Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged suicide photographer William Farrington caused a stir with his photographs after he managed to be on the scene to take his suspicious shots. This live stream shows how William Farrington is really Roger Farrington who is a famous photographer of the elite and has had secret service clearance at the White House in the past. The man who took the pictures that the world are talking about has been busted for his misleading ways thanks to Enchanted LifePath. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and website so you can receive email notifications of new articles.
William Farrington Secret Service White House Clearance Photographer? Is He Roger Farrington?
We can see more of Bills work at an Israel Day parade in New York where we also see a certain Mr Coumo in his footage and snaps. It seems his freelance role allows him to spend much of his time photographing the Jewish community as we have seen recently with his Epstein photographs.
William Farrington CIA Photographer?
William Farrington appears to have been working for Jewish News outlet Vin News in 2014 when he attended this parade.
New York, NY – New York’s 50th Israel Day Parade up Fifth Avenue featured 35,000 boisterous marchers but was punctuated by some Jewish spectators protesting same-sex marriage and even the existence of Israel.
Joining the feast of floats, music and dancing were New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Israeli diplomats and members of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament.
Below are photos and video by VIN news photographers; Bill Farrington, and Stefano Giovannini.
William Farrington CIA Photographer Roger Farrington, Clintons Friend?
I wonder if we catch a glimpse of William Farrington aka Bill at the one 1:30 mark in the video above? Take a look.
Looking at this man, he shares an uncanny resemblance to Roger Farrington, CIA celebrity photographer famed for his work in the Boston area in the 1970s. Roger and William wouldn’t be related, would they?
When we look at the two men next to each other with age progression between Will’s appearance at the Israel day parade in 2014, to pictures of Roger Farrington from his Facebook page in 2016 and 2018 we begin to see how similar these men are.
Carbon Copies?
One of John Lennon’s Last Photographers…
Here is Roger on a trip to my city of Liverpool when he paid a visit to the John Lennon attractions at Liverpool Museum in front of one of his own photographs of the Beatles frontman who it is alleged was killed by the C.I.A.
According to his website, one of Roger Farrington’s most memorable bodies of work, which earned him much acclaim, was photographed in 1980 when he was hired by Yoko Ono to be the exclusive photographer for John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s initial recording session for “Double Fantasy”, his last album. The photographs were published worldwide and have been included in two books.
Rogers website logo is quite funny, it is depicting a pyramid disguised as a bridge.
If Roger and William are related they could well be twins but I have not heard Roger talk about Willaim or vice versa. Maybe the likeliness and a keen interest in photography is a coincidence. They could be doppelgangers, stranger things have happened, such as Roger being associated with the Clinton’s and other past presidents. He does have secret service clearance. I did wonder if Willaim Farrington was a shadow reporters name and now I am wondering if William Farrington is more than related to Roger. I am asking myself and the wider audience, is this the same person?
Roger Farrington has also been known to photograph Donald Trump in the past as his camera skills may have been utilised in many ways including conning the world that he photographed Jeffrey Epstein’s dead body under the alias of William Farrington.
Roger Farrington is the son of real-estate investor Douglas Farrington. Douglas was the owner of a fun park which was most famous for its ballroom called the Totem Pole.
Basically, his dad bought an adventure park that featured a zoo and played live music there. We are talking mega money. Funded by Investors as we are told by Roger in an interview with Professor Rich Falco from Jazz History Database. Norumebega Park burned down in 1964.
The fairground like public park attraction at Norumbega Park was a hit for children and featured a kiddie land area along with many other When the complex was finally dissembled it is thought memorabilia ended up at Michael Jackson’s Neverland ranch according to Roger Farrington himself. Located in Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, it was considered to be one of the finest pieces of real-estate of its time.
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch was allegedly full of hidden bedrooms, warning systems and other features that facilitated his sexually abusive behaviour.
It is in this interesting interview below that Roger Farrington tells us most of this information. He also mentions how his father had good relationships with local fire department officers as he was careful and did not want a fire. He also claims his dad, Doug Farrington also offered police and fire departments gifts and was charitable to them also. This is similar to how Joel Paschow seemed to operate who I will be covering in more depth soon in a follow up to a report I made on YouTube.
Somebody in the States made a call to Farrington to ask him to pass comment on his photographs, a move I have called for in recent reports after calling the Mirror in the UK to help inspire someone to do the same to Farrington. This next video allows us to try to verify it by doing a voice match comparison between Roger in the video above and the man who is alleged to be William in the call made below. I do not know if the call is genuine but William does have contact details available online and the person calling may just suspect wrongdoing from William or Roger and is just getting to the truth.
After the caller comments it’ll be “photo of the year” he says something like “I don’t think so…I think that that that’s not meant to”. Then hangs up (0:28).
The Newton area where Farrington grew up and with his father who owned Norembega Park was also once famed for being part of a failed Donald Trump attempt to spark a Tour De France-Esque bike race dubbed the Tour de Trump. It ran from the late 1980s to mid-90s.
The real estate connection may be something to observe here, who knows, it’s not like I have the resources of mainstream news outlets who seem to find it hard to put any of this together.
Here is another reference to the Tour De Trump and Norumbega Park, surely the Farrington’s and Trump’s shoulders have rubbed together in the past at this place.
Additional info on William Farrington
Farrington played a key role in a very high-profile & sensational media story of 2015.
In early June ’15, two prisoners escaped from a maximum-security prison in Upstate New York. The story was nightly national news for 3 weeks as a massive manhunt ensued and police went door to door across several counties.
The story had a lot of holes, impossibilities, cartoonish aspects and a lot of hype/narrative engineering which is why it had caught my attention.
The big-break in the case came when “someone” happened upon a remote cabin, which the prisoners had been using as a hide-out (prisoners were found shortly after).
In the midst of this giant 3-week manhunt, it was William Farrington who happened upon this very remote cabin.
Here’s a link to the interview Willaim did with CNN back in June ’2015
(CNN doesn’t identify William Farrington as someone other than the guy who found the cabin)
In the NY Post article he co-wrote, there’s no mention of Farrington stumbling upon it. Like he was simply the photographer called up after the cabin had been found.
It can be argued that Farrington’s Epstein photo was just simply the case of a hard-working photo-journalist, doing long stake-outs and getting incredibly lucky.
But the odds for finding the prisoner’s lair, without precise intel, are astronomical.
The odds that he would have such luck twice, goes up exponentially
Questions must be aimed at Willaim Farrington and I will list a few below in bullet points.
- How did William Farrington become aware of what was happening at the NYC Metropolitan Correctional Centre where Epstein had allegedly taken own his life?
- How did he then know to travel to the hospital where he took the photographs?
- Why is his work being used to identify a man who it appears to not be?
- Does William Farrington think the man in his photographs is Jeffrey Epstein?
- Has Willaim Farrington been paid for these misleading images?
- Does William Farrington understand that millions of people see his images as illegitimate and if this is proven then he is liable for misleading the public?
- Did William Farrington seek to further his career credentials whilst allegedly misleading the public?
- Can William Farrington prove Jeffrey Epstein is the man in his photographs?
FAIR USE APPLIES: Video Thumbnail: Image by William Farrington (freelance) published in New York Post
There has been a huge problem with freelance reporter/photographer William’s images since the news of Epstein’s alleged suicide swept the world.
The most notable issue with the pictures is they do not seem to be Jeffrey Epstein, we will get back into this shortly.
It was these images that raised the first serious questions about the news that the convicted paedophile had killed himself.
The question I would like to ask right now is how was Wiliam Farrington aware of such a high profile suicide in a short time?
Medical attention would have been paid to a person and family members will have been notified before Willaim.
How did he manage to make it to the hospital 50 minutes after the first reported time of 06:38 am when a call was allegedly made to emergency services?
William Farrington’s photographs were taken at 07:30 am, just 52 minutes after we are told the call was made to FDNY
The first image shows what is alleged to be Epstein being taken into a New York hospital after his alleged death inside a jail cell.
We can see the person alleged to be Epstein receiving oxygen from Fire Department New York paramedics who seem to have missed some key points when treating the apparent Epstein impostor.
Reports tell us a call came in from the prison holding Epstein at 06:38 am although news reports tell us today that Epstein was found unresponsive at 06:30 meaning there was a worrying delay in emergency services.
It is basic medical knowledge that a grown adult has around 4-6 minutes without breathing before brain damage sets in.
50 minutes after a call was made eight minutes after Epstein was allegedly found unresponsive in his cell without us really knowing the actual time of the alleged suicide attempt clouds the picture him getting oxygen means this picture is a medical mystery.
We were told he was found dead in his cell then pronounced dead at the hospital but bear in mind this was before news articles that reported the death had all been changed.
Here is a screenshot from my live streams on the topic from Saturday, August 10, 2019, it shows the initial report from ABC News who is in fact owned by Disney who was also dragged into the case as the Epstein files were released showing Disney involvement with Epstein.
This report from the Guardian (below), a UK based news outlet shows how they reported that fire department sources confirmed times and events.
If you click the screenshot from my live stream below it will take you to the Guardian article but you will no longer see the line about the FDNY source providing information to press.
This is another article from ABC News that has now vanished from the website totally, you can click the screenshot below to see this for yourself.
Do take note that they are saying he died in jail so why was he being given oxygen at least 50 minutes after being found dead?
We are far from finished here so let’s continue breaking this mess down.
Here is another of Willaim Farrington’s mystery photographs that millions of people around the world do not believe is Epstein being wheeled away but an impostor put in place to give the impression it is the billionaire paedophile.
William Farrington’s photography skills are on display for all to see here as we pay attention to the fact that this person being taken into a hospital is not Jeffrey Epstein.
Jeffrey Epstein suicide photographer William Farrington
It is now this whole thing gets rediculous as we look at the person on the bed surrounded by what appears to be Emergency Services and a guard in a military green uniform.
We see a man who does not have the same facial features as Jeffrey Epstein bein taken away.
The nose of the person on the hospital bed does not match Epstein’s as it is much more hooked than that of the convicted paedophile child-trafficker, also to make matters worse his ears are totally different also.
The next image I have added shows how humans ears are said to be a better way of identifying a person that fingerprints, meaning ears are unique to each person and can not change in the way we have seen with Epstein yesterday.
This puts Willaim Farrington’s photographs into controversy as it appears we are being lied to on a major scale and Willaim was front-line of that lie.
Here is another close up of the man’s ear on the bed being taken into hospital and reported to be Jeffrey Epstein, anyone with eyes can see it is not the same ear.
It is 100% safe to say this is a total facial recognition failure on all levels.
Here is his ear again in a picture of him next to Trump, do these ears match the ear identification methods we know are as valid as fingerprints to identify a person? No.
Here is a more recent picture of Epstein and from this angle, his face holds a whole ist of new characteristics that are not apparent on Willaim Farrington’s photographs. Where are all those lines in his forehead? Does he look more like Crocodile Dundee here than another victim of a Clinton Kill Spree? Maybe we will find Jeffrey in the Australian outback next as we await another mega-twist in this out of hand mainstream media fairytale.
Jeffrey Epstein’s ear cartilage does not match the person on the bed, his nose is not the same, nor is his cheekbone.
Before we look into Willaim Farrington a bit more, let us pay some attention to other things we notice about the fake Jeffrey Epstein.
Here we see his eyes closed, it appears as if he is closing his eyes himself and we see this in his facial muscles, are these relaxed eyes of a dead person, it is not just that, look at his hands also.
Are his hands relaxed and stiff like a dead person or are they holding on to wires around his body?
How are his arms hanging over the side of the bed but he is dead, would they not just fall down considering he is dead?
What is keeping them up in a position to remain sturdy in the bed whilst being moved?
This is not Jeffrey Epstein being taken into the hospital that is for sure.
William Farrington took these photographs and should be held accountable for assisting the lie on us all, but who is Willaim Farrington?
Willaim Farrington does have an online presence but it is minimal, he either does not like the limelight and is happy just to get paid for his work and not seek any sort of public adulation for his position of freelance photographer and journalist who is linked to New York Post in many articles. If he works alone you would think William would have more pride in his work. Or does it take up too much of his time being Roger for the day sometimes?
Jeffrey Epstein suicide photographer William Farrington
If he does not like the limelight it would be odd for someone whose main focus in life is creativity be it from behind a camera.
William Farrington remains a rather mysterious character.
Here is a photography profile for William, it is from a website called Social Documentary Network, you can click the image to visit the webpage.
Jeffrey Epstein suicide photographer William Farrington
William Somehow knew about the situation around Epstein’s reported suicide, he also managed to be able to locate him and photograph him.
Although you would think Epstein would be the most well-guarded person on earth at the moment the security around him Farrington was up-close and personal whilst Epstein was receiving oxygen.
The security seems to rather lapse around the man we are told is the Billionaire Paedophile who holds the key to 1000’s of Elitists facing child abuse charges.
Any billionaires hitman could have had a field day and taken Epstein’s impostor out for real as William was on the scene.
How is it we only see Fire Department staff medics and one man in military-type clothing who does not even appear to be very armed?
It Gets Worse Bill Clinton Is Pictured In Dress And Heels At White House In Jeffrey Epstein Painting
The Jeffrey Epstein saga is fast becoming the gift that keeps on giving as the latest wave of news hit the public domain with another corker featuring a new-look ‘Buffalo blow-job Bill’ wearing a dress and red high-heels in a bizarre painting found on Little ST. James Island.
The picture sparks memories of Clinton’s Monika Lewinski affair in which her dress became part of the evidence against the disgraced former president.
Bill Clinton In Dress
The picture was in a room off the stairway of the Upper East Side townhouse, according to reports it was taken in 2002.
Jeffrey Epstein’s reported suicide has not left the news since the strange circumstances surrounding his reported death at a New York Correctional centre.
But Bill or Hillary Clinton have commented on their friend allegedly taking his own life as reports of the convicted paedophile being another victim of a Clinton Death spree that has seen more than 30 people die in suspicious circumstances.
The Clinton’s are reported to have flown on Epstein’s private Jet, disturbingly named The Lolita Express at least 25 times.
The alleged death of Epstein has come under fire from observers who have doubted the images released by freelance photographer William Farrington via the New York Post and many other world news outlets.
Doubts are cast as to whether it is Jeffrey Epstein in the images, how Epstein’s lawyers battled to ensure was taken off suicide watch as well as new reports that he was in meetings for up to twelves hours a day with his advisors whilst being in jail.
The creation of a conspiracy seems to fall on all that are involved in recent events and not so-called conspiracy theorists which is a mainstream media term used to describe critical thinkers and everyday people who can do their job better than them.
Prison guards are said to be under investigation for falsifying reports in the build-up to Epstein’s alleged death as the conspiracies created within a conspiracy continue to pile up more than the Clinton body count.
A prison guard who is said to not be a real prison guard has been laid off from his job that he did not have in another twist as the plot turns to piss before it thickens. It is not yet confirmed if he was in fact a crisis actor.
Reports that guards failed to carry out routine 15-30 minute checks on Epstein do not help the fact that it is the official story that is creating the conspiracy.
More clean up job reports come out through the unreliable media that the prison warden at overseeing the centre where Epstein was being held has been reassigned with a further two staffers also removed from their alleged posts.
The drama started almost an hour before Epstein’s reported dubious activity on 4Chan forums when a post was published saying Epstein had been switched out of the correctional centre he was being detained at.
Press reporting on suicide.
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