Terror Hoax

Terror Hoax Westminster #5G Smart Car Drill – Stunt Car Runs Into No Pedestrians?


When asked if he believed it was simply a collision, he said: “No, no no.”

He later told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “I’ve seen a man driving a vehicle, and he’s gone into one of the bollards. There was a loud bang.

“Straight away I thought ‘Oh no, this is another terrorist attack’. So I’ve just started to run and the police were saying ‘get out, get out of the area’.”

He added: “[The car] was behind me. I didn’t see anyone else involved. I just saw this one vehicle, so it seems to be deliberate.

“I was very surprised [the police didn’t go in straight away]. They seemed to be standing back. They were obviously a bit wary, like what’s going to happen next?”

Eyewitness Ewalina Ochab told the Press Association: “I think it looked intentional – the car drove at speed and towards the barriers.”

She said: “I was walking on the other side [of the road]. I heard some noise and someone screamed. I turned around and I saw a silver car driving very fast close to the railings, maybe even on the pavement.”

A Met Police spokesperson said in a statement: “A man has been arrested following a collision in Westminster this morning.

“At 7.37am today, a car was in collision with barriers outside the Houses of Parliament.

“The male driver of the car was arrested by officers at the scene.

“A number of pedestrians have been injured.

“We await an update on their condition, however officers do not believe that anyone is in a life-threatening condition.

“Officers remain at the scene and cordons are in place to assist the investigation. Westminster Tube station is closed. Enquiries continue.”

Westminster Terror Crash Hoax – BBC Ariel Camera Pre-planted On Scene – Crisis Actors Caught Out Of Sync – Terror Car Footage Released To Public Rescaled Down In Quality – Armed Police Put Themselves In Friendly/Cross Fire Danger On Approach To Suspect Car

Here is Green Jay’s original upload. Please subscribe to his channel.

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

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