Liverpool History: The Lost Twin of Babylon
Liverpool History – You will learn more & have the best experience if you can find time to watch all the videos in the article along the way.
Be #Enchanted
New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon – The Second City of The Empire – All Roads Lead To Liverpool
As with a lot of my work, I seem to do things in present day not knowing the full meaning or relevance of what I am doing until one day in the future when I need the work or thing I have already done. Suddenly the bigger picture becomes clear and I can call on something I did in the past to help me. This is one of the biggest examples to date.
One of the first hunches I ever had after starting Enchanted LifePath was one about the City of Liverpool, the place I was born. My home seemed to have all the warning signs I had learned during research of how the world has been ran by Freemasons and secret societies with satanic beliefs. I learned that attacks are planned and even how history seems to repeat itself.
This lead me to embark on an 18 month investigation into topics surrounding the Hillsborough disaster. I was digging deep always searching for answers only finding more questions. I was revealing things about the city of Liverpool that had never been linked before. I was coming to conclusions that had never been documented.
After I had a strong feeling about my work I had to find a way to present it to the long-suffering people of Liverpool using my website and YouTube channel. I had to show not just my city and the families of victims what I had found. I had to show the world. This was not going to be easy.
For now, I need to show you what I am saying by directing you to this video. The rest will then follow more naturally to you.
Please be warned it does contain some distressful crowd scenes from one of the darkest days in Liverpool’s history. This video helps teach you the codes that are hidden in plain sight. It will help you understand the rest of the article in a more educated way.

Having studied constants in a sea of variables I began to see a pattern emerging. I was seeing the same signatures that are hidden to many. But to a lot of people like myself, this was all clear as day. I had no doubt at all by now that Freemasons had something to do with the Hillsborough disaster. The more I see the more I know it was planned by design. This was no accident and the usual law changes came shortly after with all seated stadiums being introduced.
This paved the way for an easier policing of crowds in what was very soon to become the most televised sport in the world with the foundation of the Premier League. This meant huge sums of money could be made through subscription based sports channels that were easily sold to the newly formed stay at home football fan. But how do I help everybody realise what I was seeing? I just did my best. I could now see a motive and a money trail, but these money trails at this level lead back to a group of people who have no compassion for human life.
I am referring to the elites of the world who carry out ancient mystery teachings via rituals and worship a set of deities that depict the devil. The power and control over the world is backed up by human sacrifices or maybe hoaxes that are also a form of spirit cooking. There is nothing new under the sun as they say and what you are about to see on this page will prove to you that the story we are presented with regarding Hillsborough is only the tip of the iceberg. Speaking of which, we will be paying some attention to icebergs later on when we look at how many people from Liverpool were killed on the Titanic that also fell on April 15th just 77 years prior to the Hillsborough tragedy.
Two weeks after I published my findings via the video on YouTube the first mainstream news reports of Freemason involvement in the Hillsborough tragedy were published. I knew I was right but it was tough to explain such sensitive issues in this way to people who did not understand the type of synchronicity and research methods used to complete my work.
This was followed by more investigations leading to more rabbit holes than I could imagine. After looking back over it all something hit me, the link, the gel bonding it all together, what did it all point to?
I now knew. It was right in front of me all along as I wrote every word or studied every article, made every video or when talking to other people and viewers posting comments which I would read and learn more from.
Having gathered all of the information I needed over the years I now have enough evidence to piece together here for you now to help you understand what I have been saying all along. This will be the most unique pieces of investigative film making and journalism work ever seen in Liverpool.
I will explain how the rise and fall of Liverpool was planned. How each and every attack we have come under as a city is the price we have paid for success going back centuries. This will highlight how our proud little city in the northwest of England ruled the waves for the British Empire with slavery and sacrifice being our main trade. We stood shoulder to shoulder with the biggest places on earth for over two hundred years.
If we examine the History of Liverpool over the past 200 years, we see a pattern. We brought the horrors of the slave trade to the world bringing the city vast riches and stature. It was then from Liverpool that the slave trade was abolished. Did this anger the Powers That Be? After that, Liverpool was outright invaded by the Britsih army as well as having our economy halted in August, 1911 (911). This was during the 1911 Liverpool general transport strike, also known as the great transport workers’ strike.
Although it was called the transport strike, other tradesmen from the city took to the picket lines in support. This was pivitol in the establishment of trade unions. Strike action began on the 14th of June which is the same date as the Grenfell Tower fire and Donald Trumps birthday. On August 13, 1911, police smashed into 85-100.000 people with batons injuring 350 with 3.500 troops positioned in the city. This was known as Bloody Sunday, it is the third one I am aware of in the UK and Ireland. The cruiser HMS Antrim was also in the Mersey with orders coming from then Home Secretary, Winston Churchill and the War Office.
Two days later, soldiers of the 18th Hussars opened fire on a crowd on Vauxhall Road, injuring fifteen, two fatally: John Sutcliffe, a 19-year-old Catholic carter, was shot twice in the head, and Michael Prendergast, a 30-year-old Catholic docker, was shot twice in the chest. An inquest into their deaths later brought in a verdict of ‘justifiable homicide’.
A general strike of all transport workers in Liverpool was arranged for the night of August 14, and the next day saw the city come to a complete halt. Any movement of goods was closely guarded by troops, most of whom were drafted in from outside of Liverpool as the territorials of the city had largely been confined to barracks, the authorities wary of their loyalty.
Winston Churchill’s conversations with politicians over the Liverpool Transport Strike are easily obtainable online. I have found full transcripts of each time Churchill addressed houses of Parliament in 1911. We can see how fingers were being pointed at the police for starting the violence and Churchill was asked if sending troops to the streets of Liverpool would further aggravate the hostilities.

The transcripts can be seen in full by clicking the image below.
Next, we see Churchill denying police and military presence in the city caused a provocation of events that summer.
Next I look at the Problem, Reaction, Solution aspects of the 1911 Liverpool Transport Strike and ask was our city set up by the powers that be? Was Liverpool used as a hot-bed for the actions that would, once again, lead to reforms in laws? As always it is best to ask ourselves who benefits?
The level of action and thinking behind the trade reform in 1911 was not that of a working person who just goes to work to do what they do to put food on the table and provide for their family.
Enter the government plant billed as a trade union hero, fuelled by his syndicalism beliefs. Tom Mann, the voice of the 1911 Transport strike.
Tom Mann was born on April 15th, a date which we are going to cover in great detail very shortly and when we do you will see the gameshow being confirmed before your eyes as I cover each topic in a way unseen in Liverpool before now.
In 1881, Mann joined the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, and took part in his first strike. In 1884, he joined the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) in Battersea. Here he met John Burns and Henry Hyde Champion, who encouraged him to publish a pamphlet calling for the working day to be limited to eight hours. Mann formed an organisation, the Eight Hour League, which successfully pressured the Trades Union Congress to adopt the eight-hour day as a key goal.
Mann was building friends in high places with like-minded sectarian beleifs, a mind-set that led to mass rioting and deaths around the country, including Liverpool’s own Bloody Sunday. Rubbing shoulders with establihments led by the likes of Karl Marx, Mann’s agenda’s began to manifest, but what is perhaps less well known is that, temporally, Jewish migration from the Russian Empire coincided with this working-class revolt, the epicentre of this so-called ‘revolt of the residuum’ of late Victorian England, the East End of London, was precisely where the migrant Jews overwhelmingly settled. Between 1881 and 1914, it is estimated that the Jewish population increased from 60,000 to approximately 300,000 with almost a third settling in East London. So who was pulling Mr. Mann’s strings? Was he funded by the same hidden hands that later funded Winston Churchill in WW2. I will explain how Churchill was bankrolled in a moment or two.
It is argued that the events around working rights were supported by elite Russian Jews otherwise known as the Bolshevists. Did they try to covertly bring communism to the United Kingdom?
Tom Mann did have interests and connections in Russia up to a decade after the Liverpool Transport Strike as seen in letters to his wife Elise that can be found in national archive documents titled:
Moscow: will send letter via Page Arnott. Will visit Volga famine district. Louis Levine has arrived in Moscow. Busy with Red Trade Union Bureau affairs, but intends to spend an hour with Bill Haywood. Has visited a cotton mill managed by Fullard, son-in-law of Joe Shufflebotham. 10 Aug 1921

Eight months after the transport strike, on April, 15th, 1912, (that date again) the same date as Hillsborough, Liverpool lost key figures in the Titanic disaster. Next we had the wars with WW2 most notable on Merseyside for May Day Blitz. It seems as though Churchill got his wish to see Liverpool turned to rubble after all. This devastated our docks and the city had its economy blown to bits.
Before we cary on, it is important that you watch this short 5-minute clip explaining Churchill’s motive’s and bank-rollers during World War 2. You will see how this man was not a man of the people, but another puppet of Jewish Banking elites. This is the man who refused Hitler’s offer of a truce in 1940, he could have ended the war in aheartbeat but he never. He sat back with his cigar and watched cities like Liverpool being destroyed. But I keep reminding you, they can not beat us, this article is teaching generations of scousers why we are a proud city. Our pride is replaced by materialism, so much that we have forgotten who we are. Merged into one by smartphones. Uniqueness lost. But not forever. Liverool will wake up again one day and relise it’s true standing in the world.

Next, we had the formation of the European Commission in 1958 which meant Liverpool’s US trade facing docks were now playing second fiddle to those on the east coast of the UK that faced Europe. Liverpool was on its legs. The decline had taken full effect by the 1980s as unemployment, homelessness and drug abuse soared.
But this again was managed as we are about to learn with Margaret Thatcher’s managed decline of Liverpool.
After the Toxteth riots in 1981, Marget Thatcher’s Tory’s engaged with the Prime Minister and urged her to “Let Liverpool Rot”

This was followed by an attack on Liverpool that ripped the prosperity out of the city, though it never ripped the heart out of us, that is impossible.
Liverpool was branded a city full of “Bin Dippers” but where did that tag come from? It was this government-sponsored televised propaganda disguised as a World In Action documentary that was aired between 1982 and 1985.
During the programming, the country was shown parts of the Wirral that had fallen foul to unemployment after the closure of the world-renowned Camel Laird shipyard. The yard built its first vessel, an iron barge, in 1828. Some of Britain’s most famous ships have rolled down the slipway, including the first Ark Royal aircraft carrier, two of the four Polaris nuclear missile submarines – Revenge and Renown – and the Conqueror, the nuclear-powered submarine that sank the Belgrano during the Falklands war.
Locals, ravaged by poverty during the managed decline took to the waste tips to salvage whatever they could to get by. Items were taken from the tip and then used at home or sold for a small profit which went towards surviving, not in the same midset as living costs, this was survival horror. This is why Liverpool people are called Bin Dippers because of state broadcasters using public perception manipulation techniques against our city. The rest of the country would not realise that the Wirral is not Liverpool, totally missing the point because of close proximity and accent. Truth be told, it is like Manchester people being called something over a program that was filmed in Stockport.

The 1985 Heysel stadium disaster was next. This was another huge event in Belgium that has been followed by many other since then that have been proven to be false flags or outright loaded with crisis actors as covered on this website many times before.
But in Belgium, in the city of Brussels on one summer night in May 1985, another tragedy involving the city of Liverpool took place. This was when the city of Liverpool, most notably Liverpool Football Club supporters were branded murderers by the rest of the nation. Another tag from the 1980s that is still used today. But was this another set-up?
May 29, was the date, May 29 leaves us with 216 days left in the year. You will see the significance of the number 216 very shortly when we look into a Michael Jackson gig at Aintree racecourse in 1988. But for now, we are looking at the official story at Heysel.

Here is that official story.
The stadium was crammed with 58,000–60,000 supporters, with more than 25,000 for each team. The two ends behind the goals comprised all-standing terraces, each end split into three zones. The Juventus end was O, N, and M and the Liverpool end was X, Y, and Z as deemed by the Belgian court after the disaster. However, the tickets for the Z section were reserved for neutral Belgian fans in addition to the rest of the stadium. This meant the Juventus fans had more sections than the Liverpool fans with the Z section occupied by neutrals which is thought to have heightened prematch tensions. The idea of the large neutral area was opposed by both Liverpool and Juventus, as it would provide an opportunity for fans of both clubs to obtain tickets from agencies or from ticket touts outside the ground and thus create a dangerous mix of fans.
At approximately 7 p.m. local time, an hour before kick-off, the trouble started. The Liverpool and Juventus supporters in sections X and Z stood merely yards apart. The boundary between the two was marked by temporary chain link fencing and a central thinly policed no-man’s land.
Hooligans began to throw stones across the divide, which they were able to pick up from the crumbling terraces beneath them.
As kick-off approached, the throwing became more intense. Several groups of Liverpool hooligans broke through the boundary between section X and Z, overpowered the police, and charged at the Juventus fans. The fans began to flee toward the perimeter wall of section Z. The wall could not withstand the force of the fleeing Juventus supporters and a lower portion collapsed.
Contrary to reports at the time, and what is still assumed by many, the collapse of the wall did not cause the 39 deaths. Instead, the collapse relieved the pressure and allowed fans to escape. Most died of suffocation after tripping or being crushed against the wall before the collapse. A further 600 fans were also injured. Bodies were carried out from the stadium on sections of iron fencing and laid outside, covered with giant football flags.
In retaliation for the events in section Z, many Juventus fans rioted at their end of the stadium. They advanced down the stadium running track to help other Juventus supporters, but police intervention stopped the advance. A large group of Juventus fans fought the police with rocks, bottles, and stones for two hours. One Juventus fan was also seen firing a starting gun at Belgian police.
Despite the scale of the disaster, UEFA officials, Belgian Prime Minister Wilfried Martens, Brussels Mayor Hervé Brouhon, and the city’s police force felt that abandoning the match would have risked inciting further trouble and violence, and the match eventually kicked off after the captains of both sides spoke to the crowd and appealed for calm.
The blame for the incident was laid on the fans of Liverpool FC. On 30 May official UEFA observer Gunter Schneider said, “Only the English fans were responsible. Of that there is no doubt.”
UEFA, the organiser of the event, the owners of Heysel Stadium and the Belgian police were investigated for culpability. After an 18-month investigation, the dossier of top Belgian judge Marina Coppieters was finally published. It concluded that blame should rest solely with the English fans.
A total of 34 people were arrested and questioned with 26 Liverpool fans being charged with manslaughter – the only extraditable offence applicable to events at Heysel. An extradition hearing in London in February–March 1987 ruled all 26 were to be extradited to stand trial in Belgium for the death of Juventus fan Mario Ronchi. In September 1987 they were extradited and formally charged with manslaughter applying to all 39 deaths and further charges of assault. Initially, all were held at a Belgian prison but over the subsequent month’s judges permitted their release as the start of the trial became ever more delayed.
The trial eventually got underway in October 1988, with three Belgians also standing trial for their role in the disaster: Albert Roosens, the head of the Belgian Football Association, for allowing tickets for the Liverpool section of the stadium to be sold to Juventus fans; and two police chiefs — Michel Kensier and Johann Mahieu — who were in charge of policing at the stadium that night. Two of the 26 Liverpool fans were in custody in Britain at the time and stood trial later. In April 1989, (same month as the Hillsborough disaster) 14 fans were convicted and given three-year sentences, that were half suspended for five years, allowing them to return to the UK.
Gerry Clarkson, Deputy Chief of the London Fire Brigade, was sent by the British Government to report on the condition of the stadium. He concluded that the deaths were “…Attributable very, very largely to the appalling state of [the] stadium.”
He discovered that the crush barriers were unable to contain the weight of the crowd and had the reinforcement in the concrete exposed, the wall’s piers had been built the wrong way around and that there was a small building at the top of the terrace that contained long plastic tubing underneath. His report was never used in any inquiry for the disaster.
Despite its status as Belgium’s national stadium, Heysel was in a poor state of repair by the time of the 1985 European Final. The 55-year-old stadium had not been sufficiently maintained for several years, and large parts of the stadium were literally crumbling. For example, the outer wall had been made of cinder block, and fans who did not have tickets were seen kicking holes in it to get in. Liverpool players and fans later said that they were shocked at Heysel’s abject condition, despite reports from Arsenal fans that the ground was a “dump” when Arsenal had played there a few years earlier. They were also surprised that Heysel was chosen despite its poor condition, especially since Barcelona‘s Camp Nou and Santiago Bernabéu in Madrid were both available. Juventus president Giampiero Boniperti and Liverpool CEO Peter Robinson urged UEFA to choose another venue, claiming that Heysel was not in any condition to host a European Final, especially a European Final involving two of the largest and most powerful clubs in Europe. However, UEFA refused to consider a move. It was later discovered that UEFA’s inspection of the stadium lasted just thirty minutes.
When we take a step back from emotions and look at what happened that night in 1985, is it not a good question to ask if all of this seemed to be put in place by the powers that be who set a trap for Liverpool Football Club and its supporters who were not only from Liverpool due to the clubs outstanding success over the years?
The venue, just like Hillsborough, was deemed unsafe for use after various warning signs were ignored leading up to the events. A perfect storm was created by the Global elites who govern all industries, including sport. This led to new laws being created as usual with these situations. And when we ask ourselves who benefits, a bigger picture becomes a possibility.
Our great city fell further into decline for the remainder of the 1980s, but it was built by monsters just like other great cities of the Empires that have fallen for thousands of years. I can prove to you Liverpool is a lost Babylon, we are Rome, we are Egypt, the second city of the Empire.
Now it is time for one of the biggest questions about our city.
What is the 9/11 code and how is Liverpool tied in?
Liverpool Foundation – 1190
Liver Buildings – Opened: 1911 During the transport strike
Travel time from Liverpool to New York, World trade Centre – 9 hours 11 mins
Liverpool, New York (USA) Daylight hours in December 9 hours 11 mins
Liverpool May Day Blitz (Beltane Fire Festival) 119 other explosives such as incendiaries were used.
Distance from Liverpool to WTC New York is 3306 miles.
Liverpool was also home to world’s first oversea’s American consulate.
Liverpool and New York have many ties but I bet you did not expect them to be linked to the Babylonian Empire did you?
If I asked 100 people to think of a number that reminds them of New York most would say 9/11. This would be a pretty common answer post the September 11, 2001, World Trade Centre attacks which shook us into the new age of ‘fake terror’ we still live in today.
The 9/11 code was present in the blue prints of New York’s twin city, Liverpool, England, hundreds of years before New York was even founded.
The City of Liverpool (The New York, of Europe, Second City of The Empire) was founded in 1190, which is 811 years before 9/11.
Once again we have another highly cryptic number with the 88 code embedded when we look at 8×11 = 88.
Truth Bomb, the 9/11 attacks were coded into the foundation of Liverpool 811 years before the World Trade Centre Twin Towers and building 7 were brought down, do you still think this was an accident?
I showed you in this video from 2013/14 season, remember this one about Liverpool Football Club, the phrase Rise Up and the Liver Buildings depicted with Daniel Sturridge number 15, Steven Gerrard number 8 and Luis Suarez number 7 totalling 33? Take a look.
Wikipedia tells us: The history of Liverpool can be traced back to 1190 when the place was known as ‘Liuerpul’, (LuprEvil) possibly meaning a pool or creek with muddy water, settled by Romans, Liverpool had early ties to the Babylonian beliefs which had re-manifested through the Roman Empire. The city became known as “the second city of the Empire“, and was also called “the New York of Europe” amidst the slave trade. During the Second World War, the city was the centre for planning the crucial Battle of the Atlantic, and suffered a blitz second only to London’s.
1190 was an interesting year as most key events listed on Wikipedia are about the Massacre of Jews! This is huge. Over the Ides of March on the 16th, in 1190, 150 Jews were ambushed by a mob who killed those who did not commit suicide. All Jews killed in Norwich on the 6th. Stamford fair massacre is also mentioned.
We have just seen some 9/11‘s and 88‘s but what if I had more to show you concerning the city of Liverpool and another huge event where reports of a crush were ignored by police just months before Hillsborough? What would you think if it took place on September 11, 1988?
The venues was Aintree Racecourse and the event was the last leg of the Michael Jackson World Bad Tour. The event was watched by 125.000 spectators in the famous venue which had just a 50.000 capacity. Merseyside police played down reports of a crush at the gig but medical reports and world press all stated there was at least 3500 people treated for injuries after being crushed.
This incident took place 216 days before Hillsborough. I told you earlier I would explain the 216 number. 216 is 6x6x6. It is known as the 216 constant. You can read all about the gig and how police played reports from the public down on my article below.
Michael Jackson ‘Bad’ Sep 11, 88, Aintree Gig Pre-Hillsborough Cover-Up
April 15 – Hillsborough disaster ritual – The Fordicia, also called Hordicidia, was a Roman festival for the goddess Tellus held on April 15. During the ceremony, a pregnant cow was sacrificed, the calf fetus burned and the ashes saved for the Parilia festival.
April 15 The Ongoing Fordica Ritual?
FACT: The Ides of April Notre Dame Fire falls one month after the Ides of March Christchurch Mosque shootings when Brenton Tarrant played the song Hellfire after his alleged rampage.
Beware The Ides Of April – The 15th day of the 4th month brings historical incidents in a cryptic pattern that can not be ignored.
1452 Fordicia – Birth Of Leonardo Da Vinci – Born on Fordicia and died during The Beltane Fire Festival some 500 years ago on May 2nd 1519. Da Vinci was featured in the World In 2019 front cover and article as reported on by Enchanted LifePath in December 2018. Leonardo Da Vinci Full Reduction = 88.
1865 Fordicia – Abraham Lincoln Assassination – 1865 is 911 (1+8=9) (6+5=11). Abraham Lincoln Reverse Full Reduction = 93, Notre Dame Spire height 93 meters. Number 93 meaning, Sun worship, sun allegedly 93 million miles away. Thelema Alistair Crowley 93. Lincoln death came 413 years after the birth of Da Vinci. 4×13 = 52 which reduces down to 7. Building 7 WTC.
1912 Fordicia – Titanic Disaster – 47 years after Lincoln, WTC Building 7 had 47 floors 911.
1955 Fordicia – Birth of Dodi Fayed 43 Years after Titanic – (4+3=7) Dodi Fayed Died August 31, 2007, next Princess Diana (Goddess of the hunt) in Paris.
1989 Fordicia – Hillsborough Disaster – 34 (7) years after birth of Dodi 96 Liverpool Football Club fans died after being crushed in a mass Fordicia sacrifice at Hillsborough stadium, Owlerton, Sheffield.
2013 Fordicia – Fake Boston Bombings – 3 reported deaths 24 years after Hillsborough (24/42 mirrored a rainbow can only be seen at 42 degrees) 2+4=6 but 6 is not a master number so it can be reduced to 33 which is a master number so we stick.
2014 Fordicia – Boko Horam Kidnapped 276 School Girls – 2+7+6=15. Dates of Fordicia. The child grab is alleged to have happened 365 Days after Boston Bombings – 365 is 3×11=33 3x(5+6).
2019 Fordicia – Notre Dame Cathedral Fire – Thought to be as symbolic as 9/11 the fire took place on April 15 Day 105 which is the 15:06 time the match was abandoned at Hillsborough (15/1+5=6).
What is the link?
What is Fordicia?
The Roman Pagan Festival in honor of Tellus, the Roman earth goddess Diana the Huntress, The Mother of All Gods, and here she is all over the Notre Dame Fire and all the other historical, tragic or staged events listed above.
The deity that all these events are connected to.
I have often pointed out how I felt more people from Liverpool died on the Titanic on April 15, 1912, than at the Hillsborough disaster on April 15, 1989. I was able to confirm my hunch quite easily. Let’s not forget the New York connection either as that is where this ship was heading. The Titanic was full of scousers, we made up a huge number of the crew members, we helped design and build the ship. The band playing as the ship went down, who featured in the movie were from Liverpool. The ships main corridor was so long it was nicknamed Scotty Road by locals on board the vessel. This corridor was to play a huge part in the sinking of the Titanic. Another disaster with Liverpool all over it.
The man who shouted “ice berg dead ahead” in the movie Titanic starring Leonardo Di-Caprio and Kate Winslet was a scouser. I often wonder if Jack was portaying a scouser seeing as Liverpool had a major input into all aspects of the stricken vessel.
Scotland Road was a long corridor that ran the entire length of the ship along the port side of E Deck. It was used by crew members and steerage passengers to quickly move between the ends of the ship. There was also an entrance from shore here, single men boarded the ship at this entrance and ended up on Scotland Road. Several Third Class areas could be reached from Scotland Road like the open space and the dining room. The boiler rooms also had an exit on Scotland Road.
The name “Scotland Road” was given affectionately by members of the ship’s crew, many of whom hailed from Liverpool. Scotland Road remains a major thoroughfare in the northern part of the city. Crew members from the surrounding area noted the similarity with the corridor on Titanic, which played a similar role as a primary route, hence the name.

The flooding of Scotland Road
When the ship was sinking, Scotland Road allowed the water to quickly flood all compartments accessible through the road. Because the water could only move this freely at port side, Titanic started to list to port as soon as E Deck flooded at 1:00 A.M. and the developing starboard list was countered.
You can see the work of devious Freemasons all over this one even down to the lies that were published in news articles the next day claiming all passengers had been saved from the ship. How they could print this after such an event is beyond me but it happened. Look at these publications then I will move on to who was on board the alleged Titanic.
We all know the Titanic never even set sail, and it was the identical sister ship, The Olympic who was part of the White Star insurance claim ploy, manipulated by the cabal.
The insurance job reminds me of the recent vanishing of MH370 in one regard, that being, on the stricken plane, were reported to be 4 out of 5 patent holders for RFID technology with the one patent holder not on the plane that day being a Rothschild. Leaving himself sole patent holder. Now how is this similar to the sinking of the Titanic? Look at these three men.
There is no real evidence that the Titanic hit an iceberg. What’s especially interesting is the list of people who, at the last minute, did not board, and the other list of people who stayed onboard. The list of people who did not board includes a great many billionaires, and the other list, of those who did board, also contains a list of billionaires. The survivors, those who did not board, are now among the list of families who run the world. Meanwhile, since eleven Canadian billionaire did board, Canada ceased to be much of a competition to the USA after the outcome of the Titanic. The same was true of a great number of other important and mega rich people who died on the Titanic – their fortunes and power were permanently wiped out. To sum up – the list of people who did not get on board the Titanic reads like a who’s who of ‘most powerful people of the 20th century and beyond.’
Was the Titanic switched with the Olympic? Survivors of Titanic reported hundreds of explosions. The Titanic only had two boilers, two out of the four smoke stacks were allgedly fake. Many water tight compartments were not water tight. JP Morgan got off boat in England unexpectedly. All is very much like the World Trade Center-built cheaply, explosions heard, hundreds of people had pre knowledge of 9/11, especially Mormons, Freemasons, and Elite connect family members like Bush’s, Guillani’s, and more.
I said I feel more Liverpudlians died on the Titanic/Olympic than they did at Hillsborough so let’s look into why I say that.
The diagram below is from an archive of Liverpoool born crew and passengers on board the Titanic on the night of the Disaster. The picture links through to the original source. It shows 72 people. I know this is less than the 96 who lost their lives at hIllsborough but the key word here is Liverpool born and I must point out the fact that this list may not contain a high number of stowaways on baord the ship when it sank. I feel the actual figure will be higher again. People being trafficked must also be brought into account too. Prostitutes on board the Titanic possibly all unaccounted for. Jack in the movie may well have been portraying a scouser, he was a stowaway, they were not all listed.
Less than 50 people from the city of Liverpool died at Hillsborough. This can be confirmed by looking at all the names and where they were from on the list of victims. I excluded people from the Wirral in that count as it is not Liverpool and I am stating more people from Liverpool died on the Titanic than they did at Hillsborough.
There are various occult (hidden) days of significance throughout the calendar year which have special importance. From March 22nd to May 1st is known as the ‘season of sacrifice,’ which as a period of time when many false flag events have occurred.
Liverpool, UK, has been linked to New York in this article. But did you know New York had a town called Liverpool, New York? The town was settled by Jesuits and the map is shaped like the baphomet. Here is a video I uploaded in 2016 after an area of Liverpool, New York, called Syracuse was trending on Twitter. Syracuse, New York, nicknamed The ‘Cuse, Salt City, Emerald City, The Heart of New York, also shares its name with Syracuse, Sicily, which was founded in ancient Greek times.
Before we watch the video, I just realised something else! Emerald City is known to be the heavens in the bible and its walls are said to be made of jewels such as Emerald. The Heavens green in scripture with Gods throne being in Emerald city. It is known as the Throne Of God. The Emerald is hexagonal in shape. This takes us straight back to the HEX, Saturn worship, the Baphomet and the 6 pointed star of Satan.
The book of Revelation revolves around 7’s, and all jewels do, as well. Everyone of them falls into one of 7 categories.
The diamond is cubic.
The emerald is hexagonal.
The ruby is trigonal.
And so on for 7 different types. 7 is God’s perfect number, and He created all jewels to fall into 7 categories, which reveals His love for order, which is part of the beauty of His creation. Beauty and order will characterize the eternal environment of the New Jerusalem.
When God created the Devil he also created jewelry and made him a garment of jewels. Let me show you.
Satan is the first being that we have any record of who was clothed with precious stones. In Ezek. 28, he is described as the model of perfection in beauty. Then in 28:13 we read, “You were in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.“

Revelation 21:19
And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;
Liverpool is a lakeside village in Onondaga County, New York, United States. The population was 2,347 at the 2010 census.[1] The name was adopted from the city of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.[2] The village is located on Onondaga Lake, in the western part of the town of Salina and is northwest of Syracuse, of which it is a suburb.
The area was originally inhabited by the Iroquois, starting in the 16th century. In the mid-17th century, Canadian French Jesuits (Black Popes) visited the area, setting up missions. These were not very permanent, however. An example of these missions is Sainte Marie among the Iroquois, on Onondaga Lake just outside the village. Once the (Erie Canal) and (Oswego Canal) were built, the area was settled by Irish canal workers, Yankee settlers, and, later, German immigrants. The early recorded name for the village was “Little (Pagan) Ireland”.
The Lucius Gleason House and Liverpool Cemetery are listed on the National Register of Historic Places
The infamous World Trade Centre stands in our memories as a symbol of terror, I spotted another synchronicity when looking at the Royal Liver Buildings, Liverpool and the World Trade Centre, New York. Both landmarks overlooked world famous waterfronts. The two buildings had the twin theme running through them. Liverpool’s Twin Towers will of gone generally unnoticed as twin towers before now, so what does water and twins link to?
This makes me think of Gemini (Twins & The Creator) and Aquarius.
Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius. The water carrier represented by the zodiacal constellation Aquarius is Ganymede, a beautiful Phrygian youth.
Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between May 21 (3) and June 21 (3). Gemini is represented by The Twins Castor and Pollux. 11 x 3=33.
The Liver building opened in 1911, the same year as the transport strikes. The building is the purpose-built home of the Royal Liver Assurance group, which had been set up in the city in 1850 to provide locals with assistance related to losing a wage-earning relative. One of the first buildings in the world to be built using reinforced concrete, the Royal Liver Building stands at 98.2 m (322 ft Skull & Bones) tall to the top of the spires, and 50.9 m (167 ft) to the main roof.
It is located at the Pier Head and along with the neighbouring Cunard Building and Port of Liverpool Building is one of Liverpool’s Three Graces, which line the city’s waterfront.
Look at the Freemasonic tea-party that was held around the clock faces before they were hoisted up to the twin towers. This big magic circle is a classic ritualistic layout and you will see similar things in many places including at Mecca when pilgrims circumnavigate around the cube which represents Saturn. The center of this circle looks like the sun in another song and dance connected to sun worship. This photograph was taken a year before the sinking of the Titanic, it begs the question, how many of these men were on board the stricken vessel?
The two clock towers were the crowning point of the building,taking it to over 300 feet in height and allowing sailors from all over the River Mersey to see what time it was. The four clocks were easy enough to see, as their diameter of seven and a half meters made them the largest clock faces in the country, bigger than those on Big Ben (BB=22) in London, which are 6.9 meters (69/96 as above so below). 18 inches (666) shorter than the Liver Building clock faces.
The clocks were made by Gent & Co of Leicester, whose electric timepieces were on display in railway stations all over the world. They each consisted of 27 sections Before installation, forty Royal Liver executives and civic dignitaries held a special dinner, with one of the clock faces used as a dining table. The huge clock faces, whose hands alone weighed 5cwts, were then hoisted up to the towers in May 1911 in readiness for the big switch on, which would see the clocks being controlled electronically from the Greenwich Observatory.
The clocks were started on 22nd June 1911 (Summer Solstice) at 1.40pm, the precise time George V was crowned. It was the Royal Liver Chairman Mark Lewis who started them off, telling the VIPs (Freemasons) gathered that Liverpool had always been loyal to kings and queens and it was only right that the largest electrical timepieces in the world should be started at the time His Majesty was crowned. On turning the lever, Mr Lewis said ‘In the name of God I turn on this lever’ before his suggestion that they be known as he Great George Liver Clocks was greeted with warm applause. On the river ships’ sirens blew while on the ground several verses of the National Anthem were sung.
World Trade Center (1973–2001, the building complex that was allegedly destroyed by hijackers using airplanes on September 11, 2001.
The World Trade Center was a large complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States. It featured landmark twin towers, which opened on April 4 (4/4 the Obama number, Caesar, Half of 88), 1973, and were destroyed in the September 11 attacks, with 7 World Trade Center collapsing later that day due to the damage it suffered when the twin towers collapsed that morning. The other buildings in the complex were severely damaged by the collapse of the twin towers, and their ruins were eventually demolished.
Liverpool has many well-known landmarks with the city having made a lasting impression on the world stage through the Football Clubs, The Beatles and the Slave Trade of course. We live in a very symbolic city (as I am showing you here on this article) with one of the great visual icons being The Liver Birds which have sat proudly on top of the Royal Liver Buildings since 1911 (9/11). But again, there is a story behind the Liver Birds that is hidden in plain sight and yes it is another song and dance about Satan, Sun Worship, and sacrifice.
Most people associate Liverpool with the two liver birds but there is another on a Grade II-Listed building in the city known as the Mersey Chambers which was built in 1878 for the Harrison Shipping Line.
This is known as the mother bird, it is said to pre-date the two birds that are on top of the Liver Buildings.
It made the news in recent years when it’s left-wing mysteriously went missing. Seems very political to me lol.
As with all secret traditions and belief systems which herald from ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt they carry mythology with them through generations with the whispers of the people keeping stories alive by telling children the tales of the past. As well as Liverpool being steeped in symbols from those mythologies, for example, you only have to walk around the city center to see the Neptune statues and carvings in a lot of the buildings, but Liverpool has its own mythology in the story of the Liver Birds. But where did the story originate from? Let’s take a look at the Wikipedia version first.
After King John founded the borough of Liverpool by royal charter in 120, the city The borough’s second charter was granted by Henry III in 1229, giving the townspeople the right to form a guild with the privileges this came with, including the right to use a common seal.
This was the birth of Liverpool’s association with what is known as the Liver Bird, but what type of bird is it and what else does it symbolise?
The Liver Bird is thought to of originally been an Eagle which was used as the symbol of John the Evangelist who was the namesake and the Patron Saint of King John ( St Johns Market). Records tell us The plant sprig is interpreted as broom, a badge of the Plantagenet dynasty. Also visible on the seal is a star and crescent, one of King John’s personal badges.
In the 17th century, the birds identify had been forgotten and started to be known as either as a cormorant, a common bird in the area or as a “lever”. It is when we look into the cormorant bird and mythology around it when we start to see why it is looking down over our city.
The amount of secret references to Satan discovered on this article regarding this city is beyond belief but this next one is something which will again highlight just how these crafty bastards code the devil into almost every detail within our surroundings.
The cormorant bird features in biblical teachings in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve are watched by Satan from on top of the tree of life having turned into the bird after leaping down from Mt. Niphrates toward Earth. Observing God’s creations from the Garden, he found it’s beauty fascinating, yet, weighing up his role in the world, he decided his best option was to either destroy God’s Kingdom or at least divide it as he chose Evil. This came before he presented himself to Adam and Eve as a serpent having seen their love for each other as a symbol of Gods image he then set about to destroy their peaceful life in paradise with the temptation to eat the forbidden fruits from the Tree of Knowledge.

Cormorants feature in heraldry and medieval mythology, usually in their “wing-drying” pose, which was seen as representing the Christian cross, and symbolising nobility, sacrifice and greed.
Let me bring you to Liverpool FC’s recent win in the 2019 Champions League final which made it a total of 6 European cups for the club. Remember 6 is the number of Satan, the 6 pointed star is a good starting point if you want to look into it some more.
We have found out that Liverpool represents Paradise, the garden of Eden, but in the devil’s image this is hell. Paradise has fallen. They keep showing us. It is written on the walls of our city. Secretly coded into the streets, embedded into our consciousness.
But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. (Isa 34:11)
The whole of the city was bombarded with mass rituals this week as we step forward to current day as my research on these subjects surrounding Liverpool continues 5 years after I first began. The photograph above is from the player’s trophy parade after returning from Madrid where they beat Tottenham Hotspur 2 – 0 to win the Champions League. 750.000 Liverpool FC supporters flooded the streets of Liverpool to welcome home their heroes. The symbology around the day and the cup win was starting to build into a frenzy and the parade took place on Sunday, June 2, 2019. The cup win was the night before on Saturday, June 1. The city was turned red. Here is the highly masonic St. Georges Hall and the Radio City Tower in all their Satanic Glory. I will come back to the 96.7 Radio City Tower shortly.
As the open-top bus approached the city center we began to see a lot of red smoke, fireworks and the Liver Buildings of course. That iconic shot was a must for this event and I watched the whole parade at home so I could take screenshots of the whole thing and out of the 300 or so I took here is a couple which caught my eye.
This one shows the Liver Buildings with red smoke coming from one of Liverpool’s Twin Towers. It was the East Tower, the one that faces over the city, the people, prosperity.
The image strikes me as odd for a few reasons but the main one being the fact that this red smoke was an organised part of the celebrations. There were fireworks and smoke planned into the route, this was the big finale. A lot of effort went into this scene from the technicians who will have put this all in place. One question I had was why was only one of the towers used? Why did the red smoke come from just one tower? Why did it appear as though one of the birds was on fire? One of the towers esoterically destroyed by flames? Was this a reference to a future event or was it maybe pointing back to the Notre Dame fire that we have linked to Hillsborough?
Revelation 9:2-3
He opened the bottomless pit, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
The smoke coming out of the tower is one thing but the Liver Bird right above it is another! This looks like the Phoenix rising out of the flames does it not?
Here is what I am talking about so you have more visualisation of what I am showing you.
Look at the two images.
Isaiah 4:5
Then the LORD will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy.
Revelation 15:8
And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power; and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.
Genesis 19:28
And he looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the valley, and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a furnace.
Smoke and red flares are used by Orthodox Greeks each Easter as they perform a ritual called the Burning Of Judas as depicted below.
All this talk of fire and destruction mixed with jubilation is giving me the creeps but let’s carry on. The Liver Buildings are now seen in a whole new way by anyone who has reached this stage of the article. I have made claims and backed them up by lining it up to the information that we are presented with. Look at this about the Liver Bird. My case against this city just grows and grows. I was born here remember.
This is what is looking down over Liverpool with the Liver Buildings representing the tree of life and the city is the Garden of Eden which Satan has set about to ruin. The devil deceives, this is why instead of a Lord’s Cross on top of the Liverpool Twin Tower Liver Buildings we have a bird that featured in the Bible before the serpent. This is why this city is cursed, these are the spells placed over us all each day as we go about our lives earning our daily bread, our home is built to celebrate sacrifice and sin.
“And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, (Leviticus 11:17 KJV)”
The Tree of Life references and connections are building so let us take a look at this. I have just been looking at old maps of Liverpool I noticed this map looks like a Tree of Life shape. I combined the images so you could see. what do you think?
Next I compare the Tree of Life to the Liverpool FC logo and a picture of the Champions League cup that was part of the advertising campaign in the build-up to the final.
The Liverpool F.C logo that you can see below on the left is an old-style more original club crest. It bears comparisons to the shape of the Champions League trophy that we see on the far right of the 3 pictures. Both the club logo and the European cup resemble the Tree of Life.
We can see Liverpool players and Jurgen klopp making up the tree that is in the heavens (the firmament) as we can see depicted by the stars and galaxies in the background. The arms of the cup look like wings of an angel. Fallen angels. Jurgen Klopp seems to be top of the tree in a God-like position. We see the Egyptian King Mo Salah praying and Roberto Firmino (the firmament) with Sadio Mane’s back turned revealing his shirt and squad number 10. If we think about the number ten in an esoteric or biblical context then we can highlight many factors such as the ten commandments. In Genesis 1 we find the phrase “God said” 10 times, which is a testimony of His creative power.
The Passover lamb was selected on day 10 of the 1st month (Exodus 12:3), as was Jesus, the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world (John 12:28 – 29; 1 Corinthians 5:7). Day 10 of the 7th month is also the Holy Day known as the Day of Atonement. This unique day of fasting pictures the removal of Satan, the author of sin, before the Millennial reign of Jesus begins (Revelation 20:1 – 2).
The last great world-ruling kingdom of man under Satan is symbolized prophetically by the 10 toes of Daniel 2 and the 10 horns of Revelation 13 and 17.
The 10 plagues God sent on ancient Egypt, in order to free his people, represented his complete and total judgment of the pagan empire.
The Nile River is turned into blood
- Plague of Frogs
- Plague of Lice
- Swarms of Beasts
- Plague on the Cattle
- Boils
- Great storm of hail, thunder and lightening
- Locusts
- Darkness over the entire land for three days
The death of the firstborn of both man and beast
We have learned a couple of things about the city of Liverpool such as the Liver Birds which not many people are aware of so let us take a moment to look into the meaning of the eagle which is what the Liver Bird was originally thought to be.
The Eagle is symbolic to the Scottish rite of 33rd degree Freemasonry and is used on masonic logos by secret societies who have carried on the mystery teachings of ancient Babylon. There is proof of their existence all around us it is just a matter of training your eyes to be able to spot the signs and symbols, in a way, you need to learn how to see backwards to decode it all.
The double headed eagle is associated with the concept of Empire. Most modern uses of the symbol are directly or indirectly associated with its use by the Roman/Byzantine Empire, whose use of it represented the Empire’s dominion over the Near East and the West.
To understand why the eagle is a satanic symbol I have to explain the story of Nimrod, the Sun God to you briefly.
The Freemasonic eagle with two heads looking left and right, east and west, is symbolic of Nimrod in the role of Eannu. Eannus, is said to have held the keys to the doors of heaven and he was the sole intermediary between God and humanity.
Nimrod (the great grandson of Noah) followed in his father’s footsteps (Cush) and rebelled against God with his wife Semiramus. Nimrod was sentenced to death and his body was chopped up into pieces and parts were sent to other cities as a warning.
His wife fled in despair, after claiming her husband had ascended to the Sun she went around each city collecting the parts of her beloveds corpse and was able to collect all except for his penis which is why we see the phallic symbol on world landmarks and is the true meaning of the Christmas tree also with Nimrod’s birthday falling on December 25th. This proves the festive season to be just another repackaged ancient Babylonian mystery teaching like everything else we celebrate blindly.
Semiramus gave birth to a son on December 25th and claimed it was the reincarnation of Nimrod who had returned to rule the world, this time of year is known as the birth of the new Sun. The dance of creation and destruction is riddled throughout this story and that brings us to the sun and moon worship and how the Liver Buildings have this same theme etched into them.
The Liver Birds face east and west. The male looks over the city to the east (the people) while the female looks over the River Mersey (Prosperity) to the west. Anybody who lives in Liverpool can look at the sky every day and see the Sun rise in the east and watch it follow it’s path right over the city before setting over the Mersey to the west, this is what the Liver Birds are depicting. They are honouring the sun and moon as they travel across the city.
I mentioned Neptune earlier, Neptune was the name that ancient Romans gave to the Greek god of the sea and earthquakes, Poseidon. He was the brother of Jupiter (Zeus) and of Pluto (Hades).
Below is an image of the Liverpool Coat of Arms and look who features with his pitchfork along side our flying friends….
The ambassador of Liverpool, the Devils brother himself, oh what a lovely tea-party.
Neptune features heavily in Liverpool, a stroll on a sunny day with your head up looking at the buildings architecture instead of down at your mobile phone will begin to open your eyes to your surroundings and you will see exactly what I am stating for yourself.
Church street in Liverpool city centre is very busy at any given moment of the week with hundreds if not thousands of shoppers and workers occupying the area unaware of what is directly above them on one of the most well known shopping buildings in L1. Mark’s & Spencer historically known as Compton House.
The masonry work on the building is impressive, as are many of the buildings in the city centre. Showing the fine craftsmanship of the people of Liverpool who will of built the buildings to the architects designs but they will not of realised what they were etching into the stone as they worked. Here you can see Neptune with his trident on top of Marks & Spencer. There is also another Liver Bird on the side of the building which is hidden inside a pyramid-like shape with an all seeing eye at the top of the triangle.
This is a good chance to look into some of the alpha numerical conversions of some of the words of interest after the topics we have just covered regarding the Liver Birds and buildings along with the city.
As we can see the word Liverpool comes out with a Reverse Ordinal of 119 which is 911 in reverse. We also see Reverse Full Reduction of 47, this is significant as the numbers add up to 11, but more references to the Twin Towers and WTC exist here as I mentioned earlier The World Trade Centre building 7 had 47 floors before being demolished. The Full Reduction of the word Liverpool is 52 which is also 5+2=7.
The 42 in Chaldean is a reference to the Rainbow which can only be viewed from 42 degrees by the human eye. This is why the LGBT community have adopted the rainbow as their logo as it is another mockery of Gods image and goes against reproduction process of human life. 4+2 is 33 and we know where we have seen that number before.
The next word I want to show you is liver as in the first half of the word Liverpool this is something I have been eager to get to, and as always I did learn a thing or two myself. So here goes with one of the most revealing parts of the article as it confirms Liverpool is under a spell and how we are caught up in a spiritual war that is unknown to the masses.
This is a cryptic corker if ever I have seen one and the numbers don’t lie. Straight out the bag we have 30 in the Full Reduction but Freemasons do not recognise the zero so this drops down to a 3 and 3 is the magic number which is a reference to the Holy Trinity and the Rosa Mystica which we will get back to later when we look at Nelsons Monument on the grounds of Liverpool Town Hall, and believe me it is loaded with 88’s.
Reverse Full Reduction of the word Liver gives us the number 33 which is not good. The Reverse Ordinal is 69 and this brings us to the 69/96 as above so below mirror. This is seen on every Masonic Lodge entrance and is symbolic of the Royal Arch. The number 96 has left an ever lasting pain on The City of Liverpool with the victims of the Hillsborough tragedy tallying up to the occult number. The diagram below shows the number 69 on the Royal Arch. Can you see the hallmark of the Freemasons all over Hillsborough? I can.
In case you wanted more information on the Royal arch, here is a screenshot from the Liverpool Group of Lodges & Chapters website which you can click to be directed to the page that explains all.
Here we can see a list of Masonic Lodges in the North West but look how many are registered in Liverpool that you know of but did not know they were riddled with Freemasons. Click the image to view more information.
To finish off on the word liver we have Chaldean 17 which is 1+7=8 which is a Saturn reference, I will cover that subject later on in the article but we end the numbers game on English Ordinal 66.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was punished by the gods for revealing fire to humans, by being chained to a rock where a vulture (or an eagle) would peck out his liver, which would regenerate overnight. (The liver is the only human internal organ that actually can regenerate itself to a significant extent.) Many ancient peoples of the Near East and Mediterranean areas practiced a type of divination called haruspicy, where they tried to obtain information by examining the livers of sheep and other animals.
In Plato, and in later physiology, the liver was thought to be the seat of the darkest emotions (specifically wrath, jealousy and greed) which drive men to action. The Talmud refers to the liver as the seat of anger, with the gallbladder counteracting this.
The term “Talmud” normally refers to the collection of writings named specifically the Babylonian Talmud.
In other biblical and spiritual references the liver also signifies interior purification, for the liver purifies the blood, but the intestines purify those things from which the blood is derived. This denotes the good of the external or natural man, is because by the bullock, in which is this caul, is signified the good of innocence and of charity in the external or natural man (AC 9990).
Elsewhere the liver signifies the external good of innocence such as belongs to infants, because before the rest of the viscera have been fully formed for their use, which is the case when the infants are embryos, these are nourished through the liver, all the nutritious juice is brought there through the placenta and the umbilical cord from the womb of the mother. This juice corresponds to the good of innocence.
That this good is signified by the liver is evident in Jeremiah:–
Mine eyes have been consumed by tears, my inwards have been troubled, my liver hath been poured forth on the earth, for the breach of the daughter of my people; the infant and the suckling faint in the streets, they say to their mothers, Where is grain and vine? (Lam. 2:11, 12);
in this passage is described the grief of the vastated church; grief for destroyed truth is signified by the eyes being consumed by tears; grief for the destroyed truth of innocence, by the inwards being troubled; and grief for the destroyed good of innocence, by the liver being poured forth on the earth. Wherefore the infant and the suckling are said to faint in the streets, and they say to their mothers, Where is grain and wine? The daughter of the people for whose breach is this grief, denotes the church (AC 2362, 3963, 6729); eyes denote the things of the internal sight, thus the truths of faith (AC 4526, 4528, 9051); the inwards denote the truths of innocence (AC 3294); the liver denotes the good of innocence; for the infants and sucklings who faint in the streets, denote those who are in the good of innocence (AC 430, 3183, 4563, 5608); the grain and wine concerning which they say to their mothers, Where are they? denote the good of truth and the truth of good; grain, the good of truth (AC 5959); wine, the truth of good (AC 1071, 1798).
Do you understand this is why Liverpool has so much pain over the years? This is the reason we endure tragedies like Hillsborough, whilst the families have been forced to fight these Freemasons for Justice for the 96 for almost three decades.
It has been said before that you can’t knock Liverpool down and keep it down, the people will remain strong spirited through the darkest days and these people who initiate this pain on our city know this. They have us placed in an emotional loop of which they thrive on the negative energies it creates. Yes our city has had its good times but they have come at a price. The founders of Liverpool struck a deal with the devil in return for prosperity and the pain inflicted since has been the price to pay for success. it is coded into the name of the city it is in our faces day in day out. We live in the liver loop. The liver (spirit) regenerates the pool (people) after purification of the blood occurs (sacrifice) and it will go on forever (loop).
Occult Liverpool The Home Of The Wicca Man – Gerald Gardner
Such an occult region has got to have some well-reknowned occultists either living here or who have been famed for witchcraft on Merseyside. This brings us to the man who founded modern Wicca, Blundellsands born Gerald Brosseau Gardner, also known by the craft name Scire. Scire means ‘Know’ in Latin.
A craft name, also known as magical/magickal name, is a secondary religious name often adopted by practitioners of Wicca and other forms of Neopagan witchcraft or magic.
His birthplace may well be the reason occultist popstar Lana del Rey was so eager to visit Crosby Beach during her second stay at the city as she performed at the ECHO arena during the August Lunar Eclipse in 2017.

Born on Friday, June 13, 1884, Gardner had a very good chance of being a creep from day one. He is internationally recognised as the “Father of Wicca” among the Pagan and occult communities. Born into a middleclass family on Merseyside, Gardner was able to travel the world and gain a lot of information that most people would have no access to. After returning to England to retire, he Settled down near the New Forest, and joined an occult group, the Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship.
Founded in 1920 by George Alexander Sullivan, the Fellowship had been based upon a blend of Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Freemasonry and his own personal innovation, and had moved to Christchurch in 1930.
Another belief held by the group that Gardner found amusing was that a lamp hanging from one of the ceilings was the disguised holy grail of Arthurian legend. Gardner’s dissatisfaction with the group grew, particularly when in 1939, one of the group’s leaders sent a letter out to all members in which she stated that war would not come. The very next day, Britain declared war on Germany, greatly unimpressing the increasingly cynical Gardner.
Through the fellowship, Gardner, said he had encountered the New Forest coven into which he was initiated in 1939. Believing the coven to be a survival of the pre-Christian witch-cult discussed in the works of Margaret Murray, he decided to revive the faith, supplementing the coven’s rituals with ideas borrowed from Freemasonry, ceremonial magic and the writings of Aleister Crowley to form the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca.
Moving to London in 1945, he became intent on propagating this religion, attracting media attention and writing about it in High Magic’s Aid (1949), Witchcraft Today (1954) and The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959). He also Founded a Wiccan group known as the Bricket Wood coven.
On May Day 1947, Gardner’s friend Arnold Crowther introduced him to Aleister Crowley, the ceremonial magician who had founded the religion of Thelema in 1904. Shortly before his death, Crowley elevated Gardner to the IV° of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and issued a charter decreeing that Gardner could admit people into its Minerval degree. The charter itself was written in Gardner’s handwriting and only signed by Crowley.
Gardner hoped to spread Wicca, and described some of its practices in a fictional form as High Magic’s Aid. Set in the twelfth-century, Gardner included scenes of ceremonial magic based on The Key of Solomon.
Queen Victoria Monument
Liverpool Crown Court is built on historical land that was originally home to Liverpool Castle. On he grounds of the court we have the Queen Victoria Monument.
The Queen Victoria Monument is a large neo-Baroque or Beaux-Arts monument at Derby Square in Liverpool.
A large ensemble featuring 26 bronze figures by C. J. Allen (some in New Sculpture style), it was designed by F. M. Simpson of the Liverpool School of Architecture, in collaboration with the local architectural firm of Willink and Thicknesse and built of Portland stone. The foundation stone was laid on 11 October 1902 by Field Marshal Lord Roberts, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces. The monument was unveiled on 27 September 1906. It is a Grade II Listed structure, a preservation category for structures of special public interest.
I find it highly strange that September 27 is also the 270th day of the year, can you see what I see? Remember 9+9+9 is 27, 999 is 666.
There are four groups of figures around the pedestal, representing agriculture, commerce, industry and education. Among the figures representing education is a statue modelled on Sir Oliver Lodge. A large (4.42 metres (14.5 ft) statue of Queen Victoria is at the centre, centred in four groups of columns which support a baldacchino-like open dome (which Terry Cavanagh called the monument’s “least successful feature”). On top of the column groups are four allegorical figures representing justice, wisdom, charity, and peace. Atop the dome itself is a large figure representing fame.
In Greek mythology, Pheme (/ˈfeɪmeɪ/ FAY may; Greek: Φήμη, Roman equivalent: Fama), also known as Ossa, was the personification of fame and renown, her favour being notability, her wrath being scandalous rumors. She was a daughter either of Gaia or of Elpis (Hope), was described as “she who initiates and furthers communication” and had an altar at Athens. A tremendous gossip, Pheme was said to have pried into the affairs of mortals and gods, then repeated what she learned, starting off at first with just a dull whisper, but repeating it louder each time, until everyone knew. In art, she was usually depicted with wings and a trumpet.
In Roman mythology, Fama (“rumor”) was described as having multiple tongues, eyes, ears and feathers by Virgil (in Aeneid IV line 180 and following) and other authors. Virgil wrote that she “had her feet on the ground, and her head in the clouds, making the small seem great and the great seem greater”
Nelson Monument Liverpool Town Hall
Nelson’s Monument is another symbol of Liverpool that has esoteric undertones hidden within its design, just like the Twin Tower Liver Buildings. You can find Nelson’s Monument at Liverpool’s Town Hall.
The Nelson Monument is a monument to Admiral Horatio Nelson, in Exchange Flags, Liverpool, England. It was designed by Matthew Cotes Wyatt and sculpted by Richard Westmacott. It stands to the north of the Town Hall and was unveiled in 1813.
Wikipedia tells us some information about the design of the monument. Look at the numbers game in this.
The monument consists of a bronze statue on a stone base. Its overall height is 29 (11) feet (8.8 m 88), and the circumference of the base is 95 feet 4 inches (29.1 m 1191). The base consists of a drum-shaped pedestal in Westmorland marble 8 feet 10 inches (2.7 m 9+9+9=27 9×3=27 Sun Worship) high, standing on a granite basement 6 feet (1.8 m 18=666) high. Seated around the pedestal are four statues depicting manacled prisoners sitting in poses of sadness; they represent Nelson’s major victories, the battles of Cape St Vincent, the Nile, Copenhagen, and Trafalgar. Set into the drum between the statues are four bronze bas-reliefs depicting other naval actions in which Nelson was involved. Encircling the pedestal above the statues are swags of laurel hanging from behind lions’ heads. Attached to rings in the lions’ mouths are chains that descend to manacle the prisoners. At the top of the pedestal is a cornice with an inscription in metal letters reading ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN TO DO HIS DUTY .
On top of the pedestal is a bronze group of figures 14 (14=77) feet 2 inches (4.3m 4=3=7 G on Masonic Compass = 7) high, each figure being 7 feet (2.1 2+1=3 trinity) in height, and forming a roughly pyramidal structure. There are five figures surrounded by the drapes and poles of captured flags, with an anchor and a rope on the ground. An idealised nude representation of Nelson stands with one foot on a cannon and the other on an enemy’s corpse, holding upright a sword on which Victory is placing the last of four crowns. To the right of Nelson is the figure of Death reaching out to touch him. On the left of Nelson is a British seaman striding forward. Behind Nelson is the figure of Britannia holding a laurel wreath and Nelson’s decorations.
The monument was the first item of public sculpture to be erected in Liverpool, and is recorded in the National Heritage List for England as a designated Grade II* listed building. Grade II* is the middle of the three grades of designation for listed buildings and is applied to “particularly important buildings of more than special interest”.
200 Million Deaths
100 Million Native Americans Culled
100 Million Hebrew Africans Culled
Liverpool’s Rise And Shame Of Torture & Death
Another huge black spot on the history of Liverpool is indeed the slave trade. The slave trade held many dark stories but one I have always thought about is how slaves were thrown overboard during times of low food and illness. It gets worse as owners of the slaves then documented to have filed and won insurance claims for loss of stock. The atrocity was aboard the Liverpool slave ship, Zong. 133 slaves to the new world as they were called were killed in the Zong massacre.
Many factors led to the demise of slavery including revolts, piracy, social unrest, and the repercussions of corruption such as slave insurance fraud, e.g. the Zong massacre case in 1783. It was Liverpool born politician William Roscoe who spearheaded the anti-Slavery movement in parliament at the time.
Estimates of total deaths in the entire slave trade range from 50 to 200 million, but even the lower estimates qualify the transatlantic slave trade as the greatest crime in human history. (The Nazi Holocaust and Stalin’s Gulag Archipelago are the only contenders.)
On 3 October 1699, the very same year that Liverpool had been granted status as an independent parish, Liverpool’s first ‘recorded’ slave ship, named Liverpool Merchant, set sail for Africa, arriving in Barbados with a ‘cargo’ of 220 Africans, returning to Liverpool on 18 September 1700. The following month a second recorded ship, The Blessing, set sail for the Gold Coast.
Vast profits from the slave trade transformed Liverpool into one of Britain’s foremost important cities. Liverpool became a financial center, rivaled by Bristol, another slaving port, and beaten only by London. In the peak year of 1799, ships sailing from Liverpool carried over 45,000 slaves from Africa.
Slavery in British colonies was finally abolished in 1833 and slave trading was made illegal in 1807 though some slavery apprenticeships ran until 1838 (911). However, many merchants managed to ignore the laws and continued to deal in underground slave trafficking, also underhandedly engaging in financial investments for slaving activities in the Americas.
The curse of Ham father of Canaan was invented by the Pharisees who were descendants of Cain. Cain was the biological son of Satan.
Liverpool FC was founded on June 3rd, 1892 although first became a club earlier in the year on the 15th March 1892.
There are 96 years between June 3rd, 1892, and the day of the Hillsborough disaster – April 15th 1989.
From 3/6/1892, Liverpool founded, to 15/4/1989, Hillsborough disaster, = 96 yrs plus 96+96+96 days and 96+96+96+96+96+96+96 hours. (96 yrs and 316 days.), 96 dead.
Scary Forshadowing Exposed – Multiple Topics | 96 | Juno | Is English Evil?
This is the weirdest thing you will ever see, the very start of me uploading videos to Youtube, and it is a very very very good date for us to look back over. It was march 15th 2014, in all its significance the ides of March. It was also the day Russia annexed Crimea. I was watching the football highlights program in the UK, Match of the day. A very big show, more so that night because Liverpool fc had played Manchester United, another of the top 5 well known and supported clubs in the land.
Liverpool versus Manchester is watched all over the world. This episode of Match of the day will have been watched by millions as Liverpool fc were looking good to go on and win the championship for the first time in 22 years. They beat Manchester Utd 3 – 0 on the day after Getting 3 penalties, missing one at Manchester United’s Stadium, Old Trafford. Considering the support in all Continents for the teams images seen in the above video certainly got the job done, but what did it mean ”ALL ELITES LEAVE THE PLANET” or something?
As you can see there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye, excuse the pun!! A bigger pattern can now stem from this so let’s begin to look deeper.
It was 2015, the hit show Match of the day first aired in the UK 46 years prior on the 22 August 1964. We have a 64 46 mirror here. Liverpool Versus Arsenal was the first ever game to be shown.
I’ve always known the year the club was founded but Liverpool Shockingly enough I discovered the club was created on the date of March 15th of the year 1892 (1892 is 9/11). It gets deeper, we knew at the start of my investigation. Do you remember the date of the match of the day show from earlier and the running theme of the strange symbols.
March 15 is the 74th day of the year (75th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 291 days remaining until the end of the year. In the Roman calendar March 15 was known as the Ides of March, and it was on this day that Julius Caesar was murdered. Next I calculated the days and years between the date of Liverpool fc foundation and the day of the spooky match of the day symbolism was it a secret birthday message.
From and including: Tuesday, 15 March 1892 (9/11) To and including: Saturday, 15 March 2014 (15 is 6 which is 33 the masonic number) Result: 44,560 days – we find the obama number 44 again and 5+6 is 11 It is 44,560 days from the start date to the end date, end date included Or 122 years, 1 day including the end date Alternative time units 44,560 days can be converted to one of these units:
3,849,984,000 seconds 64,166,400 minutes 1,069,440 hours 44,560 days 6365 weeks and 5 days
44,560 = 44 – 11
The assassination of Julius Caesar was the result of a conspiracy by forty Roman senators, the self-styled Liberatores. They were led by Cassius (see links to Mohammad Ali) and Brutus. The conspirators stabbed Caesar to death in the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March, 15 March 44 BC (here we see the 44 number the Obama number). Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic at the time. He had been declared dictator perpetuo (dictator for life) by the Senate. This declaration resulted in many senators fearing that Caesar’s ambition was to overthrow the Senate in favour of a tyranny.
Next we take a quick look at the huge phallic symbol that was lit up in red for the Champions League celebrations in the city. The Radio City 96.7 tower formerly known as St. Johns Beacon is one of many phallic symbols in the city. You can see an image below where I have joined the tower up with a picture of a phallus at Vatican City, Rome. This is symbolic of Nimrods lost penis. This will be explained later on in the article
I agree with anyone who says it is just a common aviation control tower, but for these purposes and the energy needed for these rituals this is a blatant phallus.
It is not just me who can see these things in this city and here is a very awakened friend of mine, Bob Mizer, who posted this next information on Facebook hours before Liverpool’s triumphant victory that seems more staged the more we look at it.
Something else worth pointing out is how when we seen players on the back of the parade bus we only ever seen two players with the number 6 on the back of their shirts. We would see the two 6’s next to each other at all times and the bus decorations had the 6 trophies that the club have now won on their display. This was 666 on display all day to the world. Over 750.000 people attended the parade as mentioned and the YouTube footage alone from @LFCTV had around 200.000 viewers as it was live.
Another point I must make is about the royals. We can never get through an entire ritual like this without the Royals being coded into it somewhere. For example at the Manchester Arena bombing we had royal bloodlines coded in via the name of a park near a terror attack. The Queen Victoria Gardens. This is quite common. So I was not surprised when I looked at the date of the parade June 2nd and found it did line up to alleged nobility.
June 2 is the 153rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 212 days remain until the end of the year.
The 212 days remaining are a 33 day, the 33 is mirrored by 2+1 and then the 1+2 giving us the two 3’s.
The Mirror date of June 2nd is July 31st. this is because July 31st is the 212nd day of the year. We may want to keep an eye out for an event on July 31st, 2019. But for now I am heading somewhere with this.
I mentioned the Royals and rightly so. This is because 66 years to the date of the parade we seen Queen Elizabeth the 2nd being crowned at her coronation. Here is a breakdown of the time duration between June 2nd 1953 and June 2nd 2019.
To ensure the mass ritual carried on in full flow, the next stage was set at Anfield for a nicely timed Take That comeback gig at the famous football ground on June 6th 2019, yes that 66 again, 6/6!
As I was taking the weeks events in like wow, wow, wow, I felt excited for the team I have supported all my life winning the 6th European Cup. But wow to how in my face all these synchronicities were. We really have been hammered this week. They have spirit cooked the living daylights out of us. Anyone with a basic understanding of the occult will confirm this to you with one look at this article if it is new to you.
Watch this video and look at the big screens, they are another fiasco hidden in plain sight.

I have no words for that big giant God of War behind Take that and Gerry Marsden at Anfield. Can somebody explain to me what it has got to do with Take That, Gerry Marsden, You’ll never Walk alone or Liverpool or shall I tell you what it is because it has nothing to do with any of the above whatsoever. The backdrop to the Take That and Gerry Marsden Satanic performance was a bad omen. Why would anyone want to show so many people so many bad omens all centered around one seemingly joyful occasion?
Here is some more articles of mine that show moons and Mars and why they are omens. Take note we have a blood moon due on around the 16/17th of July 2019. This follows Junes Summer Solstice on the 22nd when all the pagans and druids will be out in force as usual. If we see an uptick in animal slashings again this year such cat mutilations and horses attacked to obtain blood for rituals then we know who to blame.
April 21 Green Moon Played Down, But Was It An Attack Omen For 111th Day Of Year | Build-up To May 1
Black Moon Rises But What did It Mean? | Lileth | Mars | God of War | End of days
We have seen the number 6 ever since June 1st. What else can I dig out for you to highlight how this all works? Let us look at the number 6 a moment.
In the Bible, the number 6 symbolizes man and human weakness, the evils of Satan and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on the sixth day. Men are appointed 6 days to labor.
A Hebrew slave was to serve six years and be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number 6 is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus.
The bringing together of three 6‘s is the number and mark of the end time Beast of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce WITHOUT God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.
Man’s system on earth is made up of three parts (economic, religious and governmental) all of which are influenced and led by Satan. When 666 is multiplied by 7 it equals 4662, which depicts man’s total imperfection under Lucifer. When added across, 4 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 18; and 18 divided by 3 is 6.
6% Of 666 is 39.96, I find this interesting. I do not have to point out the 96 to Liverpool fans or people who understand 96 as meaning as above so below again but i will. Now what about that 39? 13×3=39. Jesus is linked by the 39 lashings he received during his crucifixion. Mars is said to be 39 million miles away. There are 39 members of the Bilderberg group. if we flip the numbers we which we relate to Aleister Crowley and his Thelema 93 teachings as well as the sun allegedly being 93 million miles away.
The 11.100% we got from dividing 666 by 6 left us with a 111. This gives us a 3 which is the number of the Holy Trinity. Symbol of the Trinity of God, One and Three times Saint. It represents the God-Father in the Holy Trinity. It symbolizes also the Sky.
According to the narration of Maria Valtorta, during of the bearing of the Cross until the Golgotha just like at the moment of his crucifixion, Jesus is escorted by 111 Roman soldiers: 1 commander, named Longin, 10 knights and 100 other soldiers. It is Longin who, having seen how Jesus had expired, declared “In truth this man was the Son of God” (Mk 15,39).
The popes John-Paul I and John-Paul II have been elected both by a conclave of 111 cardinals.
The magic square using the first 36 numbers is associated to the sun and has for sum 111. If we add each number up from 1 to 36 we get 666.
Can you remember when Liverpool beat Paris Saint Germain 3-2 in the group stages of the Champions League at Anfield? They were leading 2-0 only for PSG to drag it back to 2-2 before Roberto Firmino came of the bench to score a late winner days after hurting his eye and being deemed unfit to start the match? He covered his eye to mock an all seeing eye as his celebration. Roberto Firmino is covered in sigils as you can see on his tattoos. Research illuminati star tattoo meaning.
You can read my article about Liverpool F.C’s biblical transfers that no one noticed when I featured Roberto Firmino, Mo Salah, Sadio Mane and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain here.
Occult Liverpool F.C: The Biblical Transfers That Nobody Noticed – Salah, Firmino, Mane, Ox
Liverpool have reached 3 European finals in a row since Jurgen Klopp took charge and the German made it 3rd time lucky with the 2019 Champions League win after defeat in the final a year earlier to Real Madrid who are based in the city where Liverpool lifted their 6th European Cup. The semi-final draw last year was very dubious as Liverpool were drawn against Roma but the match seemed to be fixed from the start as Roma fans were sent emails with ticket and travel information for a tie with Liverpool before the draw had been made. I covered this last year. Here is my article below.
UEFA Champions League Semi Final Roma V Liverpool Draw Fix Exposed
There is more than one team in Liverpool and this brings me to my next topic I want to talk about. The red/blue, Everton/Liverpool divide and conquer tactic used on the people.
You see, in Liverpool we are born boy or girl, (no offence to LGBT alphabet community intended) or a Liverpool or Everton fan. The success levels between the two clubs suggest it is the Evertonians who have been drawn the short straw when their allegiance is sworn for them by parents when they are young. The tit-for-tat between us Liverpool fans and Evertonians is outright childish and pathetic. It was out in force during the build up to the final with Everton fans resorting to placing Tottenham Hotspur flags outside their homes or even using Spurs club logos as facebook profile pictures.
Liverpool went on to win the cup and the Everton fans were sent into a frenzy very much with the opposing energy of that from the Liverpool fans. It drove them nuts watching us basque in our teams glory.
Everton’s iconic Rupert’s tower was vandalised by Liverpool fans who placed 6’s on the historical landmark that is featured on the Everton F.C club badge.
Evertonians retaliated by spray painting the word nonce on a wall mural of Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp.
The problem here is the people doing it could not see the problem. In fact, they could not see the meaning of it all in the first place and this leads us into the merging of the red and blue to make purple and why that is important to the occult realm.
I mentioned bloodlines earlier and this is why. This is where I wanted to explain it to you because the red and blue is important.
There are many factors to the symbolism behind the colour coding around our two famous football teams whose stadiums are separated by just a park. The closest teams in the Premier League with around a mile between them.
Brothers, sisters, friends, lovers and colleagues all around the city have a common difference. Households are split in two by the red and the blue of Liverpool and Everton Football Clubs.
This now takes down another line of research that I have waited a very long time to explain properly all in one place and the city and teams we love provides us with the perfect platform for me to do just that.
Red and Blue is Fire and Ice, is that phrase familiar to you after the last 8 years of Game of Thrones? I thought so!
The red represents the sun and the blue is symbolic of the moon. Yes we have more sun and moon references but it gets deeper.

The Scarab Beatles
The Beatles are another gang of crafty string pullers and they are next on the page and boy are we going to have a good time with this section.
March 11 – Creation Day – A blot is done in honor of the Creation of the world bo Odin, Vili, and Ve on this day (3/11=33). – Ken Dodd Death, 2017.
March 15 – Ides of March – Caesar murdered 44BC (one month before the Hillsborough disaster, Fordica Roman festival) –
“The Reed Entered”. Its exact significance is uncertain (the reeds may refer to the river bank where Attis was exposed as a child and rescued by Cybele). A nine-day period of abstinence from bread, pomegranates, quinces, pork, fish, and probably wine began. Only milk was permitted as a drink.
Key events include the Christchurch Masacre in 2019. Also be sure to check out my true prediction where I named the date and place for the Ides of March 2018 bridge collapse after the Valentines day, Florida school shootings when I decoded that event.
March 22 – Hilaria (7 days after Ides of March) – Skull & Bones (322 3/22) – Brussels Airport Bombings 2016.
“The Tree Entered” (Arbor intrat). A pine tree from a wood sacred to Cybele is felled following the sacrifice of a ram at its roots. The tree was carried in procession through the city as if in a funeral to the Temple of Cybele on the Palatine Hill.
March 23 – A day of mourning – The Salii, dancing priests of Mars performed their sacred dance and the mourning and fasting continued. Salii has also been also viewed as as marking the opening and the closing of the yearly war season. The opening would coincide with the day of the Agonium Martiale on March 19, and the closing with the day of the Armilustrium on October 19 (8 days after the Ides, 8 = 44, Saturn, Obama number)
Trebes – Day Of Mourning Ritual Three Evils 69 Season Of War Begins
March 24 – “The Day of Blood” (Sanguis). Frenzied rites including scourging and whipping. Castration rituals would take place on this day. The tree is symbolically buried.
March 25 – “The Day of Joy” (Hilaria) celebrating the resurrection of Attis. This was the hilaria proper (as opposed to the mournful tone of the previous days).
March 26 – A day of rest.
March 27 – “The Washing” (Lavatio). Added by Marcus Aurelius.
March 28 – Possible ceremony at the Vatican sanctuary. Appears in the Calendar of Philocalus.
Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History: New York 9/11 Code And The Lost Twin of Babylon, Liverpool and WW1, Liverpool WW2, Liverpool Slave Trade, Liverpool Heysel Disaster, Liverpool Hillsborough Disaster, Liverpool 1911 Transport Strike, Occult Liverpool, Hillsborough Decoded, Liverpool History Explained, Liverpool History Enchanted LifePath, Liverpool History Documentary, Liverpool Bin Dippers, Liverpool Heysel Murderers name tag, Liverpool Branded Murderers, Thatcher’s Managed Decline of Liverpool, Managed Decline Liverpool, EU Commission Liverpool, Liverpool Docks, History Of Liverpool Docks, Occult LFC, Liverpool Football Club, Babylon, Liverpool Is Babylon, Is Liverpool Part of Babylon, Liverpool River Mersey, Titanic Liverpool, Alfie Evans Liverpool, Government against Liverpool, Liverpool Propaganda, Winston Churchill Liverpool Invasion, Winston Churchill attacked Liverpool, Liverpool slave trade history, Slave trade abolished, Camel Laird, World In Action Liverpool, World In Action Bin Dippers in Liverpool, Scouse Not English, Liverpool reform, Liverpool Referendum, Liverpool May Day Blitz, Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History Liverpool History