Gatwick Airport in London was placed in lockdown causing severe disruptions to holiday makers as police and military chased an alleged pair of drones for 33 hours after what seems to be another government staged hoax that is fully supported by mainstream media.
In this article we will find out plenty of motive as to why the government would want to stage such an incident and we look at who benefits apart from them of course.

I get the feeling somebody wanted that airport closed but does not want to say why so. These airport flight suspensions look to have been planned to test the country’s resolve for forthcoming Brexit trauma. We also have to look at this as a cover-story that could lead to changes in already strong rules and regulations around drones. All will be explained.
Two drones where allegedly spotted by the most sharp-eye’d person on earth at around 9pm last night.
The airport runways where closed as investigators searched for the drones before giving the airfield the all clear around 3am.
The runway was again closed no sooner had it opened as the mystery drones returned sparking more media hype that has now triggered a pre-Christmas frenzy.
Drones were still being reported in sight over the airport at 7am the following morning as you can see in my video (above).

Sussex police called in the military to assist them in finding the drones.
Reports from Sly News, Martin Brunt, state the military will use special technology to locate the source of the drones.

All aircraft remained grounded at Gatwick with the closure affecting other airports where planes are being diverted to.
Over 100.000 people were caught up in this possible Gatwick drone psy-op and spent hours stranded at the airport and look set to have their Christmas holiday travel plans ruined.
The people who are stranded are complaining of a lack of information from the airport.
The drones are described as being bigger than the average commercial drone and reports on lamestream news suggest one source of panic within the authorities is that they may have been loaded with explosives.
If they was loaded with bombs then they would not be playing hide and seek, they would just be a delivery system for the explosive so this theory is more propaganda. All this without anyone seeing much footage considering the amount of camera phones within the vicinity let alone world press. As one of my subscribers said in comments on YouTube, they will not have used a drone because if it may then be traced back to them, as in the government.
That main point again is who benefits?
One Enchanted LifePath follower posted on the Facebook Page:
“This is a FF, (False Flag) what if you wanted to get drones out of the publics hands?
“Drones can film things that authorities may want hidden.
“Although I think it is alarmist, but the army is being called in for BREXIT, there will be food shortages because they are telling people not to stockpile.
“There could be all kinds of shenanigans and they don’t want people capturing it on video.
“Other thoughts I have.
“So far the msm is all over this and as of yet there are no photos of these drones.
“Why you may ask?
“Reports are that they are flying for far longer than even professional drones can. Showing photos of the drones would allow enthusiasts to identify the make and model.”
Sly News have just stated that the main thing that can be taken from all of this “chaos” is what can be learned from it.
The sneaky presenter told us what is going on in the background regarding the data grab which is part of the, problem, reaction, solution propaganda that is being span on televisions around the world right now.
He said police and military will be helping each other to gather data before going on to claim we may face new rules and laws before an aviation spokeperson said laws had already been changed recently.
News reporters also kept saying how the people who are doing this “face a five-year jail term for the serious crime”, is this as if to say the sentence is short?
They are telling us drones are a problem to aircraft all around the world but who actualy has the audacity and owns a big enough set of drones to close the second largest airport in Britain let alone take out an aircraft?
Here is a drone being taken out by a toilet roll at a sporting event in Argentina.
Gatwick airport officials and police are contact with the M.o.D who are all in bed in this aparent the psy-op.
The whole story leaves questions including why the drones were not taken out or disabled as they have been flying around the airport all day and night? How many batteries do thes epeople have? 33 hours we are told they caused mayhem, do these people not sleep?
US airports use jammers to block the frequencies used to control drones, disabling them if they are anywhere near a commercial or military runway.
Whilst the war on drones is waged, this YouTube channel called the K Spot posted a video where it’s host, Kevin, explains perfectly well why the average drone is not a problem to authorities as they have an inbuilt geo-fence system that shuts them down if they go within unathorised airspace. Does this mean we do not have to be scared of drones? Pretty much so yes it does.
The video below shows several options, we then also must look into airport signal jammers, big police drones with nets that are used in Tokyo, or laser mounted mini AUV’s then ask how has this happened?
The video littearlly blows all reports out of the water?
Now what have Sly News got to say for themselves?
The incident has already triggered media calls for Britain to toughen up its anti-drone technology as the money trails begin to come to the front line.
An article from Daily Fail propped up that propaganda by publishing this racy headline which blew financial kisses at the people who make the devices that are used to take out drones that we just seen in the video above.

Samuel Luff, owner of Apollo Drones was contacted by the Mail to conduct an interview which will have done his company very well publicity wise.
Apollo Drones, like Samuel is based in Surrey, the same place from where Surrey police force are conducting the investigation into the alleged drone activity over Gatwick.

Samuel Luff, Owner of Apollo Drones has been flying them for five years, said he believes the operator could have been manning the drone from up to five miles away.

Mr Luff, who runs Apollo Drone Services in Redhill, Surrey, also pointed out that it was raining at the time the drone was first sighted – giving further evidence that the device is specialised enough to work in wet conditions.
Given his expertise it would not so much of a tongue-in-cheek joke to suggest it is Samuel and his friends who are flying the mystery drones.

Here is another person with the same surname who has an intersting career path too. Simon Luff’s LinkedIn profile tells us he is a strategy director and digital consultant, connecting the dots between data, tech and content. Global social strategy lead for British Airways, overseeing content planning, listening and insights, customer care, crisis management and digital. He has had roles at BBC, OgilvyOne Worldwide, Wunderman.
He is also the current owner of a company called Hatamoto providing digital consultancy services, and developing AI customer profiling and ad testing products.
He attended Lancaster University.

It now gets much worse with the product placement as none other than Peter Jones, from Dragons Den gets in on the act but ahead of time and he won’t have expected anyone to put this to the puzzle but here goes.
On September, 9, 2018, Drone Safe Register, announced they were delighted to welcome Peter Jones and his team to DSR who provide CAA approved drone operators for hire and boast to list the most talented people in the country.

DSR then announced that Drone Detection Systems are now in use at Gatwick Airport. This looks like somebody wanted to force a sale or smply embed new technology but to do it they have created this big fiasco and ruined over 100.000 peoples Christmas plans. If they want to force new laws and technology why not just do it? Why do they have to stage events?
Here you can see a post on their Facebook page from today which is Thursday, December 20, it is now 23:00. You can see the time stamp on the screenshot below to prove when this announcement was made by DSR.

It does not stop there either as we learn how DSR made another announcement regarding the drone market in 2019 is about to have a boost.
The thing is they posted this 50 minutes before the first drones were spotted.
Look at the time and date on this post and remember the problems began around 21:00 on the 19th of December.

If that is not enough motive for you then let’s step this up. The thing is, when you have watched so many hoaxes and witnessed an abundance of lies from blabbering news reporters and politicians when you are a human lie detector you can pick out the bullshit a mile away and this is where 20 police forces, the military and world media come into the spotlight courtesy of Enchanted LifePath and once again we search for answers only to find more questions, let’s go.
A motive is a reason for somebody to carry out an act. We pretty much call all these hoaxes and false flags out instantly. For someone to pull a stunt like this they will have a reason, a motive, it is up to us to find who benefits and reveal the money shots along the way as well as the new laws and regulations that stem from these predicaments.
So what do we look at when we want to see what new rules and laws may be in the pipeline? When looking for the people with the biggest motive for the events over the past week where does that lead us straight to?
The simple answer is parliament, and this is where we verify that we are infact ruled by liars who make themselves look important because they have built themselves a stage to be important on, self glorification and justification at its worst.
This next Bill is being prepared for publication.
#Drone (Regulation) Bill 2017-19, its second reading debate is on Friday 15 February 2019.
Nice timing…… Laugh, laugh.

1st reading: House of Commons (no debate) | 05.09.2017
2nd reading: House of Commons | 15.02.2019
Latest news on the Drone (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
This Bill is expected to have its second reading debate on Friday 15 February 2019.
This Bill was presented to Parliament on Tuesday 5 September 2017. This is known as the first reading and there was no debate on the Bill at this stage.
This Bill is a Private Member’s Bill. These are often not printed until close to the second reading debate. If the text is not yet available here and you wish to know more about this bill please contact its sponsor, Mr Peter Bone.
Summary of the Drone (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
A Bill to regulate the purchase and use of drones weighing 5 kilograms or more; and for connected purposes.
The size of the drone has been key all along.
Its not relevent but Mr, Bone’s name rhymes with drone, I just thought I would mock it some more before we move on and on and on with logic in a minefield of blurred lines.

What this stinks of is agenda, it does look as though this has all been done by design as usual. We have a governemnt eager to pass new bills regarding drones. There was 20 police forces so inept that they could not find who was controlling two drones so the military had to be called in. Two arrests soon followed based on intel from the 20 police forces and the Ministry of Defence. Somehow they released the two suspects without charge k=no longer classed as suspects. The same two people whose faces were plastered all over world press. Gatwick Airport have now offered a £50.000 reward for information leading to an arrest. This is laughable. If you believe any of this pre-Chritsmas pantomime you seriously need to have a major shake up in how you see the world and fast before these clowns run amock. All this intel, all these agencies, all this money, a reported 33 hours of every news company in Britain with cameras trained on the skies around Gatwick airport yet we have no clear footage of the drones. We are told there has been anything between 50 and 70 sightings but somehow we have police telling us there may have not been any drones in the first place? How stupid does this make all the afore mentioned establishments look? Seriously? Is this who we allow to govern us as they continue to make things up as they go along?

The image above shows press reports as late as December, 23, 2018. They show the media and police stating there may have been no drone. How much more do I have to point out to show this has all been a big game played on the masses? Has anyone involved given a better more reasonable explanation so far as you are seeing on this page? This is serious, I have been tracking what I calll the war on humanity for years and this has every single hallmark.

Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingley said there was “always a possibility that there may not have been any genuine drone activity in the first place.”
He added: “That’s a possibility. We are working with human beings saying they have seen something.
“Until we’ve got more clarity around what they’ve said, the detail – the time, place, direction of travel, all those types of things – and that’s a big task.”
But he said one of the “working theories” was that a damaged drone found close to the airport in Horley was responsible for causing the disruption.
He said: “Always look at it with an open mind but it’s basic common sense that a damaged drone, which may have not been there at a particular point in time has now been seen by an occupier, a member of the public, and then they’ve told us, ‘We’ve found this’.
“Then we go and forensically recover it and do everything we can at that location to try and get a bit more information.”
“We are also going through many reports of sightings of drone activity over the last few days.

The couple who were arrested then released without charge or facing any further investigations have been speaking of how they feel violated by the way they have been portrayed in the media after they were detained and questioned for suspicion of being involved in the operation of the alleged drones that caused the cancellation of around 1000 flights.
Tingley said the arrests made on Friday night were as a result of a tip-off from a member of the public.
“I’m completely satisfied the arrests were lawful, bearing in mind the burden of proof and likely suspicion at the time of arrest,” he said.
“Obviously we had to be sure prior to release, in terms of that investigation, they were no longer suspects.”
Mr Tingley continued: “I won’t apologise, but what I will say is we really do appreciate their co-operation and we have put a lot of effort and resources into supporting them when they were released from questioning.”

How can anyone deploy a £2.6 million Isreal style “Drone Dome defense system with lasers” and use them to “defeat the drones” then announce that there may have been no drones after all? How does any of this utter nonsense make any sense? It does not so is it fictional non sense? What is going on with these people? We only have to look at my reports about police and military training for civil unrest in the event of a No-Deal-Brexit.

Police officers stand near equipment on the rooftop of a building at London Gatwick Airport, south of London, on December 21, 2018. (Ben Stansall/AFP)

UK army said to use Israeli-made system to end drone chaos at London airport After hours of futile efforts, UK daily says Rafael’s ‘Drone Dome’ was brought in to ground UAV that caused tens of thousands of passengers at Gatwick to miss their flights Six of the systems, which were developed by Israeli defense firm Rafael, were sold to the UK Ministry of Defense in August in an estimated $20 million deal, according to Israel’s Globes financial daily.
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd develops and manufactures advanced defense systems for the Israeli Defense Forces and the defense establishment, as well as for foreign customers around the world. Rafael is one of Israel’s largest defense companies, with 2016 net profit of $123 million and record-high orders totaling $2.8 billion. We are also the largest employer in Northern Israel with approximately 7,500 employees and numerous subcontractor and service suppliers!
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. is participating at FARNBOROUGH 2018, Chalet No. B15. 08/07/2019 – 1 month before contract made with MoD
Rafael is a leading developer and manufacturer of advanced aerial systems provides a full aircraft munition suite from reconnaissance to navigation and targeting pods, to wideband SDR communication and precise EO air-to-ground combs. Rafael is a pioneer in air defence systems from detection to interception.
Rafael’s Multi layered Air Defense
Rafael is a pioneer in air defence systems from detection to interception. Rafael is presenting the following systems: Air-to-Ground: SPICE FAMILY (2000, 1000, 250) – Family of stand-off air-to-ground gliding bombs based on Rafael’s unique scene-matching technology for precise hits at ranges of up to 100 km.
*New* Rafael’s SPICE-250 will also be exhibited on the Gripen (booth OE14 and on the Eurofighter aircraft, booth OE19/20.
Electro-optics: LITENING 5 – Multi-spectral airborne targeting pod for targeting and designation of targets by day and night from large standoff ranges.
RECCELITE XR – New generation, day/night electro-optical tactical reconnaissance pod for real-time imagery collection and data transfer. *New* SKYSPOTTER – Advanced EO sensor for real-time airspace monitoring, early detection and accurate tracking of aerial objects, including drones, aircraft, UAV’s, etc. When connected to Rafael’s Drone Dome, the integrated system also enables interception of the targets, using a high-power laser beam.
Drone Detection and Neutralization System: DRONE DOME – Innovative end-to-end system designed to provide effective airspace defense against hostile drones. Drone Dome has 360° circular coverage and is designed to detect, track, and neutralize drones either by jamming their communication or destroying them using a laser beam. Air Defence: MIC4AD – Advanced, unified, integrated Air Defense Command & Control system.
The UK’s second-biggest airport will come under French ownership after Gatwick’s largest shareholder announced it was selling a majority stake to infrastructure giant Vinci for £2.9bn. US investment fund Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) will dispose of a 50.01pc stake on behalf of itself and other shareholders to the French company, which will keep existing management in place.
Drone Detection and Neutralization System: DRONE DOME – Innovative end-to-end system designed to provide effective airspace defense against hostile drones. Drone Dome has 360° circular coverage and is designed to detect, track, and neutralize drones either by jamming their communication or destroying them using a laser beam.
Have we just witnessed a joint military and police drill at one of our major airports that cost airlines astronomical amounts of money? More to the point it had over 100.000 people emotionally up the wall as their well planned festive season turned into a media hyped nightmare. Sly News are still reporting that with the constant threat of drones in the sky there could be more flights cancelled at Gatwick in future. But have they not just installed a £2.6 million military defence weapon which can track and disable drones? Can you hear the rubbish everyone is talking?
Have they used this as a reason to deploy a military weapon on an area mostly populated by civilians who they have contained? Was this a drill to test the resolve of an airport after March 29, did they employ a facial recognition test on the 120.000 people?
Days after the farce began the airport sold a majority stake to a French company for £2.9 billion.
This comes just weeks after 02 had a network outage that lasted for over 24 hours which coincided with the arrest of the CEO of China’s lead telecommunications technology company Huwawei, for reportedly breaking US sanctions on Iran whilst she was at an airport in Canada.
Huwawei does have the ability to disable mobile phone networks but it is not clear if the arrest and the signal outage were linked or if it was another cyber attack psy-op just like the WanaCry NHS ransom hoax we had to put up with in 2017. Or maybe even the IT glitch stunt they pulled at none other than Gatwick Airport.
We are seeing more technical glitches closing airports now with another incident breaking as I am typing it is Sunday, December, 23, 2019, and reports that Birmingham airport is cancelling flights after an air tarffic control system failure.

This really does now play well into the hands of the drills we have seen over the months. Look at what I have said about the anti-facist marches in 2018. I feel they have looked like staged crowd control drills which may have been used as part of the police training in preperation for the predicted civil unrest in March 2019 and onwards. Let me show you how we caught them earlier in the year.
#Westminster Terror Crash Hoax – Mystery Van Joined By Mystery Black Car Moments After Crash… Police Deny Driving Van That Followed Hoax Car, But Who Drove Black Car? – Footage Analysed But BBC Purposely Reduce Quality Of Images…
If we look at the Westminster crash in the summer that was covered by Enchanted LifePath, you will see how they used a car ramming into the barriers outside Parliament, this was a test of the defences and a prime example of product placement and justification as I said at the time in my article about the barriers linked below.
If we look at how days before the Gatwick incident, we had the government announcing that there will be 3.500 troops on standby to assist the police and local authorities with the fall-out of Brexit in March. Then think about how we have had events where town centers have been placed on lockdown after other hoaxes such as the Hull bank attacks debacle that I covered from September 11, 2018.
A man is reported to have entered two banks with a meat clever and a container full of petrol shouting “I want my money” with no escape plan, on foot, setting a tiny fire in one bank and expected to get away with it? This happened before armed police let him run away into a trainstation where they decided they could taser him? My point is they have been staging little scenarios all year with civil unrest themed situations that has allowed them to build more reason to push laws and gather data on the results of the drills whilst controlling how people see the world.
I now need to show you what I am saying about Brexit and how this may tie in to the reports of military and police training to help with chaos expected at ports and motorways. We have people stranded at airports all over Christmas. People are being stopped from moving in huge numbers, we had 100.000+ people contained within an airport that had police and military all over it meaning it was effectively in a state of marshall law just like we seen at Alder Hey hospital with police doing round the clock marches around the perimiter of the medical complex as members of the public where feeling like they was in a living nightmare over the sad death of Alfie Evans.
Look at my article from July 2018.
Police could be forced to call on military amid fears no-deal Brexit could spark riots, leaked report says. New disturbing narritive comes weeks after Enchanted LifePath article about temporary morgues being placed around UK linked no No-Deal Brexit.

Members of the public are asking what is going on after becoming aware of mobile temporary morgues full of body bags which they describe as being “strategically placed” around the UK.
A spooky post on social media platform, Facebook raised eyebrows after a trucker explained how he and a colleague had delivered two of the mystery containers each to an old R.A.F base in Norfolk.

The trucker said: “Hi folks, what are your thoughts on this?
“I’m a trucker and on Wednesday myself and another truck picked up two refrigerated containers each.
“We took them to an old RAF base in Norfolk.
“Many more of these units are being strategically placed all over the country”.
The trucker added: “They are temporary morgues.
“I know because I asked.
“They said they can not tell me why.
“They was loaded with body bags, strange or what? I said is it in case Brexit is not covered? Lol”.

Another person also posted on Facebook to ask if anyone knew anything of the morgues and body bags with confusion still surrounding the containers.
An 2017 article from Kent Online shows how the NHS planned to draft in a mobile morgue during last years winter in a bid to lower the pressure on the local mortuary after an expected rise in deaths.
A Nottingham based company called LEEC provide solutions for situations where temporary facilities are required and mobile morgues is something they specialise in.
their website claims they offer a series of portable buildings providing body storage, post mortem rooms, changing areas, viewing and office accommodation.
They also provide temporary refrigerated body stores both large and small scale.

The containers also have a 40 body capacity and are available for fast dispatch around the UK, although it is not yet known if LEEC have any contracts with the British government the operation, if true, does seem FEMA-esque.
What are they preparimng for if this is true about the morgues, if they are staging mass crowd control events at airports and facism marches?
To me it is pretty clear they are up to something that all of this has been done with a lot of planning that has been put in place over a period of time that makes the vote on Brexit seem like it was yesterday. If truth be told, this has all been scripted to happen for a lot longer than most of our lifetimes. These people are years ahead in the production of the games they play with the people of the world. I hope you are wiser to them now as we head into 2019. Speaking of which.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1 “Happy New Year” – 2019 – 88 days later….. March 29, Brexit day, Judgement day…. Civil Unrest?