Tim Mullen game of cat-and-mouse finally coming to an end?

Tim Mullen, Robin Lane, and David Dotson, face huge new round of Enchanted LifePath information as the search for answers only provides more questions.

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When was Tim Mullen first aware of Robin Lane? Was he friends with any of the SDA church?

I have several Facebook posts from Tim that he made before Summer vanished.

The posts make me think Tim has not been totally honest when claiming he only had knowledge of Robin Lane and the Kingsport SDA church members after Summer Wells went missing.

I can provide full proof of claim that Tim Mullen was sharing Kingsport SDA posts as far back as November 28, 2020.

This is despite Tim stating he never knew of Robin Lane, and playing down any connections to Summer Wells’ Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church that she was filmed at on numerous occasions.

There is another money shot further down which changes everything, but for now, just let me build my case.

Tim was sharing Facebook posts posts for homeless mat making days, which take place each Tuesday from 12-3pm at Kingsport SDA Church.

The next screenshot is from the Church website events page which shows a diary of what they get up to there and when.

The date on display is June 15th, 2021, and we can see that they did hold a homeless mat making event on that day.

Tim Mullen Kingsport SDA Homeless Mats June 15th 2021 Summer Wells

It was on Tuesday, on June 15th, 2021, that Summer “got gone”.

Mullen was sharing the posts on his Kingsport Free News Kingsport.ME Facebook Page in April, and May 2021.

The following images are from Tim’s page where he can be seen sharing a post from Janessa Botticelli about the homeless mats on April 27 and May 3rd, 2021.

This shows Tim had knowledge of the SDA church activities and members prior to Summer vanishing.

The following image shows how we can see that Robin Lane and Janessa were both actively commenting on the post, that Tim had shared on May 3rd.

The next screenshot shows how Tim Mullen then shared another reference to the homeless mats in his video titled: Summer Wells : The Journey :: Part 3 : Meeting Robin The Bread Lady : Tim Mullen.

This video was made after Summer had allegedly gone missing.

It was published on Feb 24, 2022.

Janessa Botticelli is key here and she live-streamed David Dotson at the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church Easter play on April, 3, 2021.

David Dotson first appeared at Kingsport SDA on March 27, as far as we know.

You can see in the next image that Tim Mullen’s Kingsport.ME page had shared the live-stream from Janessa.

Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA Church On Mothers Day, May 9? david dotson at warriors path

The Easter play also featured Robin Lane singing on the stage, and Pastor David Ryder was present as he stood in front of a 3 angels backdrop.

A quick side note for now but something I will get back to later is the prophecy of Don Wells and his alleged visit by 3 angels who he says foretold him of Summer’s vanishing.

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Tim Mullen shared the Easter live stream so I can assume that he was aware of Robin Lane on at least April 3, 2021 and not at the July 17th, Fun Fest parade when he claims he saw first saw her.

Tim Mullen FunFest first time he saw Robin Lane

Tim Mullen shared the Easter SDA stream, that is a fact.

But Tim Mullen also shared something else that caught my eye that weekend and it was another reference to Easter.

He shared an image of a crucifix draped in purple in what is alleged to be Summer Wells favourite colour but Enchanted LifePath argues that purple is the colour associated to child sacrifice and mockery of Christ.

The image states Easter Friday and it is from Mullen’s Instagram profile.

On April 1st, Robin Lane posted a video to her YouTube channel titled: Midnight in Gethsemane, in which David Dotson was playing his flute.

the next images show the date on Robin’s video, although, in US time zone it was uploaded on March 31st, if you are in the States, you see March 31, I see April 1st in the UK.

We can also see a comment that I made on her video which poses a ton of questions and makes a load of points that can not be ignored.

This means Robin and David met, got a flute session recorded, and turned it into a video, all in 3-4 days, as just new friends? Partial strangers? Or did they already know each other? And if so, for how long?

I will get back to that later on but for now, let me show you how all these people came together and how Tim was watching it all happen.

A few days after Robin released her video with Dotson playing the flute, they both appeared at Warriors Path on April 3rd, 2021, and he had his flute again as we have seen.

This was at the Kingsport Easter Play which we know was streamed to Facebook by Botticelli.

It is when I looked at Tim Mullen’s Kingsport.ME and searched Janessa Botticelli using his page’s Search Bar, that I found a load of posts from Botticelli that Tim had shared.

Look at the date below, it says, February 11, 2021.

Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA Church On Mothers Day, May 9?

The next image shows how Tim Mullen appears to have taken a picture of Kingsport SDA Church, before posting it on his Facebook page, and giving his image credit to Kingsport.ME.

The date was November 28, 2020.

This makes me think he took the picture.

This proves Tim visited, and promoted Kingsport SDA Church as far back as November 28, 2020. (This image/evidence appears to have been deleted from his page since my reports were made).

The post is from his own page as shown below. There are two of them, one made on November 30th, 2020.

Tim may have deleted one of them but I do not think he knew the other was still there as can be seen on his Facebook page.

The post from the 28th is still there but the one from the 30th is not showing up using the same search criteria.

Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA
Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA

Next is the version that I found on Tim Mullen’s Kingsport.Me Instagram account and I also put it in the WayBack Machine and documented it in more than one way so he can never deny this exists.

That picture was taken in 2020, but in 2021, the posts go from as far back as Feb, March, April, May, all the way into June.

This proves without doubt that Tim Mullen was sharing Kingsport SDA related posts, from Janessa, who is pictured at the SDA Bible classes with Robin Lane and her husband, along with David Dotson and his son (as seen below).

Next is a screenshot showing Janessa Botticelli tagging David Dotson in Tim Mullen’s Facebook post on his page called KingsportSongs.com.

This is another point of interest for me because it shows that Janessa also interacted with Tim Mullen’s social media pages and it was not all one way.

This was on May 11, 2021. A combination of Robin Lane, Dotson, Botticelli, and Mullen all on one post and not for the first time.

That was May 11, but let’s go all in! I can show you Tim tagging himself at Kingsport SDA church on Mothers Day, 2021.

Mothers Day was May 9, 2021, in the United States.

This will have most likely been the day after Summer Wells gave Robin Lane a yellow necklace.

The SDA Church hold their service on a Saturday and the church is likely to have been closed on Mothering Sunday, unless it was open for some reason and Summer was there that day?

Here we can see Robin Lane tell Chris McDonough that Summer Wells was at the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventists Church on Mother’s Day, she says it twice, not the day before or after, but on the day so this needs clearing up by someone from team Tim Mullen.

This can be heard from 23.54 in the Interview Room upload that was recorded in July 2021.

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Tim placed himself there and he has now deleted evidence of that from his own platforms.

Was he there the day before too? Was Summer there that day or did they hold the Mother’s Day celebrations on the Sunday that year?

Look at the next image, you can clearly see he tagged himself as at Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church on Mothers Day in 2021.

This was different to the other posts he shared as this was the only time he tagged himself as being at the church.

He also mentions Pastor David Ryder in the post. All this despite not knowing any of them.

Tim Mullen At Kingsport SDA Church On Mothers Day, May 9?

Here is the version from his Instagram that is still there as of June, 11, 2023.

The image contains the link to his original Instagram post from May 9, 2021, and I have also put this link into the Wayback Machine too for good measure.

Not only that, he has a website for his Kingsport.Me work too and it is in this website that I found more proof of his Mother’s Day post from May 9, 2021, at the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church that he denies going anywhere near in a longgggg time.

Here we can see a screenshot from that site and a post from that day and guess what it is about?

The SDA Church, same post, different platform.

The Robin Lane Mothers Day picture with Summer Wells (who gave her Sabbath teacher the yellow necklace) can be seen on Robin’s now also deleted since the publication of this report Facebook profile.

Why did she delete her account?

Robin clearly states herself that Summer gave her the necklace “for Mothers Day”.

Tim Mullen was possibly lurking around outside taking pictures of the church the very next day, it could have been the same day, what a small world we live in.

Who knows, he may have even been inside the church at some point

Was Tim Mullen inside the church for any reason, on, or around May 9, 2021, was he there the same day that the Summer Wells and Robin Lane Mother’s Day picture was taken?

robin lane summer wells mothers day pic

This all looks like Tim was maybe more aware of Robin and the SDA church than he tells us, because Robin was singing at the Easter Play too.

Pastor David Ryder was there but not close enough to anyone to be too touchy feely, thank God!

If Tim was aware of Robin, and Robin was taking Summer to places on days out since 2019, maybe 2018, did Tim spot Robin with Summer?

Did he see Summer on Mothers Day?

Tim refers to the SDA church as somewhere he had only ever visited once.

He said it in his own video when he also claims to have met Robin Lane properly for the first time after seeing her for the second time.

This is when Lane was making bread at the Kingsport SDA church and Tim began calling her “the bread lady”.

You can hear him talk about how he met Robin in 2021 and once visited the SDA church years ago between 2 and 6 minutes of this next video.

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Tim said it again on June 11, 2023, in a live stream on the Don Wells Family Official Channel, in which he spoke to Don and repeated the longggggg time ago quotes when referencing his last visit to, or up near the church.

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Tim also shared this post from Janessa on May 14, 2021.

It is another post sharing a picture from Kingsport SDA Church that he claims to have no association with.

The next image shows Tim Mullen sharing a picture of Robin Lane from his trip to the SDA church on July 17/18, 2021.

This is when he says he met Robin properly after first seeing her holding the Banner with Candus Bly in the Fun Fest Parade.

We have very good cause to think that Tim Mullen was aware of Robin before Summer Wells vanished.

tim mullen calls robin lane the bread lady

His Facebook Page shows how he also potentially filmed Robin at Christmas festivities back in 2018, as depicted below.

This is from the videos section of Kingsport.Me Facebook Page. I am not entirely sure if it is her though, it does look like her?

tim mullen filming robin lane in 2019?

Below is a closer look, and be sure to compare it to Robin’s face in vids or images showing Summer with Robin at the SDA church as Candus was asleep.

Here is more posts from Janessa Botticelli that Tim shared on his page.

The next one shows Tim sharing a post from her on March 27, that date again, it is when Dotson showed up in the SDA church, jumped on stage prompted by Lane, and played the flute.

Janessa is inviting people to the Easter play in the post. This-Predated the Easter Play, Tim Mullen is all over the SDA members and Flockers.

Who Is Tim Mullen

I would like to know why self-elected Wells family media manager (whatever that is) would lie about his awareness of the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church and it’s flock?

Tim Mullen released 8 videos on his YouTube channel Timullen Media in which he explains his role with the family and how that came to be.

He also explains how he arrived on the scene during the first weeks of the case but he does not explain why he posted a status to Facebook in which he said Summer Sells on June 24th 2021?

Summer Sells

tim mullen summer sells - tim tullen post on facebook

It was still there in December 2021 when I took this screenshot. It could just be a case of S being under W on the QWERTY Keyboard but still.

Liver Transplant 4 Days After Summer Wells Allegedly Vanished

He does not explain the timing of his post four days after Summer Wells allegedly vanished when he was over the moon (excuse the breadcrumb, I mean pun) about his lifelong friend Will Taylor dodging death at the final moments by “receiving a liver”. As you can see, I posed the question wondering who the donor was?

This is the George Taylor Jr. named in Tim’s liver transplant.

Another thing I noticed was this article was written by a Mr Mathew Lane who I have in my files because when I was searching Tim’s Facebook in regards to his Botticelli posts, I found a Mathew Lane who Tim had shared and I wondered if he was related to Robin Lane DeMoura Sanders married Lane family?

tim mullen mathew lane robin lane

Tim mentions Will Taylor being the son of George Taylor and brother of George Taylor Jnr.

A funeral notice for George Taylor Senior states that he was a Freemason and a Shriner.

This lists the family members but does not mention Will Taylor, maybe he is the black sheep of the family? It does say 1968 on the page and the RSO Will Taylor was not born until 1980, so unless his mother had him and he is George Taylor’s step brother, then I’m not sure if the RSO is related.

Horsesssss and Puppy Dogsssss

We also hear Tim say this but in a more odd way in his first video about his journey on the Summer Wells story from around 3 mins 15 seconds when he repeats what he posted on Facebook on June 23rd.

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This puppy looks like the dogs at Summer Wells house.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

It looks like a similar breed to Summer’s dog Yucky.

More Puppies.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

And even dead puppies.

tim mullen horses and dead puppy dogs


tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

More horses.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

More horses next door.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

More horses.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

More horses.

Bro Frankkb commented on Tim’s post on Instagram and when I searched for him I was directed to his YouTube page and guess what it featured?

More Horses.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs
tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

And more horses.

tim mullen horses and puppy dogs

They don’t stop there either.

On the day that David Dotson was being sworn in as a member of Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist Church by Pastor David Ryder, Tim Mullen was very near by, at Warriors Path Horse Stables, paying tribute to a pony that he called a “new little horse citizen” in his post on June 5th, 2021.

We all know too well what role Warriors Path Horse stables and pond played in this whole fiasco surrounding the case of Summer Wells.

tim mullen at warriors path horse stables june 5th 2021 horses and puppy dogs

Ponderingly Interestingly Smile’able

Need I say anymore about this post on Tim’s personal Facebook?

I will anyway. Tim Mullen posted this picture of a little blonde baby girl and what occurred next was as Tim Mullen as it gets when a group of people started making lewd innuendos about Tim and the girl to which he responded by claiming the comment thread was getting interesting.

He went on to add that he was just watching as the comments were getting “intriguingly interestingly ponderable while quite smile’able”. Whatever that is in the world of madness and gobbly-de-gook (sic) from Tim who expressed his delight backed by the mindset of what must be the type of thoughts that occur in newly defined MAPs to put it lightly.

This is another major red flag, and another big FAIL next to Tim’s moral scorecard. Nil Poit.

House Full of Children = Faces full of Cake

Or this?

Do you blame me for being suspicious of this man?

Next he is prancing about with kids as the theme on his Timstagram page (as he calls it) again by posting a picture of himself covered in icing from a cake all over his face with a caption of: “House Full of Children = Faces Full of Cake”.

There is a man behind him also wiping cake off his face.

How far will Tim go to amuse kids? This is the man who goes on about the girl who plays at his heart strings the most. Not some non-existent ex-wife, or a relationship in his 20s, 30s, 40, or 50s, but a girl who he asked to the school prom when he must have been about 14 or something the weirdo.

Was that it with his love life, a school crush? This is not normal in my opinion.

tim mullen face full of cake

Neither is this when added to the rest of it.

Tim posted this picture of himself sat eating a table with boys sat all around.

They are even sat on top of the table.

He captioned it: Throwback.

More kids, I do not know if this one is contains a family member.

Jim Goad

Going back to my reports from January 2022, when I highlighted a few elements around Tim Mullen’s background that raised questions of his identity by discovering he has an Alias of Jim Goad listed on one of his background checks.

This was weird because as we know Don Wells property 110 Ben Hill Rd was handed down to him from Clyda Trent after his alleged mother Karen H Goad had lived there.

don wells karen goad

Tim Mullen’s personal Facebook page shows he has Goad’s listed in his friends on the platform and all this gets a little close to the family names of Don Wells despite Tim stating he did not know the Wells family I just wonder if that is true or not?

Tim Mullen responded to Enchanted LifePath posing the question as to who is Jim Goad and why is it his alias by making a long post on his Wells Family Media Manager Facebook Page in which he stated that he is not related to Jim Goad, nor does he use it as an alias, but the name is picked up because he did work for a Jim Goad many years ago.

tim mullen on his jim goad alias

That is what Tim said in his own words but it still provides me with reason to ask follow up questions which go unanswered such as, if he did work for Jim Goad and he admits to that, then who is Jim Goad and is he related to Don Wells and did he know Don’s family before the Summer Wells case popped up?

Did Tim do work for Don Wells’ family prior to June 15th, 2021?

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Tim didn’t make things any better for himself when it was revealed during that he was recorded in between True Slime Community YouTuber named Ziggy with Don, and Candus Wells, in which Tim called Don and was on loudspeaker as the call was ongoing.

Tim became aware that the call was being recorded and quickly backtracked on it being him and tried to say he was “Jimmy”, repeating over and over again, “it’s Jimmy”.

Listen to him say that in this clip here.

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In that clip we can see how there is a Jim Goad who lives minutes away from 110 Ben Hill Rd, so, again, other follow-up questions are, if Tim worked for a Jim Goad who may be related to the Wells family and lived down the road from where Summer Wells lived, then did Tim ever go to Jim’s house to do this work and was he aware of Ben Hill Rd and the history of the land before the Summer Wells case or after it?

jim goad lives 8 minutes from summer wells. tim mullen alias is jim goad.

William Wells

Another thing with Mullen’s background check that was highlighted early in 2022 is how Tim Mullen’s address tells us that he lives there with his father and mother but it is the latter who raises the next questions and provides the next lead.

tim mullen address linked to his mum and dad. summer wells case update

Tim’s public details alert us to his mother Joy Mullen who has 25 alias names.

I wonder if this was her own doing over 90 years or has someone been doing things in the background?

That was just a side thought so lets get back onto them alias’.

tim mullen mother joy has 25 alias names. summer wells case update
tim mullen mother joy alias names. summer wells case update

We can see that one of Joy’s alias names is Jane Mills.

And, how her address is linked to a Mr. William Wells.

That name surname again! If its not Goad it’s Wells and Wells or Goad, whatever Tim, Jim, Jimmy.

The mind boggles with this place and these people.

So, the obvious next questions are, what in the world is going on here? And, who on earth is William Wells?

We have two bits of information the name William Wells and he is from Franklin, about 50 minutes away from 110 Ben Hill Rd.

I found this one who is related to a Pam L Wells but she is listed aged 67 and Don’s ex wife Pam Wells is older but still, bear with me a moment because I have only just found this.

A quick look at Pam L Wells profile. Links are in a lot of these screenshots remember.

Pam L Wells related to William wells - tim mullen - summer wells case

So then this L in the Pam L Wells makes me think of the L in the middle of Don’s Dad’s name Donald L Wells. It may just be something like Pam Linda Wells and nothing to look into.

There is also a Patricia Wells in the family connected to William Wells too.

Just like Don Wells has a sister called Patricia.

And here is Don Wells sister Patricia.

But then there is this also.

It shows Jane Mills and J Meyer which are both listed as alias names for Mullen’s mum at their address in Northwood Drive in Kingsport as seen earlier.

This Franklin address is where she is listed alongside William Wells.

But this time we now see a Joan Wells with William, it just gives us another name to work with.

We can also see that Jenny E Meyer is Jenny E Mullen too.

tim mullen sister jenny e mullen is jenny meyer - rose meyer - summer wells

We can see again that Tim is connected to multiple people named Meyer, there is also a Daniel Meyer in his relatives.

Tim Mullen mentions his sister in his puppy dogs and horses quote.

Is Jenny E Mullen aka Jenny Meyer, aged 49, Tim’s sister?

We have 3 names here Mullen, Mills, and Meyer.

We also see the name Frank Myers, aged 58. This makes me wonder if he is related to a person in Church Hill known as James Myers, or Mrs. James Myers, who can be found on an obituary for George Manuel Bernard, and Myrtle Bernard. George and Myrtle are the Grandparents of JodiSue Brown‘s ex, known as Andy Bernard, who is the son of George Bernard. Andy Bernard is also known as George Bernard. There is also a James E Myers in Rogersville.

The name Meyer, and Myers are both connected to Tim Mullen and his mum, but could it also mean Tim has relatives who are related to JodiSue Brown‘s ex known as Andy Bernard, who has a YouTube channel called The Real Andy Bernard? Jodi is also known as Jodi A Brown in Kingsport. You can see Jodi A Brown is related to KennethLee Brown, who is deceased.

Frank Myers is married to Kimberley Myers, and on both profiles there are a lot of Myers. We see an associate of Frank, named of Roy Brown who is married to Suzanne Brown. They are way out in Nashville but we have seen Mullen with family in Nashville.

There is a Roy Bernard on the Obituary for George Manual and Myrtle.

The surname Meyer always strikes me as it has been mentioned in the Summer Wells case before.

The name Rose Meyer first appeared very early on when a GoFundMe page was set up for Don and Candus.

rose meyer summer wells tim mullen

It was created by a Rose Meyer.

A post on Facebook shows part of a conversation with the self-elected Summer Wells family expert Lisa Kay Ruetz who debated with people about Rose Meyer and if she is a real person.

rose meyer tim mulllen summer wells
rose meyer tim mulllen summer wells

A statement from an alleged Rose Meyer then appeared online to address rumours that she was an alleged lover of Summer Wells’ grandmother, Candus Harer, who is Candus Bly’s mum.

She also confirmed knowing the family in a series of answers.

We can see answer 16 was has she met anyone from the church, meaning the SDA’s in Kingsport.

Rose answered Questions 16 by stating that she had met David Dotson when they went to the bank with Candus to set up an account for the Go Fund Me page.

rose meyer tim mulllen summer wells robin lane david dotson put put golf

I think this answer about Dotson is telling because it states that she met Dotson when he had taken Summer Wells brothers to Mini Golf.

This questions and answers session is in a video from a channel from the YouTube True Slime community called Chasing Truth that I refer to as Chasing Lies.

But again, I have already asked if Robin Knew Dotson when his wife died in 2019? It is important because we have Don telling us that Robin began taking Summer out when the Wells family first met her which according to Robin was the between the end of 2018 and the start of 2019 as we have seen many times in Enchanted LifePath reports.

We can see that WJHL gave Robin Lane image credit for the picture of David Dotson with Summer Wells’ brother’s on their day out at “Put Put Golf”.

They were together that day too, she took that photograph.

whjl news rose meyer tim mulllen summer wells robin lane david dotson put put golf

This question and timeframe, around 2019 when Tonya Dotson died and me wondering if David knew Robin back then took another line of interest recently when True Crime’s favourite cup of tea, Don B, claimed to have spoken to a friend of Robin’s ex-husband and he alleged Robin had an affair with David Dotson before he left or fled the SDA church and married a Jewish lady.

Robin Lane's ex husband marcos demoura - summer wells - tim mullen

We know it is Robin Lane’s ex-husband, Marcos DeMoura’s job to put people to sleep seeing as he is an anaesthesiologist.

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robin lane's ex husband marcos demoura aarrest - summer wells - tim mullen - david dotson

He had his charges expunged in 2018 after completing probation for stealing drugs from a police deposit box in Kingsport.

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So now we have Rose Meyer (whose surname is the same as the one in the Mullen family via Jenny Elizabeth Mullen’s addresses and alias names, which also aligns with William Wells) saying that she met David Dotson on the day that he took Summer’s brother’s out and we have reason to believe Robin Lane was present.

All this whilst setting up a bank account for a go Fund Me for Don and Candus.

We can also see that the name Jane Street Mills and the address 107 Boxwood Drive are connected to an oil and gas mining business that was given a lease from a company called Paloma Partners IV LLC, in Texas.

Another address connected to Tim Mullen that has gone under the radar is 131 Leach Road in Johnson City.

“Have ya got any leaches for this?”

The address is 30 mins East from where Don Wells was working on the day that Summer Wells is alleged to have gone missing.

tim mullen address in johnson city 131 leach road #4

Summer Wells home is 30 mins West from where Don worked that day, at Sweetgrass Lane in Jonesborough.

I am not saying this is connected to Summer going missing but it’s just good to know Tim better than I know myself.

Other things which make me go hmmmm is Tim Mullen’s drones, and access to them.

We know Tim has access to drones because we have seen his drone companies.

tim mullen drone pilot kingsport tennessee summer wells media manager

Who was the girl in the drone video Tim?

We can hear a clip when Benny Keyz asked Tim Mullen who was the little girl in the drone video?

He also went on to mention Lunar Cycles and doing snake hissing noises when asking Tim and Robin what was going on in the month of May.

But who was that girl in Tim’s footage if she exists? Why is Tim filming little girls and going on about horses and puppy dogs and “intriguingly interestingly ponderable while quite smile’able” innuendos with cake on his face? What the fk is this?

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I emailed TBI on February 14, 2023 regarding Tim’s drones and here is what I said:

Tim Mullen’s Drone Flight Data may hold the key to if he was ever tracking Ben Hill Rd.

He could in theory, have watched Candus from afar and made a move? 

My concerns are that Tim Mullen may have a potential motive to track and trace the people and/or land associated with 110 Ben Hill Rd.

Tim is a known realtor and he also offers drone operations in many Counties across Tennessee.

Tim inserted himself in the case and has manipulated many elements of the fallout, but has he manipulated any events leading to the vanishing of Summer Wells?

If Tim was ever flying his drone over 110 Ben Hill Road before, or on June 15th, 2021, then his drone data will reflect this indefinitely. 

For example, his DJI account will contain his flight log data.

It will show his exact flight routes, how fast he was flying, at what heights, what the wind speed was, his battery levels, his exact GPRS locations of landing and taking off, and the flight path in-between, all pin-point.

We have all been told by Tim Mullen that he only ever met Don Wells for the first time at Prayer Vigils for Summer Wells on July 27, he also began building the family website at the time and representing them as an unofficial media manager.

We are now told by Don that he first met Tim when they were both flying crafts and they almost crashed into each other.

Don said Tim got confrontational with him and was swearing at him.

I am not sure if Don is telling the truth here but this is not the story we are told by Tim Mullen.

I would like to think Tim has been questioned by police given his determination to perform damage control operations in and around the case.

The link below is the FAA Pilot search site and it allows us to search Tim Mullen and select Tennessee and we are then led to Timothy Hall Mullen’s pilot details for his drones.

This will then lead you to his DJI account that will be linked to his pilot badges that allow him to fly lawfully.

Here is the link also. https://amsrvs.registry.faa.gov/airmeninquiry/Main.aspx

Tim Mullen’s drone services can be found online at businesses called Tim Mullen Photography (WayBack Machine Version) and iRealEstatePhotography (WayBack Machine Version).

He deleted the sites but you can check them in the WayBack Machine.

tim mullen drone pilot records faa civil aviaition .jpeg

Something a bit less serious for a moment before I carry on with Tim Nice But Grim Mullen.

We all know Tim has many websites, and social media profiles!

I found his blog about him making a motorized mountain bike transforming it with a lawnmower engine, but that is just a side note, the man is beyond odd!

We Can bring You Hope or We Can Bring You Crisis Actors?

Next up it’s We Can Bring You Crisis Actors featuring LampLight Theatre’s very own Synthetic Cynthia Bennett, Timmy Ymmit Etherton, and friends, who provided the supporting cast to Robin Lane, her flyers, a new website by Tim Mullen, Don and Candus Wells along with We Can Bring You Hope who are now known as We Can Bring You Crisis Actors. But why are they called that? Let’s find out.

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The first time we saw Tim was at the first vigil for Summer Wells held by Timmy Etherton and the LampLight Theatre crisis actors who were thrust into the spotlight by the media with WJHL promoting and reporting on the weird events.

It was during the first vigil on that we saw Robin Lane handing out a load of fliers when she said “oh we now have a website FindSummerWells.com thank Tim Mullen, he’s the one that made it”.

She pointed at Tim and everyone said “thank you Tim and as the camera panned to him, he was seen holding his finger up over his lips saying STFU Robin Shhhhhh. This was when he was still trying to be invisible as he used to say in his anti-YouTubian dialect.

That exchange alone held many factors and it was just funny how Robin who blew his cover, but it was what was in Robin’s hand and how they got there along with all them people and who put them all there in one place is my next point of interest.

On September 5, 2021, an interview popped up on YouTube between Don Wells and We Can Bring You Hope, who allege to be advocates for the missing.

It was during that interview that the host who is the Chief Executive Officer of We Can Bring You Hope, a lady named Michelle, declared that she was doing things behind the scenes and was working on getting more people down to focus on doing some more prayer vigils, to which Don Wells laughed and then made a sarcastic hocking sound.

She also mentions having her own flyers for Summer and operating her own tips line.

It was after a spat with the most hideous True Slimer of all, Tiffany Marie, that We Can Bring You Crisis Actors gave the breadcrumbs that helped put this next part of the pudding together.

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We Can Bring You Crisis Actors responded to the wicked witch of Westerly by saying they had sent flyers to the printers and they were to be picked up by a local church member and that was Robin Lane.

robin lane picked up we can bring you crisis actors leaflets then handed them out as she blew tim mullen's cover

We can also see how Robin Lane posted an image to her Facebook on July 22, 2021, when she was outside the printers picking up the flyers before going on to join Don, Candus, Tim Mullen, and a load of crisis actors from LampLight Theatre and between them they all began trying to shape public perception around the case.

These clowns were telling us how we should think and feel. Using emotional manipulation to socially engineer a perspective that Summer’s parents were innocent.

robin lane picking up the we can bring you crisis actors leaflets for summer wells

I find all this very funny not funny because this is how I see it, let me break it down for you simply.

We had Tim Meyer Wells Goad Mullen whatever his name is stood there having just made the FindSummerWells.com website and his cover blown sky-high by Robin Lane as she waved flyers around from We Can Bring You Crisis Actors who promised Don Wells they were going to create MORE vigils to which Don laughed his head off but all them crafty crisis actors arrived at these so-called-vigils and continued pulling their nonsense.

They were proven to be actors by Enchanted LifePath reports instantly in 2021 as soon as I arrived on the case and took one look at all these clowns parading around the place when we had Synthetic Cynthia Bennett wiping away fake non-existent tears from her face without even touching her face. Tony Mulvane was wiping Vicks Vapour Rub in his eyes and pretending to cry for Summer Wells as his wife Tina, another LampLighter, stood there with the over extravagant child safeguarding red-flag on legs, Timmy Etherton aka Ymmit. They put on quite a display week-in and week-out after the first episode and got followed around by WJHL News cameras.

Why did We Can Bring You Crisis Actors send a load of Crisis Actors into the Summer Wells case?

Was Mr Media Mogul Tim Mullen working on this behind the scenes? He was there at the vigil watching over all the actors and Ymmit was doing 666 hand signs on his shoulder.

It in February 2023 that I put all this together regarding We Can Bring You Crisis Actors, the flyers, Robin, Tim Mullen showing up with the LampLighter’s and put it with Michelle’s quotes saying she was working on more vigils, that We Can Bring You Hope went and deleted all podcasts from their BlogTalk podcast page, strangely leaving all those people they advocated for without hope that is generated through awareness via the podcasts. It’s madness.

We can see the page now has 3.5k listens without any podcasts.

The podcast with Don Wells is deleted from their platform but a couple of copies exist online.

You can see how it was still here in February when I made my initial reports but it was soon all deleted.

This is dated February 9th 2023. Everything was gone by March.

This next video shows proof from the WayBack Machine that the podcasts where there before my report.

Why did they delete all that hope I don’t get it?

This is dated March 31st.

I also find it odd that We Can Bring You Hope claim to be a Non-Profit organization but they do not have a filling with the IRS.

They are listed on OpenCorporates website as we see below.

They changed their name from We Can Bring You Hope to We Can Bring You Hope Inc.

The address that We Cn Bring You Hope is registered at is 250c Sandy Hill Rd, Valencia, PA 16059, USA.

They are not registered at the IRS website.

Pro Publica is another page that I use to check company records and allows me to see the books of organizations also states that We Can Bring You Hope have no records.

The Pro Publica Non-Profit Explorer Company Search Page was successful in providing accounts for Church Hill Rescue Squad, and the Children’s Advocacy Centres in Tennessee when I used it to trace finances of both organisations.

The Founder of We Can Bring You Hope is known as Michelle Heilman-Bender, or Michelle Bender, depending on which source you use.

Here we see she is listed as Michelle Bender.

On the next screenshot we see, also from Zoom Info, she is listed as Michelle Heilman-Bender.

On LinkedIn, Michelle is listed as Michelle Bender.

The image below does contain the link to the source.

A background check page known as Radaris, shows a Michelle Bender in Pensylvania.

On her We Can Bring You Hope website, Michelle states: “I started as a volunteer with other organizations when I became aware of some local cases that were not getting the attention that was needed. I opened WCBYH when I was touched personally by a missing family member of my own”.

She claims to have been touched by missing people cases after a family member of hers went missing.

Below is an image of Susan Robin Bender who went missing in April, 1986.

As of now, I do not know if this is who Michelle is talking about but I am just making notes.

It is not known how Michelle from We Can Bring You Hope got in touch with Don Wells and Team Damage Control in the Summer Wells case headed by Tim Mullen.

One thing we do know is that the cult of Lamplight Theatre has come in for scrutiny in July 2023, as reports emerged of a page on Facebook, called Lamplight’s True Stories began posting testimonies from alleged victims of sexual and mental abuse at the hands of owner Billy Wayne Arrington.

You can read all about that in my article on the subject that is still ongoing with another court case set for September 2, 2023, with protests expected against Arrington planned at the court that day.


Timeline of Events

Okay let me put a few things into a timeline format for you to see how things happened starting with Robin Lane meeting Summer and the family at the end of 2018, or the start of 2019 and taking Summer out from then on.

Late 2018 to Early 2019 – Robin Lane meets Summer Wells and begins taking her out according to Don and Robin’s own words.

Don Wells told us that Summer got to know Robin when she met them and Robin began taking Summer out.

Don says this to the Behaviour Panel during his interview with them.

Robin Lane told Chris McDonough that she had known the family for 2.5 years and she said that in July 2021.

This means that Robin Lane could have been taking Summer Wells out on days out as far back as the end of 2018 or the start of 2019.

Don Wells also stated in the same interview that Dotson “got to know Summer when they were out with Robin or whatever”.

April 25, 2019 – David Dotson’s wife dies in Kingsport where David. his son, and daughter lived with her before she passed.

This comes into the timeline because it is my niggling suspicion that Robin Lane knew David Dotson when this happened.

If she did, I pose the question, did Robin Lane ever have Summer Wells on a day out from April 2019 (or before) onwards, and was Dotson ever present before March 27, 2021 when he was introduced onto the Kingsport SDA church stage to play his flute?

David Dotson's wife Tonya died on April 25, 2019. Did David Dotson know Robin Lane then?

October 14, 2020 – Candus Wells calls police on Don for fighting with Jose Roman and tells them somebody had raped somebody.

Bearing in mind, no names were mentioned, and as reported by Enchanted LifePath, we do not know who the he or the her is.

Don Wells is then arrested for possession of a firearm.

November 28, 2020 – Tim Mullen shares Kingsport SDA post on Facebook advertising the church.

As we have discussed, Tim Mullen shared many posts in relation to the SDA church, but the furthest back I have found is November 28th, 2020.

December 18, 2020 – Summer Wells is photographed inside the Kingsport SDA church.

It was around two weeks after these photos were taken that Don Wells angel prophecy window opens and Candus got the red Subaru as a gift from Don but it is also thought that Don is not the owner of the car and it may have a 3rd party involved.

I have provided a lot of proof on this article but that is something I can’t prove.

December 18, 2020 - Summer Wells is photographed inside the Kingsport SDA church.

It is not known who took the photographs but we know both Robin Lane and Tim Mullen have a common interest in photography and cameras.

January 2021 – Don Wells Angel Prophecy window opens

Don Wells told us that he had 3 visits from angels who told him that something was going to happen to Summer and the first of these visits took place around 4-5 months before Summer allegedly vanished. 5 months before June is January.

If Don’s angel visits began in January then that is just a few weeks after the December 18 Christmas photographs of Summer at the SDA church.

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February 11, 2021 – Tim Mullen shares a Facebook post from Janessa Botticelli.

As we have seen, Tim Mullen shared a post from Botticelli on February 11, 2021.

February 11, 2021 - Tim Mullen shares a Facebook post from Janessa Botticelli.

March 27, 2021 – David Dotson appears at SDA church and plays the flute by special request from Robin Lane.


Who Is David Dotson?

David Dotson was first seen at the Kingsport Seventh Day Adventist church that Summer Wells attended on March 27, 2021 when he played his Native American Flute after being presented on stage by an excited Robin Lane.

A few days later, on March 31/April 1, Robin Lane posted a video on her YouTube channel called Midnight in Gethsemane where Dotson featured playing the flute again in what seemed to be a professionally recorded session.

Dotson was next seen at the Kingsport SDA play at Warriors Path on April 3rd when he played his flute once again. The play was live-streamed by Kingsport SDA Flocker Jannessa Botticelli who calls herself Daddy’s butterfly.

Pastor David Ryder was present as was Summer Wells sabbath teacher Robin Lane who was singing on the stage.

David Dotson was next known to be at the SDA church on June 5th, 2021 when he was inducted into being a member by Pastor Ryder.

It was during this ceremony that Dotson told his new flock that he had called his old members of a church that he used to pastor in Texas and apologised to them for teaching them wrong scripture after discovering Saturday was allegedly the true day to worship God.

During his time in Texas Dotson travelled the world representing his church on missionary trips as we have seen on his wife funeral notice, and he was known to have visited Egypt where he spent time having dinner with the Vice-President and taking photographs of kids.

While he was away, his wife Tonya would stay in Texas where she concentrated on the music ministry for children at their church.

David was also part of EMS Air Ambulance teams which earned him the nickname the Flying Freemason early on in the case. I’m not sure if he was a pilot, co-pilot or just a medic.

Doston has also worked as a mortician and embalmer as well as his most recent work which is a funeral director.

We can see that his name is actually Billy David Dotson. Jr on both his work listing on TN gov websites as well as on his background checks which also connect his family member Hobert Dotson to a meth bust on Beech Creek as well as him being associated to the Morelock’s and Bernard family.

His wife died on April 25th, 2019, she left David, her son and daughter who all lived in Kingsport, Tennessee at the time. This makes me wonder if he knew Robin Lane then?

After Summer vanished, he fled the SDA church after a just a few weeks as a member and married a lady with Jewish background. He jumped from one religion, to another, and another in a short space of time.

David Dotson plays into a timeline with Robin Lane.

David was provided an alleged alibi by his daughter Hannah and we will also be looking into that too.

Who is Robin Lane?

Robin Lane is the first person that I saw within the case outside of the family.

Imagine my okayyyy thennnnn WTF is going on here face when the first thing I saw was Summer Wells dancing around in front of a red barrel that said For Sale on it followed by Robin Lane harping on about putting snacks in her pack to go on an all nighter. Then add Timmy Ymmit Etherton to the mix and it was already too much internet at that very point.

But two years later here we are.


The ballad of Tim Mullen – Sandman’s Song

Land Tim Mullen

Tim Mullen showing interest in regional mountains and history, link is in images

Tim Mullen Real Estate Job with moody contact link in contact page direct on the real estate website. Be careful.

By Enchanted Lifepath

Enchanted LifePath Independent News & Media Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. 2015 Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more.

Enchanted LifePath