Madeleine McCann Proof Of Life conundrum leaves huge questions aimed at how missing kids searches are funded….
The point of this article is how I make connections between other missing children. Some have have had high profile coverage whilst family members of others have been let down by authorities and media for at least 30 years. The main issue here is proof of life and funding. We have a situation where one family with no evident proof of life for Madeleine McCann being engulfed with public money. Yet on the other hand there are families who have been searching for missing loved ones who also have no proof of life. These families struggle to gain anywhere near the exposure or finances as the McCann’s. But why? Is this fair? Is it right? How are cases treated differently?
There is a huge gulf between government and police spending when we compare some cases. The hunt for Madeleine McCann has cost the British Tax payer a hefty £12 million since 2007. This is around £1 million per year. British born Katrice Lee vanished in Germany in 1981. Ben Needham went missing on the Greek isle of Kos in 1989. Mary Boyle has not been seen since March 1977. The investigations to find all of these children have had an embarrassing fraction of the money that the McCann’s have leveraged so far. Is the government not telling us something?
Have they had proof of life regarding Madeleine? If the answer is no we must now ask why has one case received so much money when others have been severely under funded in contrast? Has our government and police provided a good enough reason to support the McCann’s in such a way? If they have proof of life for Maddie then should they should prove it to justify the spending? A freedom of information request will be sent to relevant departments to ask these questions.
Kerry Needham, mother of missing Ben, was a guest on ITV’s Loose Women (a brain cell destroying tv show in the UK) where she spoke of the lack of support in the search for her son in comparison to Kate and Gerry’s mainstream hunt for Madeleine McCann.
She said: “It hurts, it hurts us and it hurts me as Ben’s mum. I’m not taking anything away from it all, she (Madeleine) deserves to be found, but so does Ben. We have not had a fraction of that help.”

Kerry Needham has received around £80.000 in 30 years for her battle to find Ben whilst the case of Katrice Lee resurfaced in the news during 2018 when 100 soldiers took part in a dig at a river bank in Paderborn, Germany. Military police state the cost of the 5 week operation was £100.000. This totals to around £52 per week since 1981.
This is in-line with DWP benefits or working tax credits in about 2015. The Father of Katrice Lee, Richard Lee was a serving member of the British Military and was stationed at a base in Paderborn when his daughter was snatched from a local supermarket. The lack of funding is an example of how our government have treated a former military veteran who has been front line of a 38 year ordeal along with his loving family who miss katrice dearly.

Take note that the article below contains information on how the McCann’s all had seemingly fake passports. I also highlighted how easy it is for child traffickers to move kids around the world based on them being very young toddlers on travel document photographs that do not identify the 3 or 4 year old person who is presented to security during check-ins at ports and airports. How is it possible for a family who all traveled on dodgy passports before being caught up in one of the most historical missing child cases ever managed to get so much funding?
The recent news of a documentary to be aired on Netflix that reports in today’s media suggest could solve the case of Madeleine McCann has raised eye brows with myself and many others. Onlookers were fast to point out that the McCann search has cost a large amount of money and taken professional police forces over a decade without making any charges. For media outlets to publish articles claiming an internet TV website program may be key to resolving the issue once and for all is ludicrous. Look at this out of context nonsense from the New York Post.
My main line of thought was “oh look it is now time for the McCann story to hit the States and get a super hype department USA style makeover as the yanks look to cash in on another epic hoax”. This new documentary is said to have cost around £20 million. All this money and still no Madeleine. Again I ask is this an interactive game show? I have said many times it is highly likely that this has all been a police operation to leave an open case that allows police to then search a wider scope of missing children. I have suggested the McCann’s are police assets who are acting out the role of grieving parents and suspects in the public eye. During the Netflix show we are told that around 600 children have been found on the back of Maddie’s story. This further confirms my claims after I have had the ability to read between the lines and see what is going on.
I suggest people watch operation ore on YouTube and see how deep police will go to leave “no stone left un-turned”. It is my belief that the McCann’s may have actually done a good thing and taken people’s abuse as they acted out the role of grieving parents who are also suspects in the eye of the public for this huge world wide child trafficking investigation.
I point to a case in the United States when police used media connections to make a documentary about a baby boy being decapitated by a suspected child killer. His father was a chat show host who it is also thought had sold his son into a paedophile ring. During that documentary they showed the photograph of five other missing kids, all of whom where found after the show aired. The story was then found to be a hoax staged by police to then go and find the other children and unite them with their loving parents. I have many articles and hours and hours of live streams on the McCann saga and this has been what I have said all along. I have told you why it is a story line and I have explained why I find that to be the case. This has all been a way for media and police to leak information and leave codes or warnings to those who are causing severe harm to children around the world and here closer to home in the UK. Britain alone has more missing children per year than the whole of Europe combined.
We now have some more unanswered questions relating to the case of Madeleine McCann and many other missing or sadly murdered children to hit the news in our lifetime. There is a pattern that has gone unnoticed until now and it is in relation to military bases in areas close to where each child was last seen or found dead.

Madeleine allegedly vanished just a 15 minutes drive from a Portuguese military base called Gabinete de Atendimento de Lagos, in May 2007. Katrice Lee was taken from a supermarket close to a British military base in Paderborn, West Germany, in the winter of 1981. Birmingham born Mary Boyle vanished into thin air as she enjoyed a trip to her Grandmothers house in Ballyshannon on the County Donegal/County Fermanagh border, Ireland in March 1977. Mary Boyle is Ireland’s longest missing person. County Donegal has two military bases in the towns of Ballyshannon and Letterkenny which are linked to Tony Blair and the McCann’s. Kate and Gerry along with Madeleine and the twins visited family in the area just weeks before Maddie supposedly disappeared as reported in my research. The bodies of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were discovered close to RAF Lakenheath in August 2002.

The military bases are one thing that connects the stories of the many families but for all the wrong reasons. It may or may not be a huge line of interest for authorities but the link is clear for all to see. Another thing that has a huge say in how the families have had to live with what happened to them is proof of life. Most of the parents of the missing children are left in limbo whilst Kate Healy and Gerry McCann have had worldwide recognition, written books and even fought court cases to clear their name. None of the parents have had proof of life and out of all the incidents that have been discussed here, only the McCann’s have been suspects and managed to make a fortune on the back of what seems to be a story line that groomed the masses for a very long time. Well that is not entirely true as some people have pointed fingers towards Mary Boyle’s parents most notably her mother Ann.
All of the parents mentioned feel that their children are still alive including the mother of Mary Boyle who spoke to Ocean FM in May 2018. In a very strange interview Ann Boyle told listeners that she believed Mary had been “taken to the country and brainwashed”. She also spoke of how the kidnappers had targeted her with threats after the 6 year old girl went missing.
The interview ends with Mary Boyle’s sister coming onto the talk radio phone in and telling the host that she has long fallen out with her mother who she fully suspects is holding back key information regarding her missing sister. A family rift continues to this day. The case of Mary Boyle has also fallen silent with a high level cover-up sited as one of the reasons. Do you see another pattern?