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We need to expose the black op government sponsored provocateurs who will be setting fire to buildings and cars and blaming it on the people so they can use more force on the people, this is exactly how I’ve been saying it will play out, when the fires start trust me it won’t be the people setting them it will be hired shit stirring groups of people funded to provoke more anger, this is a very sad week for the freedom of the people of the United Kingdom which will get worse if protests turn into riots.

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Bet I’m right….. and when the rioting begins it will be the mainstream news fault for being sneaky as usual…… I’ve already said how this will play out last night and i even wrote a piss take I predict a riot song saying what is going to happen now look #Temperer…….. #WeAreTheNews

Grenfell Truth Song The Temperer Trap – I Predict A Riot – By Enchanted LifePath TV Alternative News & Media LTD

Ooooooooooohhhh watching the people get leary, they burnt the block down on telly walking through town it’s quite scary we’ve got police and military, the people don’t like what they’re seeing but when they lash out they’ll get beaten

laaaa la laaaaaa
nananana nana na naaaa

I predict a riot I predict a riot, I predict a riot, I predict a riot

Sooooooo next thing I turn on the news room suddenly it hits me, sonic boom, after Manchester and London we got a load of new laws done another sly thing was called Temperer and its with this they will get ya

laaaaaaaaa lala
nanana na naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I predict a riot I predict a riot, I predict a riot I predict a riot

Now news crews are saying corruption but that is odd, they’re the corrupt ones, leading the line with a narrative they don’t usually go along this script, there trying to force revolution the one where the government again win, but it was them who did all this they want us to unite in conflict

laaaaaaaaa lala
nanana na naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I predict a riot I predict a riot, I predict a riot I predict a riot

This is a trap i’m not messing, the info is shattered, second guessing, it wont be long until its tension one word will trigger aggression, blame will be moved from the culprits then all the madness, fans n shit mixed, up in the smoke of Grenfell tower this has been all about power, power corrupts absolutely so please be aware all’s not what you see

laaaaaaaaa lala
nanana na naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I predict a riot I predict a riot, I predict a riot I predict a riot

Soooooo let me tell Grenfell what I see the men in the black suits attacked thee, but left it so everyone knows this, now people can see they take the piss, leave many dead and more homeless, the cutting of costs and no sprinklers, the government knew all about this, the news are using false actors to push this agenda so we flip and when we do they’ll use Temperer to roll out the troops restore order

laaaaaaaaa lala
nanana na naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Everything that we’ve taught yaaaaaaaaaaaa

I predict a riot I predict a riot, I predict a riot I predict a riot

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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