Kate McCann was almost a spitting image of an artisit impression drawn up to identify the latest suspect in the hunt to find her daughter Madeleine after she vanished into thin air on May 3, 2007.

The role of mainstream media always seems to have been to distort and manipulate perception of the events surrounding the dissaparnce of Madeleine McCann.
An E-Fit of an alleged supect in the case was released by News Of The World on January 20, 2008, before they were closed for phone tapping in the case of Millie Dowler.
The picture sparked comparrisons with Kate McCann and George Harrisson. But was the image fake news?

Portuguese police dismissed the sketch as having “no credibility” and officers accused the McCanns of diverting attention away from themselves.
Carlos Anjos, president of the Judicial Police Inspectors Union, said: “All sense has been completely lost.”
Another police source said the picture was based on information “without any consistency”, which shows a man who could be one of “hundreds of people” and is “another diversionary manoeuvre”.
Although quite trivial, this adds more questions to the whole affair given it is now about to enter its twelth year with just over £11.5 million spent on the investigation. Still, one of the leads we have been presented with was a male/female conundrum of Kate McCann features along with a moustache.
I think it is impossible for anyone at News of The World to have published this front page and the headline without seeing that it looks pretty much like Kate McCann. Was they having a laugh?
Just like when the “I know where madeleine McCann is” song was uploaded to Facebook and catapulted into the minds of the masses via mainstream news. This came weeks before new funding for Operation Grange was announced by Scotland Yard?
How many of these things find their way onto the front pages? Too many.