Role-Player Registration: Oklahoma – VIGILANT GUARD – DISASTER RESPONSE TRAINING EXERCISE – Oct 30, to Nov 2, 2017
There have been far too many cases of these drills going live and turning into real fake news events or false flag attacks… This is a warning to Oklahoma and near by cities.
Residents of Oklahoma are being warned to be on high alert from, October 30, 2017 to November 2, 2017 of a possible grey state and media sponsored false flag or hoax attack in the state after a disaster response training exercise role-player registration form appeared on line from the Vigilant guard on a website for a company called Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC to begin hiring ​Casualty Role Players.

Information on the online application states successful applicants will be moulaged (injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, and will go through medical triage, decontamination, and medical treatment several times during each day of the exercises at Warr Acres Fire Training Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Crisis Role Players will earn $275 for two days support and $475 for four days and are warned applicants with life threatening illness or conditions not to apply as they will be placed through a strenuous decontamination process in what may be unpleasant and uncomfortable conditions.
Examples of past events and how crisis actors work can be seen in this slideshow.
I want to point out how Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC, logo looks uncannily like the 666 logo we see used by Google or the CERN logo which have drawn a lot of attention from alternative and citizen journalist who highlight hidden meanings and symbols on a daily basis. Such symbolism is highlighted around the world as part of the fight to expose the devil in minor details used by the elite who carry out all of the attacks we see on the world stage which are advertised by Satanists with satanic images which go unnoticed by a critical mass of the world population.
The 5 sided pentagon with five, sixes (5+5+6#16=88) which may also show us cryptic corkers such as the number 11. The spooky sign shows us the Freemasonic black and white and the pentagon shape is clearly in the design of a hidden 5 star Baphomet taking us back to Saturn worship as well as ritual sacrifice which can often include children. When adding all these elements together it does raise alarm bells and an attack over the Halloween period may be imminent in the city of Oklahoma.
Information on the About HDS page states as follows:
Company Promise: HDS aims to do it right the first time for our clients while making certain there is no duplication of effort. Our client’s risk is mitigated by presenting a no-cost assessment of available alternatives. What’s more is HDS provides proven innovative solutions to problems resulting in positive mission impact. No matter the requirement, HDS makes certain to fulfil each of our client’s unique needs utilizing our well-recognized professional expertise.
Company focus, capabilities, and leadership: HDS specializes in professional services, consulting, staffing, national security Role Playing, and training in the core areas of the Human Domain: Foreign Area Officer and Specialist (FAO) programs; Human-Derived Intelligence (HDI); Language, Region, and Culture (LRC); Security Assistance and Building Partnership Capacity (BPC); Disaster Preparedness and Response (DPR); and support to Special Operations Forces (SOF). The HDS founder and Managing Director is Kurt M. Marisa, Colonel, USAF (ret.), a career intelligence and international affairs officer and recognized operational and academic expert in the areas of CI/HUMINT, FAO activities, LRC, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and Foreign Materiel Acquisition (FMA). He is a Federal Language Consultant with the National Language Service Corps (NLSC). Since 2009, he has served as President of the Foreign Area Officer Association (FAOA)–the non-profit professional association for FAOs, Defense Attachés, and other DoD international affairs specialists.
Past Performances
Virginia National Guard, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Prime)
Ohio National Guard, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Prime)
Louisiana National Guard, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Prime)
Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Joint Military Attaché School (JMAS), supporting elicitation/counter-elicitation/rapport-building instruction and related national security Role Playing (Sub)
Department of State Foreign Service Institute (FSI), supporting FSI regional affairs course coordination/instruction (Sub)
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), customized language and culture training (Sub)
Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s (DSCA) Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), provided instructors for courses on international military law, counter-corruption, and counter-terrorism (Sub)
CI/HUMINT management, training, role player, and screening support (through Marisa International Consulting) for DIA’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), the DoD HUMINT Training Joint Center of Excellence (HT-JCOE), and the FBI.
Oregon National Guard, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Prime)
Washington National Guard, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Prime)
Vigilant Guard 2017, Disaster Preparedness and Response Exercise Support and Role Playing (Sub)
Contract Vehicles
DIA Solutions in Intelligence Analysis (DIA SIA II)
Administered by the DIA Directorate for Analysis, DIA SIA II is a five-year contract with a ceiling of $5.7 billion. It provides all-source analytic staff augmentation to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the J2 components of the Combatant Commands, the Service Intelligence Centers of Excellence, the Department of Justice, and the Air Force. Government customers interested in using this contract should contact the execution agent, the Virginia Contracting Activity (VACA).
Primary Scope is CI and HUMINT Training.
USSOCOM Wide Mission Support (SWMS)
The SOCOM Wide Mission Support Master IDIQ is intended as a replacement of the Global Battlestaff and Program Support (GBPS) Master IDIQ, which completed in FY-2015. The scope for the Group A vehicle includes program management, engineering and technical support, and other miscellaneous professional services.
Foreign Service Institute Course Coordinator
The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the Federal Government’s primary training institution for officers and support personnel of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington. At the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, the FSI provides more than 600 courses—including some 70 foreign languages—to more than 100,000 enrollees a year from the State Department and more than 40 other government agencies and the military service branches.
The Institute’s programs include training for the professional development of Foreign Service administrative, consular, economic/commercial, political, and public diplomacy officers; for specialists in the fields of information management, office management, security, and medical practitioners and nurses; for Foreign Service Nationals who work at U.S. posts around the world; and for Civil Service employees of the State Department and other agencies. Ranging in length from one day to two years, courses are designed to promote successful performance in each professional assignment, to ease the adjustment to other countries and cultures, and to enhance the leadership and management capabilities of the U.S. foreign affairs community.
Other courses and services help family members prepare for the demands of a mobile lifestyle and living abroad, and provide employees and their families with important information about such critical and timely topics as emergency preparedness and cyber security awareness, among others.
FSI Background Info: The Foreign Service Institute is organized like a university and consists of five schools:
The School of Language Studies
The School of Applied Information Technology
The School of Leadership and Management
The School of Professional and Area Studies
The Transition Center
Army National Guard CERPF – National Guard Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP)
The CERFPs and Civil Support Teams (CSTs) provide a phased capability. The CSTs detect and identify CBRNE agents/substances, assess their effects, advise the local authorities on managing response to attacks, and assist with requests for other forces. The CERFPs locate and extract victims from a contaminated environment, perform mass patient/casualty decontamination, and provide treatment as necessary to stabilize patients for evacuation. CERFPs are a key element of the Department of Defense’s overall program to provide support to civil authorities in the event of an incident involving weapons of mass destruction in the United States. CERFPs are not first responders, but are designed to fill the 6 to 72 hour gap in our Nation’s ability to provide mass casualty patient decontamination, medical triage, and treatment and extraction from a contaminated environment.
There are 17 CERFP States: New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Colorado, California, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Florida, Hawaii, Washington, Virginia, Ohio, Georgia, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
CERFPs are currently assigned with at least one CERFP in each of the ten Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regions. There are three CERPF’s in regions III & V (Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, and Minnesota) to provide coverage for high population density in the North/Northeast and National Capital Region (NCR) support. There are two in region IX (Hawaii & California) based on population density and geographic location and two in regions IV & VII (Georgia, Florida, Nebraska, Missouri) to support Southeast population density and provide capability to leverage in the event of a catastrophe such as Hurricane Katrina. Redundant CERFPs, a total of 17, ensure capability is available for each FEMA region which mitigates risk associated with military force generation models.
Each CERFP is required to complete two collective exercises per year. This on-going program of preparedness requires that each CERFP maintains the expertise and readiness required for a quick and effective response to any catastrophic event.
Possible Oklahoma Crisis CrActors And An Unreal Video Showing How Easy These People Can Mimic Disaster…