
  • 1: New Year’s Day
  • 1: Shichi Fukujin – Seven Deities of Luck Celebration
  • 1: Full Moon – Wolf Moon – Supermoon
  • 1: Gantan-sai – Shinto New Year Holy Day, see also Shogatsu
  • 1: Handsel Monday
  • 1: Ethics Day – Day to commit to cultivating personal honor.
  • 1 thru 3: Kalends of January
  • 1 or 2: Feast Day of St Basil
  • 1 thru 4: Tewa Turtle Dance – celebrating life and the first Creation, when Sky Father embraced Earth Mother and all life was conceived.
  • 1 thru 5: Quadrantids Meteor Shower
  • 1 thru 6: Shogatsu/Shinto New Year’s Festival – The Kami (Nature Spirits) of the four directions are honored, and prayers for happiness, good health, and prosperity are made.
  • 2: Advent of Isis
  • 2: Nativity of Inanna
  • 2 thru 4: Mahayana New Year
  • 3: Festival of Pax – the Roman goddess of peace – alternative date Jan 30
  • 3: Pueblo Deer Dances
  • 3: Snow Day
  • 4: Evergreen Day
  • 5: Festival of Lares Compitales – Roman guardian deities of crossroads
  • 5: Feast of Old Roman Goddess Befana, the old woman who flies on a broom, bringing gifts to all good children.
  • 5: Twelfth Night
  • 5: Avian Day – Day to honor all creatures of the air and to meditate on Deity manifesting as birds.
  • 5 or 6: Festival of Kore
  • 5 and  6: Feast of God Poseidon – dates varied from Dec – Jan
  • 6: Epiphany
  • 6: Dia de los Reyes – Three Kings Day
  • 6: Haxey Hood (English)
  • 7: Distaff Day
  • 7: Russian Christmas
  • 7: Nativity of Christ
  • 7: Koshogatsu – Shinto rite honoring Goddess Izanami, partner of God Izanagi.
  • 7: Feast of Sekhmet – Egyptian New Year’s Day (alternative date Aug 7)
  • 8: Druidic New Year
  • 8: Midwives’ Day
  • 8: Plough Monday
  • 8 thru 9: The Haloa
  • 9: Agonalia – Festival of Janus (alternative date Jan 11)
  • 10: Geriant’s Day (Welsh)
  • 11 and 15: The Carmentalia – festival of Carmenta, the Roman goddess of childbirth
  • 12: The Compitalia
  • 12 thru 16: Rustic Dionysia (alternative date Nov 28)
  • 13: St Knut’s Day
  • 13 – 25: Mid Winter Blot (Midvetr, Midvetrarblot, Jordblot, Thorrablot, Freyrblot) – Old Norse Mid Winter Feast.
  • 14:  Pongal – Festival of Makar Sankranti 
  • 15: Night of Hekate Suppers – last night of the waning moon
  • 15: Black Christ Festival (Guatemalan)
  • 16: New Moon
  • 16: Festival of Concordia – the Roman goddess of harmonious relations
  • 16: St Peter’s Day – also Jun 29
  • 16: Rosh Chodesh
  • 16 and 17: Old Greek festival in which offerings were made to the Wind Gods of the Eight Directions.
  • 17: Good Luck Day – Festival of Felicitas
  • 17: Blessing of the Animals
  • 17 thru 18: Ashera
  • 19: Blessing of the Waters
  • 19: Thorrablot (Þorrablót) – the Friday after Jan 19
  • 20: Sun enters Aquarius
  • 21: World Religions Day
  • 21: Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins
  • 22: Sarasvati Puja
  • 24: Feriae Sementivae – Blessing the Seeds
  • 24: Gold Rush Day
  • 24: Bodhi Day – the 8th day of the 12th lunar month
  • 24: Blessing of the Happy Woman’s Candle
  • 25: Burns Supper
  • 25: St Paul’s Day
  • 25: St Dwynwen’s Day
  • 26: Festival of Ekekeo (Bolivian)
  • 29: Gamelion Noumenia – Old Greek festival honoring all the Gods and Goddesses.
  • 30: Up Helly Aa – Scottish Viking celebration
  • 30 thru 31: Feast of the Charites – Day to honor the Old Greek Goddesses of beneficence.
  • 30 thru Feb. 2: Februalia
  • 31: Disfest/Disablot
  • 31: Lunar Eclipse
  • 31: Full Moon – Supermoon – Blue Moon – Quickening Moon
  • 31: Tu B’shvat – New Year for Trees
  • 31 thru Feb 3: Old European Lunar New Year – Celebration of the Triple Goddess (Goddess of the Moon and the Seasons) being transformed from the Crone into the Virgin; celebrated with ritual bathing of divine images.
  • 31 thru Feb 8: Navajo Sing – Festival in preparation for the coming agricultural season; celebrated with prayer, chanting, dancing, and healing.


  • 1: Vasant Panchami
  • 1: Là Fhèill Brìghde
  • 1: Imbolc Eve
  • 1 thru 14: Old Greek Festival of Dionysus.
  • 2: Saint Brighid’s Day
  • 2: Disting – The Charming of the Plow – dates vary
  • 2: Candlemas
  • 2: Imbolc – the Celtic festival marking the period of lactation of the ewes
  • 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere)
  • 2: Yoruba/Santeria feast of Oya, Orisha of Death and Rebirth.
  • 2: Groundhog Day
  • 3: Powamu Festival (Hopi) – dates vary
  • 3: Setsubun – Shinto rite in which good fortune is invoked and evil exorcised.
  • 3: St. Blaze Day
  • 4: King Frost Day
  • 5: St Agatha’s Day
  • 5: Fornacalia – The Day of the Ovens – anytime between Feb 5 and Feb 17
  • 6: The Aphrodesia – feast day of the goddess Aphrodite
  • 7: Day of Selene
  • 8: Festival for the Broken Needles
  • 9: Dakini Day (Tibetan)
  • 10: Li Chum (Chinese)
  • 11: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
  • 11: Pattern Day
  • 11: Meatfare Sunday
  • 12: Festival of Artemis – the Greek goddess of the hunt
  • 12 thru 18: MaslenitsaRussian Butter Festival
  • 13: Shrove Tuesday
  • 13: Pancake Day
  • 13: Martes y Trece – Tuesday the 13th
  • 13 thru 14: Mahashivaratri
  • 13 thru 21: The Parentalis – festival to honor the spirits of the ancestors
  • 14: St. Valentine’s Day
  • 14: Feast of Vali
  • 14: Ash Wednesday
  • 14: The 40 days of Lent begin
  • 14: Night of Hekate Suppers
  • 14: Sojong Day – Tibetan Buddhist day of fasting, confession, and reparation for harm done.
  • 15: New Moon
  • 15: Lupercalia – the festival of Lupercus, the Roman god of flocks and fertility.
  • 15 : Nirvana Day
  • 15: Sigfrid’s Day
  • 15: Partial Solar Eclipse
  • 16: Chinese New Year – Year of the Dog begins
  • 17: Toshigoi – Shinto rite honoring the Kami and offering prayers for a bountiful rice harvest.
  • 17: Festival of Quirinus – god of war, storms and thunder
  • 18: Cheese Fare Sunday
  • 18: Transfiguration Sunday
  • 18: Forgiveness Sunday
  • 18: Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins
  • 18: Spenta Armaiti (Zoroastrian)
  • 19: Clean Monday
  • 19: Sun enters Pisces
  • 19 thru 27: Iroquois Mid-Winter Ceremony (dates vary)
  • 20: Day of Tacita
  • 21: Feralia – an ancient Roman Day of the Dead
  • 22: Caristia – Roman holiday of family reunions
  • 22: Everyman’s Birthday
  • 22: St. Lucia’s Day
  • 23: Festival of Terminus – the Roman god of boundaries and border markers.
  • 24: Flight of the King – Regifugium
  • 25: Children’s Day
  • 25: Day of Mut
  • 25: Time of the Old Woman (Moroccan)
  • 25: Orthodox Sunday
  • 26: Day of Nuit
  • 26: Hygeia’s Day
  • 26: Day of Mihr (Armenian)
  • 26 – Mar 2: Holi
  • 27: Feast of Esther
  • 28: Buddha’s Conception
  • 28: Kalevala Day – the epic poem, Kalevala is celebrated by the Finns.
  • 28: Old Slavic Velja Noc – Spirits of the dead visit their living relatives, overseen by Veles, Lord of the Dead.
  • 28: Saxon Cake Day – cakes offered to the God and the Goddess.
  • 28 – Mar 1: Purim









  • 1: Festival of Fides – the Roman goddess of good faith, honesty and oaths.
  • 2: Honor Your Guardian Angel Day
  • 2 – Nov 7: Orionids Meteor Shower
  • 4: Ieiunium Cereris – Fast of Ceres
  • 4: St Francis Day
  • 4: Blessing of the Animals
  • 6: Day of Bad Omens (also Jul 18)
  • 6 – 10: Draconids Meteor Shower
  • 8: Night of Hekate Suppers
  • 9: The Festival of Felicitas – the Roman goddess of good luck and joy.
  • 9: New Moon
  • 10 – 19: Navaratri
  • 11: The Meditrinalia – the festival of Meditrina, the Roman goddess of healing.
  • 12: The Festival of Fortuna Redux – the Roman goddess of successful journeys and safe returns from those journeys.
  • 13: The Festival of Fontus – the Roman god of springs.
  • 13: Winter Nights – Sacred to Freya
  • 15: Equirria
  • 16: Noah Webster’s Birthday
  • 17: Chongyang Festival – Senior’s Day – Double Ninth Festival (see also Sep 9)
  • 19: Dasara – Hindu
  • 19: The Armilustrium – the second festival of Mars, the Roman god of war. On this day, military arms were ritually purified and put in storage for winter.
  • 23: Sun enters Scorpio
  • 24: Full Moon – Blood Moon –  Full Hunters Moon
  • 24: Chinese Moon Festival -The Festival of Chang O, on the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox, the Chinese people pay homage to the moon goddess Chang O. Some Chinese celebrate this day as the moon’s birthday.
  • 27: Day of Martyr Nestor of Thessalonica
  • 27: Mice Wedding Day (alternative date Nov 8th)
  • 28: Celtic Tree Month of Reed begins
  • 28: Christ the King – last Sunday in October (alternative dates Nov 20 thru Nov 26)
  • 28: Feast of the Einherjar
  • 31: Halloween
  • 31 – Nov 1: Samhain – the Celtic festival marking the beginning of the winter and the Celtic New Year. Also the rebirth of Caileach Beara, the Celtic goddess who turned to stone on May 1 (Beltane).



By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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