female child relationship.

  • A blue spiral-shaped triangle symbol, or “BLogo” “BoyLover”, symbolizes a boy (small triangle) surrounded by an older male (larger triangle)- and is meant to show adult/male child relationships.

  • The butterfly CLogo a.k.a. “ChildLover” (commonly looks like four touching hearts) in pink/blue represents non-preferential gender pedophiles (girl or boy attracted, often both).

  • The yin-yang looking circle is CGlogo, used in reference to the website, Common Ground, which was created as a place for both girl and boy attracted pedophiles to meet and sympathize with each other.

  • The pink/blue triangles is “AmaroSymbol” is a variation of the CGLogo.

Quote from a Paedophile:

“I designed a Tribal Graphic with the GLogo in the center. I plan on having two made from Vinyl and having them placed across the windshield and the back window of my car.”

Some have gone on to have this as a tattoo, so other paedophiles can recognise their sexual ‘Status’ in public places. They are also having car stickers of this design made, for the same reason – recognition in public places.

There are abbreviations you should be aware of. The intention is for paedophiles to classify their interests, for other paedophiles within their ring. These abbreviations are used as online shorthand by paedophiles.

UK Governments Incredible ‘Paedophile Pride Day’ Own Goal – Campaign Branded Offensive Joke

A campaign to raise public awareness of an annual paedophile pride celebration, known as Alice day, has been branded nonsense by the government and a petition to support the push was rejected emphatically on the grounds of it being an “offensive joke”.

Information within the petition was taken from the UK and Ireland paedophile database, fully validating claims by Enchanted LifePath Tv Alternative News & Media LTD that paedophiles celebrate paedophile pride each year on April 25th, aka, Alice day.

The petition titled, “High Public Police Presence On Paedophile Pride Day, Alice Day On April 25, 2017”, was set up on January, 31, 2016, was asking for more visible policing around schools and other public places where children gather and paedophiles may find easy targets.

The petition was rejected by email which stated:  “We rejected the petition you created – High Public Police Presence On Paedophile Pride Day, Alice Day On April 25, 2017.

“It’s offensive, nonsense, a joke, or an advert.

“We can’t publish your petition because some of the websites you link to contain offensive content.

“In any case, we can’t accept your petition because it’s about something that the Government or Parliament isn’t responsible for.

“Decisions about policing are for local police forces to make.

“If you’re concerned about policing in your local area, you could contact your local Police and Crime Commissioner.

“We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards”.

The wording of the reply came as a surprise to the creator of Enchanted LifePath TV who expected a more professionally researched response if not about the petition, then certainly about the campaign, from the government before making such a claim against sensitive issues documented on an official database.

Enchanted LifePath said: “I think it is fair of them to reject the petition on the grounds of me having to ask the police commissioner to consider making a more hard lined approach to paedophiles in public on Alice day.

“But to attack the campaign and call it nonsense is pretty low and unjustified, I am sure the victims of these paedophiles who have indeed been groomed or god knows what else on Alice day will find the governments stance quite concerning.

“Maybe an ‘Alice day amnesty’ would be a good idea to rid the internet, and the streets, of some of the disgusting images and videos in circulation within these paedophile rings, they can hand themselves in if they want but lets be clever for once.

“In all my years I have never seen a mainstream anti-peadophillia campaign, there are just five weeks left.

“We have hundreds of top flight footballers coming out stating they have been raped hundreds of times by coaches at top level football clubs but our government think campaigns like this are nonsense.

“Is it not enough that the telephone hotline for the paedophile information exchange (P.I.E), rang from inside the Home Office, now we have the home office branding this campaign a joke”.

Such accusations can also be validated on the database.

Freeman/Smith was a former Home Office security guard and was described in court in 1984 as the, “powerhouse and engine room of P.I.E, and the life blood of contact which he edited and printed.

The members’ hotline for the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) rang, of all places, inside the Home Office.

The phone would be picked up by Steven Smith, a paedophile and member of the group who worked in security in Whitehall, from where he would tell callers where to go for the next meeting to discuss issues including decriminalising sex with children as young as four.

More disturbing information into how deep the problem of child sex abuse is in the United Kingdom can be easily found along with thousands of paedophiles names and areas they live.

It also has information regarding other secret dates such as International Boy Love Day (IBLD) which is held on June 22 and December 21st.

Safety tips for parents and children on Alice day and International Boy Love day.

1. Find activities in their area involving children – such as parties, park outings, sporting events.

– They will watch the children, photograph the children, and attempt to have a BM or GM, which stands for “Boy Moment” and “Girl Moment”. This includes a conversation with the child, in which they could gain information to get to the child at a later date. However, this could also include just sitting back watching a particular child at play.

They appraise a child’s form as if it were that of a stripper in a club, and they write the moment down later for their friends – online and in real life – with added feelings of desire they had while exploring the child’s body with their eyes and filthy mind.

Please keep in mind that a child does not have to be nude or in a bathing suit to be visualized that way by these people. They are sick enough to imagine that for themselves.

2. Seek victims for themselves – either through the first option or by riding around looking for easy targets: children walking alone, children playing outside with no supervision, children wandering in a store with an inattentive parent… I don’t have to tell you the rest as “victim” says it all.

3. Seek victims for others – through option 1 as well as option 2. The information they attain through their Boy or Girl moment is not always kept to themselves, especially on Alice Day. They get that information and share it to their paedophilia ring friends so that others will have a chance at acquiring a victim at a later date. The children they snare also often become shared sexual toys for themselves as well as others in their group.

A lot of times, the person acquiring this information isn’t even a paedophile, themselves. They are just in it for the money from the sales of the photos and information that a paedophile and child predator can use to get their target.

Also remember that men are not the only perpetrators. Women make up a increasingly bigger percentage of sexual predators and abusers. Even so far as to pimp out their own children for drugs or other selfish reasons.

I’m sure you’re wondering what can be done to spot or stop these people. You can’t very well go accusing every person you see in a public venue of being a sexual predator, nor should you be paranoid. Just be careful.

It’s always better safe than sorry, but there is always common sense.

For instance: if you see a lone person with no children sitting nearby staring at the children at play, it’s a pretty good chance he’s there for less than honorable reasons. Particularly if he/she has a camera and no credentials to any claim of being a reporter – which should also be questioned and dealt with as any parent would by calling the editor of his paper to check his story should he say this.

If you are quite certain you’ve spotted someone with ulterior, twisted motives for watching your child or others at play, call the police immediately. Confrontation with a group of concerned parents also works. No violence is necessary as these people fear being caught at their private game and will quickly vacate the area. You also send a strong message that your children are protected and NOT easy targets!

ALWAYS teach children not to talk to strangers.

ALWAYS teach children to never give personal information to a stranger.

ALWAYS teach children to never give the information of another child to a stranger.

ALWAYS teach children to scream, “NO!” and “STRANGER!” very loudly if they encounter someone asking questions or trying to get them to come with them.

ALWAYS teach children to use a secret or safe word or password and to NEVER tell ANYONE, not even their friends, what this word is. People that want to take photos of your children are especially suspicious. Teach your children to watch for these types of people. They prey on the innocence of a child.


London, UK — The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) apologized this week after vital testimony from victims of child sexual abuse was “instantly and permanently deleted” from their servers. The agency said that the loss of data was due to a technical malfunction, which dumped an untold number of testimonies that were submitted to their official website. The agency now claims that there was no security breach, and that while the testimonies were lost, the privacy of the victims is not at risk.

An Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) was established by the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, on 7 July 2014. The inquiry was intended to investigate why pedophile rings seemed to be exempt from capture.

“Due to a change in our website address to on 14 September, any information submitted to the Inquiry between 14 September and 2 October through the online form on the Share your experience page of our website, was instantly and permanently deleted before it reached our engagement team. We are very sorry for any inconvenience or distress this will cause and would like to reassure you that no information was put at risk of disclosure or unauthorised access.

Due to the security measures on our website, your information cannot be found or viewed by anyone else as it was immediately and permanently destroyed.We would like to apologise again to anyone who submitted details to the Inquiry during this time and to ask you to please resubmit your information through the online form. Alternatively you can call the Inquiry helpline on 0800 917 1000 to submit your information over the phone, or email our team at”

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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